All I have done is cry all day, I want him back so badly, I feel so bad putting him to sleep. It was so hard to see that my sister is only 4 and she screamed, and me being only 12 I cried and ran thinking she’s dead. still hurts now bless her. Her name was Ellie Mae, a wire fox Terrier. I don’t think this is permissible exactly in my state so I probably will need to make these arrangements elsewhere. He’ll bring in the daily newspapers every single morning.” I reply, “It’s not that special. 58. That evening around four PM I took Ragsy outside. Her coats and harness are still piled up on the bed too, and her blanket is next to me so I can smell her. I love you Charlie boy I’ll never forget you xxx. Now she isn’t here anymore and I cannot understand what went wrong? We had her about 12 years, a Humane Society reject that no one else had wanted. ??? I lost my beloved 12 year old yorkie, Eba to pyametra, on the 23rd October 2017. Chelsea was my best friend, the love of my life. I am lost and the guilt is eating me alive that I couldn’t help my dear friend out when his breathing was labored. Thank you so much for this perfectly stated piece. I am selfish and hate myself. Question: Why couldn’t the corgi lend his friend money? I still can not believe it. Life seems to have lost all meaning with her death. i am so sorry for your loss, hugo sounds like he was the most kind hearted dog a person could have. People will hurt you with their words or their actions at some point in your life no matter how close you are, how much of yourself you give them, or how much trust you place in them. My heart is broken. It still hurts so much and I wish to see her again every night. But because we are not capable of it like a dog is. I want to cry every time I think about that, but her suffering was very bad in the last couple of days, especially during early hours of the day, she would paced until she’s completely exhausted, and then pace more, she lost coordination of where she walks, and would fall often and run into walls and corners and stuck there, she couldn’t eat and drink properly in the last 12 hours with us, I didn’t want her (and myself) to go through that anymore, so I decided to put her down quickly if MRI diagnose show anything irreversible and progressing condition, which it did. It still hurts as much today as it did then, but at least I had 12 years with him, he helped me through the toughest times in my life. His name was Forrest , he was a pug. But I really really miss my baby. I lost my Storm (GSD as well) over forty years ago, and the grief has not lessened at all. She was 14 and 2 months and lived every day to the fullest. I don’t know how I am going to go on. He was at least 14 to 15 years old but we had him 13 years when we found him dirty with a crooked leg from an old break. I loved Ragsy so much. I have two more to care for before they leave me. Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better still. Ive lost an aunt and almost my grandmother but nothing has compared to the pain of losing her. Until now I still crying, and have felling guilty, if I didn’t vaccinate her, she would still alive . He looked to me to provide for him and I failed him. He was my baby and was our beautiful rescue Pom rescued over 12 yrs ago. He was like my baby brother, so I can’t even fathom what my mom is feeling as she was the closest to him. Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonistof One Piece. I have pressure in my chest and I cannot breathe properly most of the time. I hope you’ll change your mind about getting another. You’d go hungry, bankrupt, or die so this dog doesn’t have to experience 1 ounce of pain. She had lost all movement in her rear legs, and I have tried so much with acupuncture and laser Therapy and even got her a wheelchair, she enjoyed her wheelchair for a bit and the last month she just wasn’t happy anymore and you could see pain was becoming more apparent. She understood paragraphs, not just words. Although he was the runt of the litter , he was a joy to both of us. I understand all you who grieve because my handicapped husband and I had to put our 14 year old Dixie down and the greif has overwhelmed us we cry everyday and will not stop crying. I think when the time is right you should get another, not just for you but for that new companion who needs you as well. She wanted to go and I wanted her to stay. Our vet (one of 3 who we were on a first name basis with) recently concluded that he likely isn’t anatomically right, which is what is causing all the problems. This included cherishing those rare few who you have unconditional love for who also have unconditional love for you. I just think that it’s getting easier and it gets worse again. It was more of a wailing that could be heard throughout the vets office. I was waiting for her to come get me this AM like usual but she won’t be there anymore. The vet told me that the tumour was pressing