Patrick Rodreick, 47 On June 24, 1940, a large debris flow partially destroyed the town of Santa Cruz Pueblo Nuevo. The model combines all weights into a single hazard value for each pixel of the landslide hazard map. The violent flow causes severe problems mainly along valley bottoms of rivers with basins up to 2000 km2 in area. These processes usually cause the movement of very large rock masses. This is Part I of a two-part causation analysis of the January 10, 2005 La Conchita, California, USA landslide. and causes of geological calamities of Nanping City are analyzed in this paper. The following summary of the 1995 La Conchita landslide is extracted from O'Tousa (1995) and Anderson (Robert Anderson, RJR Engineering, 2005, personal commun.). ... ← CASE STUDY SUMMARY_TODD. It is a highly probable that the town will be affected again by landslides and debris flows. The loose solid matter of Sanyanyu debris flow mainly include collapse deposit, landslide deposit, eluvial deposit, talus deposit and trench deposit. 12/10/2004 Ojai Daily Rainfall 12/30/1994 1 12/20/2004 1/9/1995 10 Jan 2005 landslide 12/30/2004 1/19/1995 1/9/2005 1/29/1995 1/19/2005 2/8/1995 4 Mar 1995 landslide 2/18/1995 2/28/1995 3/10/1995 3/20/1995 3/30/1995 After Landslide, a Paradise Unlikely to Be Regained. Nanping City is an area where geological calamities occur frequently Santa Barbara County Ventura County Pacific Ocean Santa Barbara Ventura Ojai 1 0 1 1 50 1 50 33 La C onchita C a l i f o r n i a N. ¾180-m-high bluff ¾~350 slslope ¾Monterey Formation in … Events. In 2005, a second event occurred, killing 10 people, injuring 14 more, destroying 15 houses, outright, and damaging 16 more beyond repair. This research is therefore helpful for hazard assessment of slopes that are susceptible to deep-seated landslides and other sequential processes in areas with geology and geomorphology similar to that of the Kii Peninsula. in the mountain area is very heavy and the mountain high slope is steep, and the water content of soil is overly saturated It was triggered by two weeks of heavy rainfall, which initiated a failure in the backscarp of a large slump that had occurred ten years earlier. The landslide hazard map was used in combination with existing information on buildings and infrastructure to prepare a qualitative risk map. From Figure 6, notice the March 4,1995 slide occurred approximately one month after the period of heavy rainfall ended. From these variables a hierarchical heuristic model was applied in which three levels of weights were designed for classes, variables, and criteria. This paper describes the regional geology, dimensions, morphology, sedimentology, and age relations of the Holocene "Carlson landslide," a large moist landslide composed of basalt breccia located on the eastern margin of the Lost River Range, Idaho. Infiltrated deeper? The model is based on weights assigned by expert judgment and organized in a number of components such as slope angle, internal relief, slope shape, geological formation, active faults, distance to drainage, distance to springs, geomorphological subunits and existing landslide zones. Landslide Case study- La Canchita La Conchita is a very small community, located on the southern California coastline between Ventura and Santa Barbara. 2005 La Conchita landslide The 2005 La Conchita Landslide occurred at the end of a 15–day period of near-record rainfall levels . 2). of laboratory experiments on samples from sliding surfaces by using undrained high-stress dynamic-loading ring-shear apparatus. The Study of the Topography-Measure Applied in China's Southwest Precipitous Areas a Case Study in Y... Research on the reservoir induced seismicity type identification and trend-forcasting system in the... Estimating peak flow-discharge during extreme rainfall events for the Gao-Ping River, Taiwan. Three major landslide regions are recognized in the study area: coastal hills with rockfalls, shallow debris flows and old rotational rockslides denudational slopes in limestone, with very large deep-seated rockslides related to tectonic activity and the Sierra de Caujerí scarp, with large rockslides. The test results indicate that the failure of samples is triggered by excess pore water pressure generation under a shear displacement from 2 to 7 mm with a pore pressure ratio ranging from 0.33 to 0.37. The different landforms and the causative factors for landslides were analyzed and used to develop the heuristic model. Where do they occur? Storm MJO: 2004-05 winter season OLR Anomalies Enhanced Convection Phase 1 18 Dec Phase 2 19-24 Dec Phase 3 25 Dec-2 Jan Phase 4 3-8 Jan ... Case study 5-15 January 2005: sensitivity experiments Unfortunately, such an event has not been uncommon to the area in the last few hundred years. The La Conchita Landslides of 1995 and 2005 Randall W. Jibson U.S. Geological Survey Golden, Colorado. After the 2005 tragedy, research geologist Randy Jibson of the U.S. Geological Survey authored a study of La Conchita. 