Common Names : Blue Yellowtail Damselfish, Goldtail Demoiselle. Diet / Foods : Omnivore - try to give them a variety of foods. It is a good fish for beginners and makes an ideal companion fish for saltwater aquariums of over 30 gallons. Pellets should be wet before feeding out to avoid air entering fish’s digestive tracts. A larger tank of over 40 gallons will allow hobbyists to successfully house more if desired and are to be housed with other species. They may even have yellow pectoral and pelvic fins. Once a suitable partner is selected she will stop swimming, face upwards and flash a light ring around each of her eyes. Yellowtail Damselfish Demoiselles. The Yellowtail Damsel is a bright blue fish with a yellow tail that fades into clear at the edges. One of the great things about this particular species is that it is very docile with a mellow personality. The average size of most Damselfish is two inches. This damsel is usually better kept in groups of 3 or more because they can become very territorial if kept singly. Due to being preyed on in nature by bigger fish, they enjoy the provision of hiding areas in rocks and corals. Chrysiptera parasema, known better by its common name as the YellowTail Blue Damsel is a stunning little fish. However, these fish will sometimes harass more passive fish in an aquarium. These damsels are often the ones who will get picked on first by larger and more aggressive fish. The average size of most Damselfish is two inches. Clam shells are also utilized as nesting sites. Oct 11, 2009. It can be kept in small groups, and prefers to have many hiding places and peaceful tank mates. the anthias or other bigger aggressive fish. The yellow tail damsel, Chrysiptera parasema. This will then produce “green water” ensuring higher water quality by reducing any waste from the larvae. The larval stage for species in Chrysiptera is between 10-50 days. At tank of at least 40 gallons is needed if they are to be kept as a group of more than 2 and when housed with other peaceful species. the striped damsel is fairly aggressive but really doesn't touch the other fish. The Yellowtail Damselfish is particularly hardy and many hobbyists will use them to cycle a new tank. They do well in groups of the same species. They are often used to break in or cycle new aquariums. Soon after, the male will lead the female back to his nest to show her how many eggs he has. the yellow tail isnt territorial at all. The more eggs a male has in his site, the more chance he has of being selected by a female for spawning. Damselfish Yellowtail safe? It is sometimes confused with its close relative the Azure Damsel (Chrysiptera hemicyanea), but the Azure Damsel has more yellow on its body than the Yellowtail Damsel. Blue Damselfish have a neon blue body with small areas of yellow at either end. Their natural environment is in tropical coral reefs and they are lively and active fish. An intense blue color covers the entire body, contrasting beautifully with a bright yellow tail, with some even having yellow continuing onto the body around the anal area and dorsal fin. Semi-Aggressive (anthias, clownfish, dwarf angels): Monitor - Domino Damsels are too aggressive for these fish, unless tank is 100 gallons or more. With plenty of room in your tank, this Damsel will seldom cause problems in both coral and fish only displays. During spawning males will become heavily protective over his eggs and may even require separate tanks if other males start becoming harassed by this behavior. Acknowledgements This research was permitted by the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (permit # FKNMS-2013-077-A1). Azure Damselfish, Yellowtail Demoiselle Description: The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish is one of the least aggressive members of this genus. The reproductive behavior of yellowtail damselfish,Microspathodon chrysurus, was studied off the Caribbean coast of Panama to determine if there is a lunar spawning cycle. Housing larger fish like Tangs and Surgeonfish with damsels requires much larger setups to avoid territorial issues. Depending on their location of origin, the Yellowtail Blue Damselfish will have varying amounts of yellow on their tails fins. Is a Yellowtail Damselfish the right Saltwater fish / inverts for you? Predatory fish should not even be an option as a damsel will quickly become a meal for them. Sinking pellets are very effective as they tend to reach the bottom of the tank where the Yellowtail Blue Damselfish likes to reside. The Yellowtail is an omnivore. In fact, Chrysiptera parasema is considered by many aquarists, both beginning and advanced, to be ases aquarists most is that the Yellowtail Damsel is less aggressive and does not need a. PalaciosAn SWfreshmen31. However, the male Yellowtail Damsel is ultimately responsible for the care and guardianship of the eggs and will become very territorial while watching over his brood. Yellowtail Damselfish: Damsel: Poeciliidae: Aulonocara sp: The Yellowtail Damselfish is extremely hardy and gorgeously colored. