Calling people cowards now because I don't put a name in? The animals seem to have it fully understood. I read a lot of comments. John 8:2-11 is truly something even in today's challenging times we all can live by. .Galatians 5:22-23 (NASB), Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. plus their hypocrisy. The Rosary promises benefits which it cannot provide. It's almost like you are trying to get the last word. How very kind of you. recent questions. It does not matter male or female two of the same sex shall not lie together it is an abomination which simply means it stinks in the nostrils of God. 5. – Dwight L. Moody. The worshipper is to do or say the following: 1. I would hate to be in your shoes when that day comes. The US military soldier sacrifices their life for our freedom. IN JESUS CHRIST NAME, AMEN! That is a brief overview of the Roman Catholic Rosary. . BUT STILL LOVE THEM. Dictionary entry overview: What does salah mean? The concept of praying the Rosary, a string of beads, is never mentioned in Scripture because it is a human invention. Islam is `the religion of peace' because: • the Arabic word Islam is derived from the Arabic word "Al-Salaam" which means peace. SlimOrigin Keto Diet - Slim Origin Pills to Burn Carbs! "Let no man deceive you, men who lie with men(and women who lie with women) WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Rick. Jesus was not immaculately conceived. It is a choice, just like being transgendered is a choice. The Arabic word “Sunnah” lexically means “road” or “practice.” In the language of the Prophet and the Companions, it denotes the whole of licit [lawful] practices followed in the Religion, particularly the pristine path of Prophets, whether pertaining to belief, religious and social practice, or ethics generally speaking. Read it and realize homosexual acts are sin and will cost you eternal life. When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell at his feet and worshiped him. I know people that have made posts, you have responded, and than you quit posting what they posts. 3. I'm a gay Christian and I have some questions. Ask yourself this, why is it that human being seem to be the only ones with so many various "gender orientations?" New articles are added every week. There are twenty mysteries included in the Rosary. Being gay is a sickness. Thank you and God bless you, in Jesus Name! There are dozens of Greek scholars out there. Aren't these all clear on homosexuality being sinful? That is, no one should bow down and worship Mary, and they should not pray to her either. The Roman Catholic Church states that the Rosary encompasses the gospel. Ok. You are 62. Isn't it all about sex for you gays and lesbians? Jeremiah 9:23-24. thank you for posting this, I'm a Christian and newly homo, I've heard way to many times that homo cant go to heaven, I've been really depressed lately, this helped, thank you. However, it is important to know that other religions use the rosary also. Don't blame the Bible because it doesn't suit your lifestyle. 4. He has already forgiven all of your past sins, present sins, and your future sins. Libreria Editrice Vaticana. I want to know why can't people be as accepting to homosexuals, bisexuals, etc. 7. Rick, So you are saying that you believe that a gay person who become saved will go to Heaven if he/she still engages in homosexuality behavior which is sin? There are a lot of comments and I haven't read them all, forgive me if this had been covered. The Meaning of Islam Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience.In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well I guess killers will be there too, RICK YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT BEING IS A SIN PEOPLE OF THE WORLD DO NOT LISTEN TO RICK BRENTLINGER BEING GAY IS A SIN BUT THERE IS ONE WAY OUT JUST ASK GOD FOR FORGIVENESS AND HE WILL TAKE THIS MADNESS AWAY FROM YOU RICK I HATE TO SAY BUT IF YOU DONT STOP MISLEADING PEOPLE INTO THINKING BEING GAY IS ALRIGHT YOU WILL BE JUDGED I WONT ANYONE WHO SEES THIS COMMENT TO PRAY FOR RICK BRENTLINGER, Homosexuality is as much a sin as sex outside of marriage. Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. So you can't say that it is fake. While I am not choosing sides, I've just been wondering, you never mentioned Leviticus 18:22 in which it literally says not to have sex with people of the same gender. As he was dying, Jacob (whom God renamed ‘Israel’) blessed his 12 sons (Gen 49.1-28), and this blessing included sons Levi and Joseph. This page was really interesting to read though, and it has really started to get me reexamining things. Think about what you're saying. I hope you consider making the change. Additionally, the Bible encourages us to pray to God and not to men or women. This too is in the KJV 1 Cor 6.9 where does this fit into your righteous contempt for biblical saying that homosexuals are going to heaven in their sin? Reading this made me feel so much more at ease. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. I was raised a Roman Catholic, but now I attend a Baptist church. Christianity makes me sick because of the followers who look down on LGBT people and not themselves. Come at me with all your negativity. You have given me a great peace. On the following day he entered Caesarea. If I steal a loaf of bread and repent and don't continue in that sin I am not called a thief - it is not my character or who I am, it was a one off sin but if I persist in this sin of stealing and it becomes who I am then it is a different matter and I need to repent. The Bible says that Jesus is our advocate in 1 John 2:1. I know you probably mean well by: Rick Brentlinger Sweetie, I know you probably mean well but still, it will be helpful if you do three things. Watch Gorgeous racist brunette with huge tits deepthroats a BBC to her limit on, the best hardcore porn site. The root word of Islam is "al-silm" which means "submission" or "surrender." No where in the 10 commandments does it speak of homosexuality at all. why is this so hard to understand for many of you... GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! I figured that is how you would respond. 5. Ever think maybe you are? I knew that the bible didn't say anything about homosexuals not going to hell, wow, what a relief, I'm not homosexual, but I am completely not against it, I actually think love is a beautiful thing given to us by God, so we should give it to everyone, when I would hear people say that gays go to hell, I would always wonder were did they hear that, then people started saying that it's in the bible, so I looked for it, and it wasn't there, so how can someone's love be considered evil, you know what I mean, thank you for writing this page. Don't forget who you are. to see it. What does the Bible say about praying the Rosary? This article stirred me to tears for it was literally the most loving, Grace- filled, non- condemning thing from a Christian site I've ever read. If a woman / man has no sexual interest whatsoever in the opposite sex, how does that make them a sinner and doomed to hell... Hi, I'm turning 18. I totally get the verses that say "homosexual" might not be appropriate because they might have been misinterpreted. Pornhub is home to the widest selection of free Big Tits sex videos full of the hottest pornstars. The ultimate meaning of Islamic peace is all of us living in Dar-al-Islam—the house of submission. If Satan could convince more of the society that murder was okay and not a sin he would. BUT he is NOT OK, SATISFIED, OR BY ANY MEANS ALRIGHT WITH IT. Lilith (/ ˈ l ɪ l ɪ θ /; Hebrew: לִילִית ‎ Lîlîṯ) is a demonic figure.She is first mentioned in Biblical Hebrew in Isaiah 34:14, and later in Late Antiquity in Mandaean Gnosticism mythology and Jewish mythology sources from 500 CE onwards. However, it does say we should kill homosexuals. Rick would still say you are taking the Scriptures out of context. That they can still love the Lord and go to heaven. Can you convince me that Romans 1 is NOT talking about gays and lesbians? god is a loving god and accepts everyone. You cannot be saved from sin and still committing intentiional sin. If that is what you believe, I am sorry, but you are wrong and it is what many people use to justify themselves going to Heaven. So i will never lay with a woman. Why you no make sense yo? “Salah” means “prayers” and it is one of the five pillars of Islam. This scares me I DONT WANT TO GO TO HELL. Gay Christian FAQ for anyone who loves truth. But the problem is, homosexuality is a HUGE abomination in the father's eyes. What does 72 virgins mean? . When it is our time to meet our father, then we will see who goes where considering we all our sinners one way or another. It just says homosexuals. I guess Rick is the only person on the planet that is 100% correct in all of his Biblical beliefs. I am sad to see such websites exist. I get sick of false prophets and anti-religious people saying that "homosexuals will go to hell." Three “Hail Mary” prayers The. 1= It could be that the user changed the username and now is tweeting under a different name, still the same account. I sure am enjoying the party, but I thank God and his son, my savior, every day for making me healthy, happy, and for all the great gifts I have received through his blessings, and that includes the times of suffering which has only made me stronger and more sure of the fact that God has been with me through even the darkest of times. How did you decide that Romans 1:26 does not condemn lesbians? One stuck me hard Dont juge period. But I never said that I hate homosexuals because my cousin and some of my friends are gay yet I still love them. am I the only one who researched this? its hard to understand this since im straight. I am sorry I misjudged you and some of what you said was humbling. Prøv med alternative eller kortere søkebegrep hvis du ikke får treff. Islam uses 99 beads and the Hindus and Buddhists use ones with 100 as well as 66 beads. 