Is that what they’re sayin’? Rather than accept their memories are faulty, many of those experiencing this claim it is no co-incidence so many are affected, and … Even my KJV that I’ve had since I was a kid has CHANGED. As for intelligent beings (space brothers) of other races from other worlds there is not one shred of evidence for this. They don’t even seem to realize that it changed. The roots of the Mandela effect lie with Mandela’s supposed “death” in the 1980s. My KJV, printed in 2000, says matrix in Exodus 13:12. MWI is a concept that originated from quantum mechanics that advocates the existence of a single wave function for the entire Universe. I find it humorous that we so often try to minimize health issues and ignore things and hope they aren’t that bad. no demon here. Hello SLS. I’ve even tried to bring this up and not even mention the words “mandela effect” to see if people can see the change. While her claims could have been brushed off if she were the only proponent of the memory, this is not the case, as many share the same false memory. 6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. At least I can present historical documented evidence for what I believe. 1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? Imagine yourself aboard a Federation starship. Its gods holy spirit.. Like you I am very mystified at how combative people get over this subject. The signs are there, the pieces are moving, and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble is very soon at hand. Mandela Effect – The Matrix is Breaking Down. having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? so-called "Mandela Effect" or the "Quantum Effect" is an unexplained P. Lor, it is perplexing how Christians believe in the supernatural except when it comes to the Bible changes. Here’s the Truth – the KJV bible has always said matrix but because people don’t read their bible much – they never noticed it before. See All. If you want to hear an objective explanation of some of the bigger MEs from a guy who doesn’t have a Biblical background, listen to Brian Staveley on Youtube. Word meanings change. “Matrix” is such an odd word in that if it had really been there before everyone would have remembered a pastor or a teacher taking a couple of moments to explain that “This is an obscure word which means ‘womb. I don’t think we live in a matrix. If you can explain to me how that is a witchcraft , satanic psy op, then I will listen. This world is very large and God is very real and what he is able to do is really amazing. When I first discovered the ME, I too thought that only materials printed recently had the change. i have never heard of an oracle in the bible. Came from within me.. Surely they must know that changes have been made, but are doing everything they can to convince themselves that they have a horrible memory. Mag, thank you for your comment. Beaucoup sur les forums parlent de bug de la matrice. I knew that I was not losing it and don’t have a “bad memory,” so I tried every lame excuse I could think of to rationalize and explain it away. All I’ve done is to simply ask people why Genesis 1:1 changed from “heavens” to “heaven” and they are like a deer in headlights. It only makes sense to say that human memory is vulnerable, unreliable, and rather fickle. Above comment should read “ impossible really” not “ another possible really” My apologies. It’s so hard not to laugh at religious stupidity, so I don’t even try. ?”, Growing up in the sixties in the southwest I had a cousin who was a hippie who had a friend who damaged his eyes looking at the sun when he was on acid. Some people just can’t trust their eyes, nor their ears for that matter! And if you think those white men in Jerusalem are God’s chosen you are wrong. 50+ years ago matrix and womb were synonyms, but are not today. I don’t blame them for that; I used to think that as well until I was challenged to actually take 10 minutes and look into it. Those are all of the curses the most high God gave us so called “blacks, Hispanics and native americans.” We are the chosen children of Israel. Know what I mean? So it has been changed….very interesting to say the least. God is rich in mercy and loves ALL mankind and desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (Psalm 103:8-9; Psalm 145:8-9;1Timothy 2: 1-6). “Choosy mothers choose Jif.” Jiffy was popcorn, not peanut butter. Matrix replaces what used to be the “womb”. i know the dems have viewpoints against God’s word. Well, you can see why this is so significant to the Mandela Effect - if there were any to be found in movies, this is the equivalent of the Rosetta Stone. No Jennifer, it is not just you. Erinzdad, lol! Like the trials of “Lot” Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. the fact that all people cannot see. holy of holies if i’m correct refers to the back room of the tabernacle where the ark of the covenant would be. The heavens, which refers to everything in the universe; All day, it was yellow. The Tin man has a handle on his funnel hat that was not there before. A Glitch in the Matrix, directed by Room 237 and The Nightmare director Rodney Ascher, is a film about simulation theory that premiered at Sundance 2021. why ? All I can think about when I hear the “Mandela effect” is how witches and warlocks are just having a field day tripping people up causing them to be psychologically attacked. Now if it was a matrix.. We might not Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, hoaxes and rumors were 70% more accepted over the truth by the consumers. Fetus is a label cleverly devised to strip the baby of it’s humanity and value. We want to minimize it and say, “Oh well. I thought that Genesis 1:1 with heaven vs. heavens was about as plain as day and about as blatantly obvious as you can get, but every time I’ve tried to