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists this fish as being of “least concern”. This behavior is still nothing compared to that of their cousin the Blue Devil Damsel, Chrysiptera cyanea. I do think they are a little mean. Providing them with a shell or two is also a great idea. Photo Credit : Photos copyright, Fish Lore Forum : Yellowtail Damsel Forum, © - providing tropical fish tank and aquarium information for freshwater fish and saltwater fish keepers.About FishLore | The Yellowtail Damsel is best kept in small groups of odd numbered fish in suitably sized systems. In the wild, rubble and dead corals play home to damsels in dig burrows to nest it. Perfect water conditions are required for successful breeding and the absence of any predatory species. The Yellowtail blue Damselfish is the most less aggressive of the damsels found in the genus of Chrysiptera. Scientific Name : Chrysiptera parasemaCommon Names : Blue Yellowtail Damselfish, Goldtail DemoiselleYellowtailed Blue Damsel Care Level : Easy, good for saltwater beginners, but don't use them to cycle your tank. This does explain their aggression towards other fish and invertebrates, which want to eat their algae. The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish are known to spawn in captivity very readily. As they are non-aggressive fish, they could miss out on proper nutrition if other larger, more aggressive fish are dominating the water column during feeds. Up to 4 females can be seen waiting outside a single males nesting site at any one time. Yellowtail Blue Damselfish will do very well in a reef setting as they pose no threat to any of your corals. They will also benefit from other meaty foods such as finely shredded frozen seafoods, cyclops, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. 2. The yellowtail damselfish is also less aggressive than some other varieties. These fish are typically around three inches when fully matured. This is not needed with the use of live rock as the primary biological filter. Member. It may be threatened by the invasive lionfish. Branching corals are some of their favorites to reside in, with the corals benefiting from the flutter of their fins to prevent buildup of any debris – with the Bottlebrush Acropora being on of their favorites. Some Damselfish even cultivate their preferred algae in a small "garden", so they have their own foodsource. Temperament / Behavior : Much like other damsels, this one can be moderately aggressive. No special consideration with water, current and lighting is needed other than maintain water temperatures between 4°F to 84°F (23° – 29°C), with pH from 8.2 to 8.4 will ensure health fish and longevity. Tomato clowns should be tough enough to take whatever space they want, but the damsel has vigorously claimed the territory that the anemone is in. They don’t seem to be affected much by other peaceful and semi-aggressive damsel fish and clownfish. The Yellowtail Damselfish has a shimmering blue body and a yellow tail, hence the name. Yellow Tail Blue Damselfish mix well with Clownfish, Blennies, Boxfish, Crustaceans, Dragonets, Gobies, Hogfish, Tangs, Puffers, Wrasses and invertebrates. Updated August 5, 2019Author: Mike - FishLore AdminSocial Media: The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish is sometimes confused with the Azure Damselfish (Chrysiptera hemicyanea) because they do look very similar. Lives in branching hard corals. My fish have been together in my tank since I set it up a year ago and everything seems peaceful. They enjoy swimming in mid to lower sections of the tank. In Papua New Guinea, they can be seen with yellow on their tail fin that extends towards the anal fins and back of the dorsal. They are not shy. The Body is blue and just the tail is yellow with two black strips across the mouth to eye. One got picked on so bad by the other two I took it back to the LFS. If they are to be kept in a nano, the individual or mated pair should be the only fish inhabitants. If there is more than 1 female that has chosen the same male, the females will wait outside the entrance and wait their turn. They tend to leave invertebrates such as corals alone, and most damselfish will get along with others just fine as long as they have plenty of hiding space. Damselfish 3 Feb 2005 Quick question, I have 2 Yellow tail damselfish in my Eclipse system 12 tank, (only 2 damsels and 1 blenny in tank). I had three yellow tail damsel. A better, more humane way to cycle your saltwater tank would be to use live rock. Their life span in the wild is between 2-6 years and have often been noted to reach up to 15 years in captivity. They are often seen in singles on the reef around coral heads. Also known as the Yellowtail Blue Damselfish or Yellowtail Demoiselle, and sometimes confused with the Azure Damselfish, C. parasema feeds on zooplankton and algae in the aquarium. They will take vitamin enriched flake foods, frozen and definitely live foods. would it be safe to get a yellowtail damselfish?? Here is another beautiful Chrysiptera, we call this Yellowtail Damselfish from the Indo-Pacific region. Some nests can have up to 10,000 eggs, a combination of several females. Usually