against her mid brain which might amplify pain. Always greeted with a big smile and wagging tail. I am not sleeping again, I cry very easily and my anxiety is high. Day 3 after the passing of my beloved Broly xLab. I had to make the dreaded call for the vets to come out to put him to sleep. I know in my heart that she was happy in life and will be waiting for me in death. A little boy pulls out his sled, attached to a single overweight dog. I have tried to remember the good times but my heart hyrts so badly. Being a truck driver, I have a lot of time to think of our awesome Sam, and the grief has been pure torture every day for over 2 months. Lily was pure joy and brought us so much life. I took her to the vet because she was on a lot of meds and I just thought he would check her out and then I’d be taking her home. He loved to ride in my truck. You will be okey, everything will be okey. Thank you for allowing me to get this out. I’m a wreck. I cried so loud it was heard throughout the vet’s office. I video taped the episodes and sent out a CD with videos and test results to neurologists at major vet clinics and vet schools. He had just turned 8 years old. Other days the waves are powerful and crushing. I didnt care that she was a senior. I miss him every day and still walk around the house talking to him like I always did except now he’s in a little wooden chest on the shelf. We spent years bonding and I spent years training this dog she was the best and very loyal and very sweet. The next day with no sleeep i rushed him to the vet. She was my 1st dog that I’ve raised with my own 2 hands. He is voiced byUrara Takano and Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the anime, … It was hard for me to let go of her after she died and I just wanted to stay with her body. In fact, he gave our Puppy (as we affectionately called him. I noticed he was drinking a lot of water. She was very sweet and not a mean dog. Flash loved to go hiking for hours and every day we would walk around our town for hours. Thanks for reaching out. I am thinking of you all and feeling your pain just like you will be feeling mine. I told him to bring me another lion an hour ago…”, As I was walking down the street the other day, I saw my neighbor pulling a leash with a piece of Cabbage on the end. Ragsy’s surgery was successful. The vet suspected a soft tissue tear, said he would start eating again once he was on pain meds. I am torn apart missing my Hercules and my Jasmine. I was not terminally ill. His breathing improved but he later refused to eat. We rescued him at 148lbs, poor guy….we got him down to 110lbs but those hips of his buckled. The next day 24 hrs later the dog suddenly died….FROM the vaccine! Cowboy has had health problems since he was a baby. The vet thought she was hit by a car and was surprised when we said she had stayed in her bed. Thirteen years later from the day that Ragsy came to live with me, I took Ragsy for a walk. It doesn’t stop. Life seems overwhelmingly gray at the moment. I’m so sorry. How can I ever forget the sound of her being killed? I miss him so. Any time I was upset she was there to put her nose under my hand as if to say everything will be ok. Clara along with my other dog, Addie, who I had to put down last year, helped get me through my divorce. Gone and didn’t want to go walkies so we took him to the vets and left him there so he could be checked over we didnt think our world was gonna be turn upside down my baby never came home and on Thursday the 12th nov 2017 he died in our arms and slipped peacefully away. Such a difficult thing to experience and work through isn’t it? Like you, I feel sorry for those whom have not had the chance to experience a relationship like that with a dog. Rest in peace beautiful boy xxx. It helps me get through the day. I told her I was sorry, that I failed her and that I loved her so much. “Sure,” the airline agent said, “as long as you provide your own kennel.”. The vet suspected she had a tumor on her spleen rupture. This thread has been so comforting. For me I had had dogs before but was not the sole person in the household when the dog was raised and trained. I thought he was trying to vomit, but he was just really taking his last few breaths. A monkey is not for everyone or every living situation. There is so many dogs at the shelters that just want to be loved by someone.My There’s an empty void in my heart. Yes, far more than with the loss of family or friends. Carly misses her tremendously as they were a bonded pair for 4 years. Now, I learn to heal, learn to live without him, and learn to move forward. feel so lost and empty. I also lost my 15 yr old fur baby on Sept 17th 2018. I had to put my big beautiful boy Teddy (13) to sleep in mid October when his back end completely collapsed. No regrets and no guilt. Then when I see that she’s not there, the reality of it punches me in the gut. He had a series of seizures