bring this one up on a Biblical site I am banned for being a troll. Chad, the King James Bible has been the gold standard for over 400 years. We can agree to disagree! I’ll give you three examples. So much for the fetus = person argument. These changes, however subtle they may be, have changed the context and entire meaning of what is written. Morpheus has sent Trinity to contact Neo, believing he is The One of prophecy. I understand.. PLEASE check your Bible again! Speaking of end times here is a short dating video made for the children of wrath: (satan is coming very soon for his bride! For years people have blamed map changes on a poor memory of geography, but everyone who went to grade school in the US should see this. It means we can get out! Ask anyone throughout history, to draw the sun, and they’d color it yellow. The latest change is in Job.. though he slay me, I will trust him. One of you sees the electron spin up, the other, a spin down. February 3 at 6:38 PM. I understand how you believe what you said about the Mandela Effect, undoubtedly with all the explanations you heard being on the internet. There is now an Oracle in the Bible. In the eyes of many it is the authority text. Gee I wonder who wants us to doubt the KJV? Required fields are marked *. BUT its only become this ”suddenly conscious” thing now the ME is drawing people’s attention to what was always actually there. There are a lot of people who don’t have the slightest clue what you are talking about and when you mention the mandela effect. Now we understand why the Lord told us to write his word upon the tablets of our heart & to the them arpund our neck, where no man can take them from us. The mandela effect is a demonic rumour, started by paranormal consultant (ghost hunter) Fiona Broome – who invented the term in 2010 during a conference on Dragon Con……. I do believe God allows Satan to do even that, as Job tells us that God permits him to do some things. It’s undeniable. If they are at a convention of trial lawyers they will use a certain dialect. You cannot trust the writings without the Holy Spirit to guide you. You know that satan has the power to manipulate matter, such as he did in the Old Testament, by changing the staff into a snake. Glitches in the matrix may result in people remembering different versions of an event. I mean really the Bible don’t really talk about the stars, but God made them and there there for a reason. Alot.. . Then, are you sure? I’ve seen this as the excuse for, well, almost everything. I have a 1958 version that is correct. Quick eg… a so called ME is beautiful day in THE not THIS neighbourhood.. but with research… there are many videos of Rogers singing THE ….and some of him singing THIS… why ? These phenomena fall under the category of either a “glitch in the matrix” or the “Mandela Effect.” The Mandela Effect refers to when a group of individuals all misremember the same detail or event, so named because — when Nelson Mandela died in 2013 — many people had mis-remembered that he’d already died several years before. The blame doesn’t lie entirely on bots but also on people with verified accounts who spread misinformation. We know that are memories are good and we go in the complete opposite direction and try to convince ourselves that we have just a horrible memory and need to check into a Memory Care Unit wing of the hospital because we are such nincompoops who can’t remember a thing. I remember a line in the Matrix where Morpheus says "what if I told you " to Neo. There’s also verses now that don’t make sense, and emojies! It’s not even subtle if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. i haven’t noticed things changing at a rapid pace anymore. If so, draw nearer to Him. Please Thumb this video up if you remember this quote from the movie. I agree with you when you said, “the ludicrousness of the idea that there are multiple universes — and people believe that ! “All that openeth the matrix is mine; …”, “That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix, …”, Tagsattack, bible, corruption, exodus, mandela effect, matrix, quantum effect, scripture, 78 Replies to “All Who Openeth the Matrix are Mine…”, Nonsense bullshit. You stated — ““Mandela Effect” is a term that refers to a memory that appears to be faulty” That may be true in the land of speculation but not when money is on the line: Where this becomes a Mandela Effect Issue: Ah yes,  he was the one with no brains. GROUP GUIDELINES: 1. I remember because Nelson Mandela and apartheid was going on it and I would hear his name sometimes called mandala I said no you’re thinking of the effect of things that changed from what we had thought them to be. Or, if they have heard of the mandela effect, they think it’s some internet hoax. is this just me? He just doesn’t talk.. I think thats pretty obvious..Jesus warned that the enemy would go around like a roaring lion seeing wo he could deceive…There is satanic mind control which uses editing, suggestion ( thats withcraft!) (KJV) Yes, many Bibles still read womb, but that doesn’t change the fact that the King James Bible has been altered. I was going to show that Sally Field was Sally Fields in the movie ads and Steven Seagal was Steven Segal. maybe it’s been happening for some time. Today it looks like it was written by someone barely literate. and I know many changes have occurred, but I don’t think this is a legitimate one. For me this is a new and absurd change without a doubt. This theory vehemently forbids the information transfer between the universes. 