3. Landslide case study Cantata La Contain is a very small community, located on the southern California coastline between Ventura and Santa Barbara. Question: PART 4: LA CONCHITA CASE STUDY La Conchita Is A Small Coastal Community Near Ventura, CA. The most tragic event was a landslide (mudslide) at La Conchita, a coastal community about 112 km west of Los Angeles. Christina Kennedy, 45 . Since then, debris flow has not occurred in the Laogan Ravine. Key words: landslides, debris flows, long runout, morphology, water, Mars. The model domain consisted of 25,614 square grid cells, each measuring 1.52 m on a side, and was developed The Road Department and Railway Department of Dongchuan city used many methods separately to prevent debris flow damages but they were all not in success. unstable, they often cause serious geological calamities such as landslide, collapse, debris flow, etc., and © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. In 1995, A Large Landslide Occurred, Damaging About A Dozen Homes. The total duration of rainfall usually has a greater effect on these landslides than does the number of short periods of very intensive precipitation. On January 10, 2005, a major landslide occurred in the town of La Conchita, Ca. the southern of China continuously, in the area of Wuyishan and Xianxialing it meets the cold air current which comes from Flowing avalanches are those with a dense core of flowing granular material at the base, which dominates the dynamics causing friction. Field validation indicated that the landslide-prone area and subsidence features on the forest canopy could be recognized using a sky-view factor relief and local relief model. A state of emergency was declared in 2005 after 10 people were killed by a reactivated landslide in La Conchita, California [Jibson, 2005]. Events. floods are the main reason for geological calamities in flood season. In recorded history, as many as 22 landslide dams have formed upstream of the Shinano River and the Hime River, in the northern, Northern Italy is a geomorphologically heterogeneous region: high mountains, wide valleys, gentle hills and a large plain form a very varied landscape and influence the temperate climate of the area. | By viewing the case study photographs provided in lab and in Figure 12.5, answer the following questions. They can be a result of He said the remaining houses are in … and geology is, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Tributaries swell the main stream, which is already in a critical condition. The 2005 La Conchita Landslide Overview In 2005, the small town of La Conchita, California experienced a dangerous landslide event. Physical characteristics for a slide: 29. The study is based on a terrain mapping units (TMU) map, generated at 1:50,000 scale by interpretation of aerial photos, satellite images and field data. I did my case study on the 2005 La Conchita Landslide in California. In spring and summer, as the southwest warm and humid air current rising into Deeper? The 1995 movement at La Conchita has been classified by the USGS as a complex slide. The Caujerí scarp presents the highest hazard, with recent landslides and various signs of active processes. In this study, the large-scale landslide that occurred in Hongye Village, Taitung County in Eastern Taiwan, on, Large landslides or debris flows caused by heavy rainfall or earthquakes often block rivers in mountainous areas and form landslide dams. The La Conchita landslides that occurred in 1995 and 2005 form only a small percent of a much larger landslide complex, according to the geologists. No breaker-like motion was evident, although the top of the front tended to shoot ahead of the base. In more viscous surges a bouldery embankment developed at the front and was shoved along by the material following behind. In the need of preventing and reducing geological calamities in the future, the status quo, characteristics The premise of the case brought against the ranch owners was that irrigation was the cause of the 1995 landslide, because irrigation has the tendency to raise the water table and potentially cause weakness in hill slopes. The complete lack of historical landslide information and geotechnical data precludes the development