and fell asleep in my husband’s arms. I’ve scoured the internet back and forth, read countless dog joke books and consulted with fellow dog-lovers. These posts are helping me get through our pain from the loss of our dog. I feel your pain. I have family, family dogs and friends but nothing seems to curb my grief. Right now I feel like the world has ended for me, and I cannot see a way out but reading this makes me hopeful that things will get better. And did everything I could possibly do to give them a good life. Happy to just be together. She died a week before her second birthday of Lymes disease even though she was on tick treatment. I have just lost my dog and am feeling the same way. Just get me to a doctor and shut up! Question: What do dogs eat at the movie theaters? You are not capable of understanding what it is to lose unconditional love until you have been blessed with having it. My heart is broken. If I take nothing else into eternity, it will my love of these beings and my love for God through Jesus. I don’t want to be here without her. She’d stopped eating and she was drooling. The place is lonely and cold without her. Grief never gets easier – it sticks and it changes and we have to carry it with us, because that’s how our furkid will live on forever. He would have been 14 tomorrow. He or she deserves better . He told my husband to go to the emergency vet immediately since they have a radiologist and can test for hemangiosarcoma and he is going to need surgery since he is bleeding. }. My family tells me this too and Ive read tons of other peoples stories like on here but it still doesnt make me feel better. I still cry almost everyday but lately I am more angry than anything. It was the saddest moment I have ever experienced. You are quite the writer, and you need to know that you REALLY went above and beyond for Ragsy, and he got a LOT out of the relationship as did you. I believe in my heart our dogs are in heaven waiting to greet us at the gate, with that look in their eyes and that wagging tail. Buster was the smartest, most loving dog I ever had, he followed me around everywhere, he wanted to be where I was at all times. I needed it. Thank you again for your words. I lost my baby yesterday and I feel a hole in my heart the size of the grand canyon. Miniature red poodle Malchik on 11/04/19. Me: (In a low voice) what dog did you get? There was nothing we could do to help her, we came back from Liverpool without her. He was my baby and the light of my life. My best friend, I look for her every day even though she has been gone for a month now. The bigger the love the bigger the loss. The chihuahua, gives her a smile, a sly wink, turns to the Golden Retriever and the Lab and says, “Liver alone, cheese mine.”. Everytime he was in my arms for big cuddles i would kiss all the time he was me and my hubbys life. He was a momma’s boy from the very 1st day I got him and he’s always had me wrapped around his little paws. If I loose my Shepard I don’t know what I will do. I know at 13 and a half he had a full life but cancer just showed its ugly face for the final month of his life. I can’t stop crying, and can barely carry on every morning. “That can be part of the sadness, when someone negates a relationship that was so vitally important to you,” Betty said. My heart is broken is a million pieces. Dr. Siegel: Please let me know how you are doing now. I understand your pain as I am going through the same pain. He was a huge part of our life our friends called him human impaired, so smart, feeling and the biggest ham I ever seen. It’s like now I don’t care if I live or die, it’s like it doesn’t matter. Throughout his life he would have periods where he acted like he was in dire pain but in truth, he was just being a drama king. I have no family so Ragsy was my family. JUST LIKE SHE DID FOR ME. Everything in our house is as it was before she past. I apologize for the length but I got to writing and I just couldn’t stop telling the unusually cruel but uniquely grateful last days of my babies Hercules and Jasmine. Prostate infections this bad are incredibly hard to treat because the prostate doesnt get proper blood supply and it’s difficult to penetrate. She is my best friend. The butcher follows, dumbstruck. 