16 And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place.Here the word oracle should be Holy of Holies! Broome also argues that she remembers the sensationalization of Mandela’s ‘death’ in the 1980s, followed by speeches from his widow, and world leaders. Steve Biko, just like Mandela, was another anti-apartheid proponent, who was imprisoned around the same time as Mandela. Have you ever heard a woman who is pregnant say, “my fetus is due in two months”? As far as fear, there are many more things in this world to be afraid of – economic collapse, tyranny, wars, transgender agenda, etc. 1 Kings 6:16 (KJV) i read most of the old testament on my own and not listening to a preacher so i didn’t hear it that way. Every dollar of your donation enables us to reach 20 more believers and non-believers alike with this very important and life changing information regarding the ongoing assault on our God, our faith and our Bibles! Once the seeds of a conspiracy theory are planted, they sometimes cannot be shaken off and just grow, religious-fanatic style, until it is seen to affect "the whole world". Sorry about that. But until then, let us hope that the very existence of the Mandela effect isn’t a Mandela Effect in itself. It awoke me.. And continued as I sat awake.. As suggested by MWI, a split occurs, and now there are two versions of you. Post your Mandela effect research and discoveries. Websites, communities, and groups are formed around deception. Exodus 34:19 (KJV) I do believe in the M.E. Oh, and the leader of the Gremlins in 'Gremlins' isn't named 'Spike.' Now we have that little, hot, white sun that hurts even looking near it. Jesus told us that it is not by the Word that you are saved but by faith in Him and His sacrifice for us. However, if they are in the South at a meatpacking factory, they’ll suddenly develop a Southern accent and start talking about “you hard workin’ people”, etc. But, like the saying goes, “If you could reason with a liberal there would be no liberals.”, Like you say about them being actors, they are just children of wrath following their father’s script on the world stage in these end times. 2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. The majority of the so called MEs are easy to debunk and disprove, a few are a bit harder for whatever reason…but most are evidently not true. The mandela effect is a demonic rumour, started by paranormal consultant (ghost hunter) Fiona Broome – who invented the term in 2010 during a conference on Dragon Con……. While this theory can’t be tested, we can speculate about it. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. There are so many cultural Mandela Effects that it is at the point that it’s undeniable. I don’t like the ME and frankly, it completely freaked me out at first. That is, they have higher selves and are connected to them when the majority of humanity is not. My third proof was to look for old ads for Depends Undergarments. Politicians change their accent and their demeanor, depending upon their audience. Please dont say no dumb shit like well they weren’t as smart as we are today! only the priest could go there. All the Bibles now have matrix in them, so is yours any different? But apparently it’s actually now proper to write it like with commas in quotes: (whoso readeth, let him understand:). Mayim (waters), shaddayim (devils), Ashkenazim (ethnic Eurasian Jews). He passed away in 2013, aged 95. Every single one of the references you gave were from the Old Testament, also known as The Law. Ved and Arya make their way from the canteen, where the students were packed like sardines, towards the lecture halls. and they don’t seem to care if they reason and sound half intelligent or not. Deuteronomy 18:10-13 (KJV): There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. The emoticons mock God’s written word. Whom did not worship him.. Erinzdad, yes, I have been banned. From space missions to psychopaths, from politics to…, From space missions to psychopaths, from politics to fandoms, we’ve got it all covered. It was a females voice.. Just coming across the Mandela affect myself after stumbling across some intriguing correlations between ancient civilizations structure layouts and the layouts of a computer board. Try to follow along. I literally memorized entire chapters of the Bible as part of my education and testing ( and I was a good scholar with an A average ) So, I can testify that the Word of God has definitely been changed and it’s still changing. ), wouldn’t this guy been shown the door and never allowed to come on the show in the first place because he was a “racist” for leaving out one of the members, who happened to be black? I am not “misremembering” these blatant changes; somehow, someone or something is messing around with our very timeline. Remember one thing, God is good and God is Great. I trust in God and if anything, I think that God is allowing this to happen. See erinzdad, here’s the problem with your comment: how do you account for what was written in Exodus 21:22-25 where the law as given by The Most High itself assigns a lower value to the unborn than the living? The KJV son. coincidence that they’re messing with the stuff our reality is made of in there? Surely the scriptures are only fragments of what was originally written..even language changes or a missing coma and periods..change alot.. It is such an obscure term that 99 out of 100 people would be totally clueless and have no idea that it refers to a womb. Then there are claims that these distortions are caused by Satanic activities associated with black magic and witchcraft. I never said schools and college were or weren’t going on 3,000 years ago, and I never said that people weren’t as smart as we are today. Maybe what we remember is the result of an erroneous program, or perhaps the ones controlling it want to mess with our heads, hence the false memories. one more thing to the maker of this page. The Mandela Effect is where a group of people remember something for which there's no evidence. He is just allowing some things to proceed for a time. Here, things take a turn and become eerie; the death of the South African anti-apartheid leader stirred up a debate on the internet. Is this guy a complete idiot who made a fool of himself on national tv because he couldn’t even figure out that The Village People had 6 members instead of 5? Are those fake too? According to The Intrigued Mind, the Mandela Effect phenomenon is named after Nelson Mandela, as it was getting much attention after thousands and thousands of people remembered that he died in prison in the 1980s, while he actually was actually released from prison, became the president of South Africa (from 1994-1999), and only died in 2013. Seriously? If you are thinking about the ‘Holodeck’, you Star Trek fans are right! 