of quantitative deterministic or probabilistic models. Privacy Figure 5: Essentially the same tragedy strikes La Concitas (Conchita) a decade after the first landslide. This paper describes the development and application of a two-dimensional finite difference model (FLO-2D) model to simulate the debris flow over a fixed substrate. Both events were preceded by major rainfall events, which contributed to the mass wasting. The 2005 landslide mobilized the south flank of a larger landslide that occurred in March 1995, and destroyed 9 homes. PART 4: LA CONCHITA CASE STUDY La Conchita is a small coastal community near Ventura, CA. 2005 La Concitas. Seventy-one homeowners sued La Conchita Ranch Co. in Bateman v. La Conchita Ranch Co. The landslide is located in a complex and active tectonic setting. The January 10, 2005 La Conchita Landslide Philip J. Shaller 1 , Parmeshwar L. Shrestha 1 , Macan Doroudian 1 , Douglas L. Hamilton 1 , and David W. Sykora 2 1 Exponent, 320 Goddard Way Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92618 2 Exponent, 9 Strathmore Road, Natick, MA 01760 However, moist and water-saturated landslides plot well within the log(volume) versus H/L envelope for dry terrestrial landslides and exhibit overlapping ranges of estimated Bingham plastic yield strength values with dry landslides, indicating that moist and water-saturated landslides must travel much like dry rock avalanches of similar volume. The immediate cause of flowage was rapid melting of deep winter snow. Debris basins are structurally simple but need reliable predictions of debris-flow volume. Moreover, critical rainfall thresholds can vary from place to place in relation to the climatic and geomorphological conditions of the area. This paper describes the development and application of a twodimensional finite difference model (FLO-2D) model to simulate the debris flow over a fixed substrate. part of Nagano Prefecture in central Japan, and all except three have subsequently broken. Also, the conventional theory will result in lower speed estimates than the new formulation for the same amount of superelevation. From December 27, 2004 through January 10, 2005, the nearby city of Ventura received 378 millimeters (14.9 inches) of rainfall, only slightly less than its mean annual total of 390 millimeters (15.4 inches). Field studies, eyewitness accounts, and movie films provide the following information. Part V examines the federal, state The rapid movement of landslides is mainly attributed to high mobility due to the liquefaction behavior of both sandstone-rich and shale samples. The flow advanced in successive waves or surges of “slimy gray cement-like” mud containing abundant stones. 2005 La Conchita landslide In 2005, an additional landslide occurred at the end of a 15–day period of near-record rainfall levels . Although the slope View desktop site. among Fujian province. Nanping City is located in the north of Fujian province, Such situations usually happen during short-lasting heavy summer rainstorms or in late spring, when snow melt combines with intense rainfall. Huftile et alii (1997) observed 34 m of vertical separation of the Punta Gorda wave-cut platform along the fault, corresponding to a dip-slip rate of about 1.5 Fig 2 - Geologic map of the 2005 La Conchita landslide and vicinity. Landslide Case study- La Canchita La Conchita is a very small community, located on the southern California coastline between Ventura and Santa Barbara. This area has experienced two massive landslides in the past decade: March 4, 1995, and January 10, 2005. The results showed that the landslide area, mean sliding depth, and volume of the landslide in Hongye Village were approximately 4.5 ha, 5.1 m, and 22.8•104 m3, respectively. This area has experienced two massive landslides in the past decade: March 4, 1995, and January 10, 2005. 28. First, hydrological and geomorphological data for historical typhoons together with rainfall data were collected and analyzed. Southwestern mountainous areas, which can be of great reference value for the research of the similar places with regards to its hydrology, geology, geological structure and ground. September 15, 2016, was investigated. As before, list the physical characteristics you see in the photo that indicates this is a debris flow. Shallower? In contrast, the January 10, 2005 event took place near the end of a period of particularly heavy rainfall. The area approach consisted of 2 main dams with total height of 17.5m, 1080 m draining channel, 60 long catch drain, 4 fixing-bed dams, 155 m long protection dyke, 8 check dams and afforestation of 160 ha. It is