97. Within a couple hours they called saying she was failing to hurry back. My baby boy, Jack, left us 2 months ago. Many pet crematories and cemeteries offer myriad services and products to help comfort pet owners, including online forums where people can make tributes as well as beautiful urns, keepsakes, and jewelry to hold pet remains. We miss him so much, miss his face smiling up at us, miss him with his silly toys, miss him moving doing his happy dance when he was about to go for his walks. God spelled backward is dog. I agree everything I do i think and is reminded of her. My heart is still in deep sorrow as it was the day I buried Hercules and the day I buried Jasmine. He and I had a special bond that nobody could break, and now he’s just gone. I tracked him for 3 wks. Mickey had brain cancer. I know that it is probably irrational but I just can’t help feeling that I let my boy down. The recognized German dogs have consistently made the top 10 list for most intelligent breeds, most expensive dogs, dangerous dogs and most widely-used police and military dogs. its just hard to believe Bruno’s gone, he brought so much joy and love into my life and my family life but i know he’s okay and he’s happy now and some day well see each other again cause this isn’t the end; i’ll always remember him, forever, cause he’s my guardian angel; i’ll always love him. I kept leaving out dog biscuits and chicken broth. This would have been her 13th birthday. He was always there and I never, ever got mad at him for anything. Yesterday, while driving I found an awesome secluded part of the beach & I excitedly turned to my friend & declared: “He’s going to love it here!” Then I saw the sadness in her eyes & I realized he was gone. His stone says” if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever” Thank you Puppy for giving us 14 years of your loyal love. I sure miss you, and half of me died when you did. Like Lily, our boy had the run of the house and like Lily, there are reminders of him everywhere. I cried harder than I ever have. The first Doctor after many test and ultrasound said that he is ok. We just have to “do” things to have a diversion and temporarily put it out of our mind, but it is always there ready to come up at any moment. They did an ultrasound on her and found that her liver and spleen were inflamed and her stomach to big and bloated. Maybe the picture is the problem? The video starts with Jeffy saying Hey to Mario, but Mario says his breath stinks. I will get another dog when the time is right and I know I can fall in love again. But I’m sorry, animals are not bandaids or therapists . I longed to be in his magnificent presence, to laugh at his silly antics, to feel those lion eyes watching my every move. She slept by my side for all those years, and waking up not feeling her licking my face is too hard to bear. I still cry every day. It’s exactly how I’ve been feeling since we lost our sweet Cocoa on June 6, 2019. It put some context on our feelings of grief. 25. Miss her every day since 2015 and i’m now sure well beyond. I lost my beautiful Kayla three days ago and also feel I want to die. I did not realize he was sick and He had received the vaccine so I could board him. Last year I started getting a little nervous when people would make remarks about her being a big dog and “big dogs don’t live very long “ “you are really quite lucky “, well I say to hell with those people. try to forget that one bad time at the end That was the last sunset my baby was going to see . He was such a good boy! My Aussie died yesterday. I think she was too old to handle anti steroidal pain medication. It was almost dark but close enough for me to know she had been killed. He’ll probably chew and destroy everything. The good news is that after the grief passes you will cherish the memories of your sweet special dog again. When our cat Sarah fell very ill and we had to make the choice to help her pass, i was shocked at my reaction,I was gutted and even now tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. Everyday she’ll feed them, clean up after them and provide plenty of love and attention. I feel guilty because somehow I ended his life. When my German Shepherd, Hugo, died, it felt like a part of me had been clawed out and torn away. And there is always a constant ache in my heart for her. Enjoy that Rainbow bridge in heaven my sweet boy!! He’ll be there on the other side waiting for you. I lost my 12 year old companion, Lexi, on November 18, 2020 to liver cancer. Saddened beyond comprehension. They love you no matter what! I’m angry, hurt, and sad all at the same time. Thank you for sharing with us. I LOVE YOU! After reading all these amazingly touching and heartwrenching comments, it’s obvious that these dogs were incredibly lucky to have such devoted parents! Here’s What to Do Next. She had heavy breathing and eventually no appetite, but I thought she was perking up so I did not go to the vet. We went everywhere together. Bartender peers over the counter. I cry still. A loss that I’m not sure I’ll ever get over. I just couldn’t love that fast, I still have a big hole in my heart for Chelsea! I have never felt pain like this in grieving and I would give anything to hold him and bury my face in his fur. It was that deep, dark, hidden part of your heart that would only allow unconditional love into it. At the same time, and I mean all at once I lost my job, my home that I rented and my Hercules in a span of a month and a half. How? My new dog Remedy has a lot to live up to. What’s his favorite computer brand? Hang in there , I think