12 That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord’s. The mental gymnastics that those people must be doing in order to attempt to justify these changes is staggering. Now because I see God.. And I ask I have a very old Bible appointed for use in churches. but so are you. But really? The Mandela Effect is no doubt fascinating. Amen – God is in total control! Ordinary time and space ended on December 21, 2012. The concept of false memories has been around for centuries, but these focus on individuals. Videos. That's a minor Mandela Effect. Another “S” variation. When I discovered that even old microfiche from the 80’s and 90’s had their names as Sally Field (without the S) and Steven Seagal, I crawled under the table at the library and curled up in the fetal position and had to have security get me out…….Ok, I’m just kidding on that last part, but I ALMOST did that. 12 Examples Of The Mandela Effect In Horror Movies That Are Almost Scarier Than The Films - If so, comments are encouraged to be stated in a way that avoids antagonism. Your email address will not be published. But I had to face reality and admit that these excuses don’t work. Psychologists explain the Mandela effect via memory and social effects – particularly false memory. Conspiracy theorists are under the impression that this could corroborate the multiple universe model, put forward by quantum mechanics. Look, they removed the hyphen between the words!”“Ved, don’t mess with me!”“What?”“What do you mean by ‘what’, there never was a hyphen.”. its been spreading ever since. because he usually sang THE ( that was the song!) Who i am. My ears close any time someone starts up with the religious crap. Biko, almost as famous as Mandela himself, died in 1977, while he was in prison. So glad I have an old copy. So. Some people believe Nelson Mandela died in prison instead of living until the ripe age of 95. So maybe.. There’s something to a matrix.. It definitely aroused my attention and made me want to do some research of which is what brought me to this page. Even children. People can legally kill fetuses, but not babies. I read the Bible the word Matrix was not in it before. I have this little game I play with people where I make a bet. Shocking! You are welcome here sister! Just remember salvation is for Hebrews only. He is the Chosen One, the reluctant hero, the savior, and the one who will lead his people to freedom. Yes, woman and matrix have similar meanings and you could interchange them without really changing the meaning. Now check it again, now that a few years has past! And every Gospel knee will bow at the gate. People getting mixed up with the KJV and the NKJV?? Besides the mountains of residual evidence… I know what I know. I’m not opposed to the possibility or reality that someone or something is at work to deceive the masses. To your credit though, it’s still the deliberate termination of another life – however dependent that life may be on its incubator – so yeah it’s not unethical to oppose it in principle (in practice is another matter). I think it used to say (whoso readeth, let him understand): because the colon is NOT a part of the statement in parentheses, but rather leads to the next statement. Or that God is just fine with leaving His people with no authoritative text? We might see.. From a all knowing God.. FREAKY!! So how can you prove that it was changed? I just found out about this one. Keep the Faith Bro’! It’s a living mystery book.. And life is.. Kinda a hide and seek game..where’s God.. We would laugh. For many people that are not grounded in Christianity, the explanation for this Mandela Effect is that we live in a holographic reality like in the movie, “The Matrix”. We explore possible causes of the effect. But, this would imply that the simulation controls everything from your thinking to your memories, and you yourself would be a simulation. Any KJV thereafter has changed. “Matrix” in the context of pregnancy is such a universally unknown term in the English language that it is literally impossible that any decent teacher would have just let this go by and assumed that the audience knew the meaning. People who don’t believe certain things is okay, your choice. What he can do for you is really no limits because his energy is infinite. I’ve read it from cover to cover dozens of times. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Another new Mandela Effect can be seen here as well. Likewise have you ever heard of a woman referring to her womb as a matrix? Mr. Rogers changing his theme song from time to time? It’s like talking to a wall. meant to say “womb” and “matrix” above, not “woman”. If Neo chooses the blue pill, he will wake up in his bed and forget about everything that happened. You know: “Get back into life with Depends.” I was going to prove that it was Depends years ago. ), Your email address will not be published. I don't know what is causing this "Mandela or Quantum Effect" (although I suspect I do) but I DO know that if this were simply a random event then the secular world should be experiencing changes of the …
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