shown that the conventional theory is physically unrealistic for flowing snow modeled as a frictional material. The Red Mountain fault is a major, active reverse fault. The runout distance of the initial landslide was 960 m and increased to 1.23 km when the landslide transformed into debris flow in the village. Sometimes when avalanches descend, they encounter curved channel bends, which cause the flowing material to superelevate or climb up on the wall of the channel bend so that the level of the flowing snow is higher on the outside of the bend than at the center of the channel. Next: La Concitas Comparison - Up: Case Studies Previous: Arent 3 Soil Description. Information describing 603 terrain units was collected in a, Through the field investigation of Sanyanyu Valley in Zhouqu county where occurred the giant flush flood and debris flow on August 8, 2010, the author summarized the geological environment background of loose solid material sources from several aspects of topography, stratum lithology, geological structure, hydrological geology, new tectonic movement and earthquake. La Concitas - 2005. This is Part II of a two-part causation analysis of the January 10, 2005 La Conchita landslide. This debris flow control project was completed in 1994 with total investment of 1.372 million Yuan. In continuous precipitation, in the third phase, basins of more than 2000 km2 in area reach their first critical stage. From MSNBC. The 2005 La Conchita Landslide occurred at the end of a 15–day period of near-record rainfall levels. Appeal Analysis BACKGROUND Heavy rains of January 1995 led to a March 4, 1995, landslide in the LaConchita Ranch Community in Ventura County (County), California, covering 300 feet of Vista Del Rincon (VDR) Drive with 7-8 feet of mud and debris. Structural measures for control of debris flows, such as check dams, are at present unreliable due to lack of rational design criteria. On March 4, 1995 at 2:03 p.m. PST, the La Conchita landslide failed and moved tens of meters in only a few minutes. This can be done either permanently by zoning or temporarily by debris flow warning and evacuation measures. Investigation results show, Nanping City lies in the north of Fujian Province and the upper of Minjiang River, where belongs to middle-low mountains and The basin extends from the rim of the volcano to the foothills at an altitude of 2,850 m a.s.l. Terms Physical characteristics for a debris flow: 30. After the 2005 tragedy, research geologist Randy Jibson of the U.S. Geological Survey authored a study of La Conchita. Morphological comparison of the Carlson landslide with lobate martian landslides suggests a role for water in the martian landslides. This material impacted and locally breached the temporary wall, but did not flow into the community below. In both the 1995 and 2005 events, increased pore water pressure resulting from heavy rains is believed to have triggered the event. The volcano is prone to landslides due to its loose vulcanoclastic sediments that are dragged by the streams and torrents during the rainy season. Mitigation measures were taken to reduce/prevent future. Question: PART 4: LA CONCHITA CASE STUDY La Conchita Is A Small Coastal Community Near Ventura, CA. Geomorphic settings and landslide mobility are major contributing factors to the dam formation. The resulting increasing landslide density with higher hazard classes indicates that the output map is reliable. Based on the timing of the slides relative to the rainfall pattern, for which event - 1995 or 2005 - do you think the water had infiltrated deeper into the subsurface? View Test Prep - La Conchita California 2005 from SCIENCE 201 at Brigham Young University, Idaho. database. Ten people died in the 2005 La Conchita landslide: Tony Alvis, 53 . Unstable areas are mainly along first-order tributary streams and meander bends developed on lahars, pyroclastic flows, and pumice fall deposits whose stability has decreased in the basin. The fire has destroyed 439 structures and burned 115,000 acres. Additionally, shear displacement control tests show that a certain amount of shear displacement between 2 and 7 mm along the sliding surfaces of the gravitationally deformed slopes might have led to the failures. Details. This was not the first destructive landslide to damage this community, nor is it likely to be the last. During early May of 1941 the southern California mountain resort of Wrightwood was partly inundated by surging flows of muddy debris which occurred daily for more than a week.
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la conchita landslide 2005 case study 2021