you have a mission and that is to give love to animals and protect them, ”when you adopt an animal, you take care of him for the rest of his life. It is such a deep, heart-wrenching pain that no one can imagine unless they have been where you are. I got her when she was 6 months old. Mario figures out that Jeffy ate the "chocolate candies", which were actually cat poop. I said before this time came that I would give her a piece of my heart when she left because she earned it. A German shepherd cross who was ill treated before he came to me. We had him for 8 years, but we think he was around 12. He had some weird ways that couldn’t be explained but I was thankful I had him. please post something about your freind it does help, I MISS YOU MY GIZMO SOME DAY ILL SEE YOU AGAIN, Had to lay my sweet pug Mindy to rest yesterday. There is not one single exception to that rule walking the earth today. I have 5 grandchildren whom I love dearly and feel guilty for crying over the loss of my dog to this point. He taught me a lot about myself and life. It’s a devastating disease that accumulates to other things even when you treat your dog right. He stopped drinking water and moved slow. I think she’s just dead and gone forever. But Unconditional Love is irreplaceable, highly addicting and the greatest gift one could receive in life. Now, at the age of 22, I don’t remember life without him. We took her to the local vet and was told the grime reality. She was smart, sweet, sensitive, obedient, beautiful girl. To anyone grieving their lost fur baby – I feel you and you’re not alone! Noticed she didn’t really care food as much. That must have been a nightmare. Our home went from being sombre and cold to warm, joyful and so happy. I am struggling with the loss of my very best friend of 11 years. I had to euthanise him. Mom and Dad love you. My philosophy is this,”when you adopt an animal, you take care of him for the rest of his life. We rushed her to the vet right away and he said her stomach had flipped and needed emergency surgery. I laid with him in the yard and pet his face, taking it in because I had a bad feeling. I had a horrible flu so my relative took him to the vet. He finally met his demise while we were out on a woods walk. I’m trying to cope with losing Jasper, a lab/chow mix I got from the animal shelter as a puppy. Little chihuahua Gizmo was my shadow and first ‘furbaby’. I just break down and cry. I have considered getting help with a counselor, however I have found the best counselor there is that with prayers to “GOD” he hears and feels your pain please don’t forget to pray.. Running and bouncing into you new home. I get it some people don’t !! I keep looking for him to . Reading the comments from other families experiencing this is very helpful. We tried to help her fight. 12 1/4 years. But I was mistakingly put to sleep with euthanasia for ever taken away from my dad by an uncaring vet who did not bother to tell my dad that there was medicine to make me feel better. I cant seem to stop thinking if i hadnt listened to the vet i know she would still be here. Thank you for being mine. As their dogs cutely ate them, they basically dissolved into baby-talk and cute overload. I just thank god that he didn’t suffer. He was the most beautiful part of me, I liked who I was when I was with him. I sill wake up at night to take him outside. I too am a Widow, all alone in the world. It was the only time that dog ever bit anyone and she didn’t draw blood. She died of a very rare cancer. I always thought it’d be the hardest thing imaginable, but it’s way worse than that. I will be with them again. We had her for over 15 years. We lost our beloved McFly on the 18th. Seeing him unable to sit or stand or drink water on his own was more than we could handle. Someone call me if they figure out how to contain a husky. I let him outside before bed and when letting him in he could hardly walk. A year later I woke up one Monday morning and my baby was not well. I went to the doctor & received a script for a antidepressant but it’s potential adverse affects I read are too scary to seriously consider this one. She was always there. My husband and I are grieving terribly but leaning on each other a lot because I think there is some kind of expectation that you pick up and move on. He made us a family and losing him so suddenly with no warning has broken both of hearts. Yesterday suddenly I lot my best friend Flash. I still can’t believe it. Got him when my son was a baby. I am replying to my own post…..I hope this doesn’t sound weird to everyone, but the only way I can explain the depth of my pain and anguish is as if I personally gave birth to my baby girl Heidi. I had a have a heart cage and i finally caught him. 24. Always keep your dogs indoor during severe winter storms to prevent any pupsicles. This pain and sorrow, I’m feeling really really hurts and tears come to my eyes when I think of