Compatible. The Yellowtail Blue Damsel fish is on the least aggressive of the damsels. The Yellowtail Damsel is a great choice for beginners since it is extremely hardy, easy to keep and is less aggressive and does not need as large of a tank as many of the other Damselfish. Reef tanks and fish only tanks are both suitable for holding this damsel. Corals will also benefit from the damsels enjoyment of picking off algae from their bases. Optimal spawning will occur between 79°F to 83°F (26°C to 28°C). The species is exploited on a minor scale, for fisheries and the aquarium trade. Males will guard these eggs until they have hatched which is in between 1-4 days in the wild, a time frame dependent on water temperature. The yellowtail damselfish is a species of damselfish native to tropical areas such as the Caribbean coast of Panama. Some can be seen with a yellow pelvic fin and even yellow pectoral fins when found in certain parts of the world. The majority of these fish are highly territorial, and may become aggressive toward other tankmates. A copepod may disappear every so often, however large and small inverts are not in danger. Small amounts of food several times a day is the recommended feeding schedule for these Damsels. It is naturally a schooling fish and can be kept in small groups, where it will … Sand substrate will provide an easy place for them to burrow in and lag eggs. It is a favorite species among aquarists because it is active, but less aggressive than most damselfish. A recommended tank size of 20 gallons for a single fish or mated pair is important to adhere to. The Yellowtail Damselfish is particularly hardy and many hobbyists will use them to cycle a new tank. Because of their territorial behaviour it is best to keep only one Damselfish per aquarium, unless it is a very large tank. They are not shy. This if most often the biggest male who has the most eggs in his nest. 2 ¾ inches (7cm). Tanks of at least 60 gallons will help avoid this situation from occurring. These food groups can be provided as flakes, sinking pellets, frozen or freeze dried. Most Damselfish are small and peaceful but can be semi-aggressive when competing for food. C. parasema prefers peaceful tank mates and abundant hiding spots, as they are frequently preyed upon in nature. Damselfish are hardy and adapt well to tank life and hand-fed food. With a minimum tank size of 20 gallons for one single fish or mated pair, it is important to maintain regular water changes. If you are to be housing more damsels and less aggressive clownfish species, a rule of thumb is 15 gallons per extra fish added. They enjoy spending time in the middle to bottom sections of the tank, and benefit from as many nooks and crannies to hide in as possible from both rock work and coral arrangements. They are often used to break in or cycle new aquariums. Behavior. Water temperatures need to be kept between 79°F to 83°F (26°C to 28°C). Try putting your arm in the tank to perform tank maintenance and you'll see what we're talking about. Females can be seen to spend up to 20 minutes inspecting males sites before moving on to a new male. The majority of Damselfish grow to around 3 inches in length however large species, such as the Garibaldi, can grow up to 12 inches long. I have a pj cardinal,yellow clown goby,Psychedelic Mandarinfish , and I am planning on getting 2 ocellaris clowns next week. Yellowtail Damselfish will spawn very easily in a captive marine tank. Due to their size and nature, they are often targets of bigger fish, so larger tanks with ample rocks is needed if they are to be housed with bigger fish. If your tank is to contain semi-aggressive fish, be sure to constantly observe the tank for any harassing going on towards your Yellowtail Blue Damselfish. At the arrival of dawn the following day, the female will then spawn with the male of her choice, the one she has deemed to be the fittest and healthiest. Their eggs are smaller than that of a clownfish and even harder to rear. Male damselfish prepare nest sites on dead coral surfaces within their permanent feeding territories. Feeding often helps to avoid and alleviate and aggression in the tank with other species. Origin / Habitat : Indo-Pacific. It’s very characteristic appearance of a bright blue body and yellow tail makes it hard to miss despite its maximum length of 2 ¾ inches (7cm). Try putting your arm in the tank to perform tank maintenance and you'll see what we're talking about. The majority of these fish are highly territorial, and may become aggressive toward other tankmates. Some males have been seen to abandon their own sites to take control of bigger sites that have been abandoned by other males. Using them to cycle your tank is not recommended because it is very … This is probably one of the least aggressive of all the damsels, but can still be aggressive nonetheless. A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for a single fish or a mated pair if they are the only residents of the tank. Both beginners and experts enjoy adding them to their tanks as they are beautiful in appearance, easy to feed and non-aggressive. This does