2. Our Father — which is called the Lord’s Prayer It also means giving others equal treatment. To thee we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Dear writer, I stumbled across this article because I am of bisexual orientation and I have a nineteen year old girlfriend. Jesus said if you love me you obey. Lies. Amen.[1]. The Roman Catholic Church started using the Rosary around A.D. 1350. Protestants do not use a Rosary. Anyways, my point is that, to enter the kingdom you absolutely need to be baptized and filled with the holy ghost. Is it true I will go to hell because I am a lesbian? Does that mean that God hates homosexual?. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (and ive read several translations and they all mean the same thing.). To defend, protect. This has been one of most misdirected answer's of God's word I've ever seen,One thing is true the bible never said that you could not be saved if you have lived such a life stle, that's for sure but if you do not turn from this way of living(repents)then yes you WILL be lost,people forget what happen to Sodom & Gomorrah in Genesis chapter 19,For their sin was so great God destroyed them because of it,the apostle Paul even wrote in Romans chapter 1 verse 24-32 that they were worthy of death because of it being consider wicked in the eyes of God,James said in chapter 4:17 that if you know to good and do it not then it's sin,God didn't want us to keep living in the sinful way (Romans 6 and verse 2 he said that how the we are dead to sin live in sin,God doesn't want us to keep living in sin that's why we repent and change our way of life to the way he wants us to be,it's God's will not our on and if we expect to make it we have live according to his way not ours, and he says we must change then that's what we must do,I pray that if anyone reads this before it gets deleted by someone that you would be more open to God's word and not bye mans get yourself an old King James Bible not know new NIV but get an old bible and before you even open it up fine you a place and pray and ask God for the truth either way and be open to his way,fast and pray like you've never had before and I believe if you do these things he"ll show you everything you need to know,God bless you all. So love all and forgive. I left them and tried a number of others, but still found they were anti-gay. Yes, your right, God loves all. Find inspiration from famous quotes by book authors you know and love. The “prayer of the Rosary” has ten steps and each step has different prayers and recitations. Selah Selah. Their nice people they really are. When a mechanic works on a car, he has to keep in mind that it's a car (not a truck). It broke my heart but I still loved and cared for him, It didn't stop me from loving him. Ephesians 5. My heart, thought,and ultimate belief is that homosexuality isn't a sin and you show that in several versus. God has and will always and forever and ever be the same. Get real - if you want to sin then do it but please don't don't try and justify it. Islamic principles and concepts cannot be fully and properly appreciated unless they are analysed and realized within the If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. The religion demonstrates peace and tolerance. I watched as a minister friend of mine performed it on Christians friends of mine. If you are Christian you believe that statement right? I don't think homosexuals should go to hell because if they want to be gay let them. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. In summary, praying the Rosary does not provide forgiveness of our sins, relief from punishment, or provide certain graces; nor does it give us victory over hell. But Peter raised him up, saying, “Stand up; I too am just a man.” Acts 10:24–26 (NASB). No one that is gay will enter enter the kingdom of God their feet will not leave the ground. Why do people believe in saints & images of the Virgin Mary? The behaviors associated with “venerating Mary” are identical to acts of worship. god accepts you. (I..really should start reading my bible again.Ha.) This command, however, does not mean that we should tell everyone who asks us all he wants to know. The Bible refutes your article and your website. God has cast our confessed sins into the depths of the sea, and He’s even put a “No, Fishing” sign over the spot. It's not too late. Chris, God loves all. God has never had a loving thing to say about Homosexuals No Not One. All of its teachings and beliefs are written out in the Quran (also spelled Qur'an or Koran), the holy scripture of Islam. An explanation of what the word Shariah means and the details of the place it holds in the life of a Muslim. God does condemn divorce in the new testament but also provides a basis on which men and women can divorce each other. My name is Trevion, I'm a 20 year old male, I just turned 20 two weeks ago on August, 13. Roman Catholic doctrine also teaches that a person can earn a complete “relief” from all stored up punishment at the time of praying the Rosary, receiving the sacraments of confession, receiving the Eucharist, and offering prayers for the Pope. In Arabic, caliphate means "government under a caliph." Also instinctively people know that man with man is wrong or women with women gives heterosexual a sense of uncomfortableness, until satan gets to your mind to convince you it is okay. An easy search of Greek definition paints very clearly what the word means and why Paul ised it in only a couple spots in the whole Bible. I am a heterosexual Christian. The Roman Catholic Church claims that praying the Rosary properly venerates Mary since they claim, Mary has by grace been exalted above all angels and men to a place second only to her Son, as the most holy mother of God who was involved in the mysteries of Christ: she is rightly honored by a special cult in the Church. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous . She said this just after Jesus was conceived in her womb. again u guys are making excuses ..why ur trying to justify what ur doing and above all of that comparing it with holy and religious things this is disgusting just do what ur doing and. Dude, do you really believe the Bible is true? I have many gay friends who have never attained faith or left theirs behind because they sadly believe that they are going to hell, so why not just enjoy the party when you are here on earth? Therefore, this description is dealing with the four cardinal directions: North, South, East, and West. That no man shall lie with another man and no woman shall lie with another woman. Get more serious with God and He can heal you and change your mind, but if you keep bringing the Word down to your fleshly, lustful level of lukewarm faith, you will never see any miracles let alone heaven. This is not a “radical” interpretation. MATTHEW 7:15. I gave you proof that hell is nothing more than the grave and you did not post it. No impure, immoral or greedy person will inherit the kingdom of Christ. Nice try, but you are wrong. Answer: The word selah is found in two books of the Bible, but is most prevalent in the Psalms, where it appears 71 times. Is homosexuality a sin - absolutely and I can send you passage after passage in the bible to explain why - even the medical profession say its causing enormous health and medical problems for homosexuals. What does God really say about gay relationships? Islam defines sin as an act which goes against the teachings of Allah. However Romans says God gave them up to unnatural LUST. "Islam" is derived from the Arabic word "sal’m" which literally means peace. Hi Rick, I am truly sorry for your ignorance in understanding all of the Bible verses that clearly point out that homosexuals will not enter into the kingdom of God. We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. Make money answering questions! Are you struggling with some past sin or sins? Just like a parent isn't ok with with their children lieing, or disobeying them. al-salamu-alaikum السلام عليكم it means "peace be upon you" and when you say it they answer back, wa-alaikum-il-salam "peace be unto you too" salam! The 12 Tribes of Israel. Mary is also considered by Catholics to be a co-mediator and a co-redeemer. 1:26-27. The Rosary is doctrinal error since God has already given us different directions for prayer. Sounds gay to me man u cant twist Gods word for to tickle ppl ears. Amen. We have one purpose on this earth and one only and that is to serve God and work in the kingdom bringing forth fruit Period. Someone can't live in sin 24/7 and expect to make it to Heaven just because they believe in God. The Roman Catholics defend the “prayer of the Rosary” by showing that some phrases can be found in the Bible, but most of the “Hail Mary” prayer and “Hail Holy Queen” prayer cannot be found in the Bible.
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