him. An Olde English Bulldog at age 8. I noticed that you had a marking of a cross on your head. i went outside of vet clinic and cried my eyes out. I can’t talk about her or think about her or focus on her without just crying. The ears you loved to have me stroke, that cold wet nose pressed in my hand, I held her head in my palm while petting her when she left. Still not getting over it. omg, your dog looks like mine. At around 1:30 this afternoon, day after Mother’s day, my grandbaby dog, Lola died. I pray eventually we can smile remembering all the funny, sweet things they filled our lives with. I lost my best friend, Buster, just a few weeks ago and I am really struggling. I just lost my little Simba. He was my world and I feel as if a piece of my heart has been taken forever. He was too young to have already gone on. I lost my lab 2 days ago, my heart is just broken and some moments I feel like I can’t breathe. A friend pushed me into getting another puppy to keep us company and eventually I did. He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates that wants to find the One Piece treasure and become the King of the Pirates. Saying goodbye was the hardest part. I hope you are right about the silver light in the distance…it was so comforting to read your words..THANKS!! To say he will be missed is an understatement. I wish someone had a magic word that would make everything better. if he would of Lyle might have had a chance. I miss her so much and am struggling with simple things. We had to make the heartbreaking decision to euthanize her, but my husband and I were with her through it all. Just came home from taking my precious Jemma girl, a 9 year old Old English Bulldogge to a vet specialist due to several recent changes in her ability to walk. I took him in and raised him to health. She is gone, and I am alone in a big empty house, and rudderless and everything is related to or reminds me of her. I can only hope that I’m a better person because of him. He’s an excellent roofer. He’d bark when he had to go to the bathroom, so I lug him outside. Me and my husband are grieving. I bet your boy is up there, watching, waiting. I feel empty my house feels empty… I just cry and cry….Reina your daddy loves you, Dave..I’m so sorry about your loss. My little Bailey passed away last night, he was going through a lot of issues with his newly diagnosed IBD (diagnosed 2 months ago) and probably lymphoma, when yesterday he suddenly started breathing fast and was more than lethargic, just floppy. He helped us through family deaths, my husbands illnesses, his love was unconditional. <3 Much love to you. It has been over a month for me since my Heidi died, and the pain is still so great. This entire house reminds me of her. Memes and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly. He had a huge brain tumor and there was nothing we could do for him. First issue is, the dog pooped rainbows. I just looked at him and cried. Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! I couldn’t hold her or even say goodbye. I loved and cared for him more than I had for anything in my life, ever. I just want everybody to know how much I loved Ragsy. My father had had a stroke and I needed to be with him. I have support but the words don’t change it. He couldn’t go down the steps anymore to go out and go potty. All I could say was I don’t understand he was fine this morning, he ate his chicken and did not cough. One time, after I witnessed an old grandmother (at the house where I worked as home health care nurse for her grandson) try to kill a beautiful, solid black, tiny family cat with a baseball bat. I lost my little dog recently. I had more love for him than for any other human. 96. I wasn’t sure there was anyone else that wished they would die too…then I read the post above and realized I wasn’t alone. I gave her a pillow for Christmas and it still smells like her. We just said goodbye yesterday to our sweet Pepper. We lost our girl Nina today only 4. He looked forward to it and would watch me when I got near the end of my meal–he expected something–and always got it. I can’t sleep. Thank you for sharing. I love you forever jack. She was always in my arms well as much as she could which was alot. He slept in my bed every nite. I told my daughter how having a puppy was a big responsibility not to mention that puppy was very young only 4weeks it was the last born to it’s mommy.. the people who sold the puppy to my daughter’s father told him he wasn’t sure if the puppy would make it. I had a beautiful Pumi puppy. The thoughts you have are normal and will eventually go away. He had a stroke last year and had to go on meds that kept him and me up every hour at night to take him out to go pee…he would mess in the house sometimes…sometimes not eat and then other days gobble everything down and run around like he was a puppy again????
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