explain their aggression towards other fish and invertebrates, which want to eat their algae. Adult and young adult … This is probably one of the least aggressive of all the damsels, but can still be aggressive nonetheless. They will be able to tolerate non -fluctuating temperatures but like any hardy fish, still have a limit on how much exposure to poor water conditions that they can handle. Aggression can be lessened or spread out if you have 3 to 7 in your aquarium. They enjoy swimming in mid to lower sections of the tank. This fish is reef-associated and is a semi-aggressive and easy to keep fish. They have been kept successfully in nano tanks but are better when placed in larger tanks with other non-aggressive species. If adding clownfish, you should choose between Pink Skunk Clownfish, Ocellaris and Percula Clownfish. They are native to the Indo-Pacific region and grow up to three inches (7.62 cm) long. It has a close relative which it Is often confused with, the Azure Damsel, Chrysiptera hemicyanea, which is very similar in its appearance. The Blue Damselfish is somewhat aggressive, so its housing should be large enough to easily accommodate multiple specimens. Regular water changes, good feed schedules and agreeable tank mates will ensure happy and healthy lives for these Damsels. but you know.. every tank is … Description. The cocoa damselfish were more aggression toward other damselfish intruders, while the dusky damselfish were found to be more aggressive toward parrotfish intruders. During this evaluation the female wont be ready to lay her eggs until she is completely satisfied with her decision. The Azure has yellow fins as well but it different in that it has yellow extending along the bottom of its body. Yellow Tail Chromis also known as the Yellow Tail Chromis Damselfish, Paletail Chromis (Chromis Xanthura) is a genus of fish in the family Pomacentridae most recognizable by its gorgeous light yellow tail that slowly fades into a majestic iridescent blue body. Once this signal has been sent to the male of her choice, the male of whom she wants to spawn with will begin his own act of display. The ocellaris clownfish, also known as the false percula clownfish or common clownfish, is one of the most popular and arguably one of the easiest marine fish to have in an aquarium. or a chromis but I don't want it to feel lonly cause I'll only get one. Clarkii clowns are not a good choice if clownfish are also desired for the tank as they can be quite aggressive. Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us, Azure Damselfish (Chrysiptera hemicyanea). Damsels may be attacked by aggressive dwarf and pygmy angelfish and aggressive roaming clownfish. Kupang Damsel: The most desirable of all the damsel fishes for the home aquarium due to its eye-popping color and disposition. Yellowtailed Blue Damsel Care Level : Easy, good for saltwater beginners, but don't use them to cycle your tank. Flake food for herbivores and other color enriching foods can be provided also to help maintain their dazzling appearance. Spotted at a depth range up to 20 m and can grow out to be 2.8 inches. Branching corals are known to be areas frequented by the damsels … Fish Disease : Saltwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. Damsels are quite similar to clownfish and follow many of their breeding patterns. Like other Damselfish fish, it is very hardy in a tank environment and never takes a chunk out of the wallet when purchased. Aggressive (dottybacks, 6-line & 8-line wrasse, damselfish): Monitor - Six-line or Eight-line wrasses may be picked on, depending on the individual damsel and the tank size. Adopt a Yellowtail Damselfish from a shelter near Redmond,WA. Females will deposit around 300 eggs, of which will hatch within 96 hours is the temperature is around 84˚F (28˚C), generally hatching once the lights have been switched off. Yellow tail damselfish are mostly blue, with a patch of yellow on and around their tails. Zooplankton and other planktonic foods and algae are a big part of their diets in the wild. Yours appears to be Neopomacentrus nemurus. Olivotto, 2003, suggests that once they are all hatched the larvae should be fed PUFA first and keeping the lights on for 24 hours a day for larvae to survive. Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them in an aquarium with Lionfish, Snappers, Groupers, Triggers, Eels or any other predatory fish large enough to eat them. Yellow Tail Damselfish. The day prior to spawning the ritual begins with females visiting the different males in her colony. A very durable fish that is beautiful to watch and a great appetite for any food. Damselfish belong to the Pomacentridae family and there are around 300 species. The majority of these species are saltwater fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. As always, do not keep them with fish large enough to view them as a nice snack. They are well known for their bright colors … Yellowtail Blue Damsels will go after most fish food including vitamin enriched flake food, frozen, freeze dried and live foods. Females will also rate these displays. Their temperament shadows that of the less aggressive clownfish species. However, like all the damsels they can still exhibit territorial behavior and slightly aggressive when in a mated pair- more so as they get older. “The Ultimate Damselfish” is a nickname this species has acquired in the marine world. Some Damselfish even cultivate their preferred algae in a small "garden", so they have their own foodsource. Habitat: Distribution / Background. The Chrysiptera hemicyanea has more yellow on its body than the Chrysiptera parasema, which just has the yellow on its tail. It has received the award of being one of the favorites due to its active nature and non-fussy eating habits. Though difficult to sex, males are usually larger and more slender and become aggressive towards females when ready to mate. It will eat vegetable matter, spirulina, flake foods and mysis shrimp. They can be moderately aggressive to other fish in your tank, but their aggression will be lessened if you keep them in groups of three to seven. Yellowtail Damselfish owner reviews, health, training. That is not the traditional yellowtail damsel, which is a species in the genus Chrysiptera, and ysually isn't too aggressive. The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish Chrysiptera parasema was described by Fowler in 1918. i have a striped damsel, yellow tail damsel, a clown and a firefish that all had to go in my tank at once, and they are doing fine. The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish are small, with a maximum size of approx. They do well in groups of the same species. : They shouldn't bother the corals and/or anemones but can sometimes be little jerks to the other fish in a reef aquarium setup. Because of their territorial behaviour it is best to keep only one Damselfish per aquarium, unless it is a very large tank. The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish are Omnivores, so should be fed accordingly. Chrysiptera parasema, also known as yellowtail damselfish, yellowtail blue damsel, goldtail demoiselle, and other variations, is a popular saltwater aquarium fish from the Indo-Pacific. They are never found with yellow on their backs or belly. Due to being preyed on in nature by bigger fish, they enjoy the provision of hiding areas in rocks and corals. Damselfish are abundant in coral reef environments. Tanks that are over 55 gallons will allow both species to live harmoniously as long as territories are kept at least 2 feet apart. Branching corals are known to be areas frequented by the damsels for safety. They are known for being great tank mates as they are non-aggressive, but ad they are preyed on in the wild buy bigger fish, tank mates need to be selected carefully and adequate hiding spots provided. Although Yellowtails are among the least aggressive damsels, they still should be provided with plenty of hiding places and kept either alone or in groups of 4 or 5 in a large tank to reduce aggression. The Yellowtail Blue Damselfish are without a doubt one of the easiest to care for. Known to pick at filamentous algae growths and is likely one of the more acceptable choices for beginning aquarists. Spawning occurs at sunrise and lasts for approximately one hour. Females have been observed travelling up to 325 feet (100m) between different nesting sites. Using them to cycle your tank is not recommended because it is very cruel to the fish. The Yellowtail Blue Damsel fish is on the least aggressive of the damsels. The genus name was formerly known as Glyphidodontops.This species is also known by the common names Yellowtail Damselfish, Yellowtail Damsel, Goldtail Demoiselle, Yellowtail Demoiselle and Yellowtail Blue Damsel, all of which aptly describe their coloring. Fish found in the Philippines and Indonesia can be seen with yellow extending down off the tail and onto the body. Every one seems healthy, and water conditions are ok. Every one seems healthy, and water conditions are ok. Oct 11, 2009 ... Yellowtail safe? Be aware that crabs, wrasses, serpent stars and bristle stars will east eggs and larvae from the damsels. They have an appreciation for meaty foods as well as being good at helping with algae control. A variable diet consisting of proteins and vegetables should be given daily. There are currently no known differences, apart from males who are generally thought to be slightly larger. Fellow tank mates should be allowed to become established in the tank prior to the damsels being added. They may be kept in small groups if housed with other peaceful damselfish and a rate of 15 gallons per new fish added. Reef Tank Compatible? Damsels in the Chrysiptera genus enjoy burrowing, so a sand substrate is also recommended for them. I'd like to get rid of a couple of chromis and add a hippo tang, but I am afraid of what my damsel's might do to it. Species that are larger and semi-aggressive should not be kept with damsels e.g. The Yellowtail Blue Damsel is a good choice for beginners since it is less aggressive and does not need as large of a tank as many of the other damselfish.
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yellowtail damselfish aggression 2021