Being a strong-willed warrior maiden, she joined and then led the Valkyries — so that she could have first pick of the slain battlefield warriors. (Copyright notice.) She was later absorbed into an aspect of Juno, Juno Lucina, who is goddess of childbirth. A story is told that St. Lucia arrived in the Syracuse harbor in 1582, bearing wheat on a ship for the townsfolk who had prayed to her for help while they were starving. 30/12/2020 COTM 0 COTM 0 “As the spinner, [Frigga] appears in Austria under the thinly Christianized guise of ‘St. Another tale says she was the first wife of Adam, and the mother of the vittra people who live underground. They are rewarded with food: bacon, eggs, flour, sweets, dried fruit, cakes, etc. The new moon was the day of the Kalends, the moon’s first quarter was the day of the Nones, and the Ides fell on the day of the full moon. Godchecker™ is a trade mark used under license. There are, therefore, many possibilities if you dream of a fish - all good, even if the fish was a greatly feared one like the shark. December 31 – Feast of St. Sylvester syncretizes to the Orisha Osain. December 27 – Birthday of the Norse Goddess Freya. Cubans call Christmas Eve, Noche Buena, “Good Night.” Families gather for a feast which features roast pig. (This is one of the tales Helen Farias retells most beautifully restoring the identity of the magical woman to Freya in her tale for the Advent Sunwheel, “The Ice Ship.”), In Sweden, the eldest (or youngest) daughter rises before dawn on St. Lucy’s Day and fixes a breakfast of special pastries and coffee for her family. The folk custom states that anyone who on this night sets out a bone for a lost dog, hay for a hungry horse, a warm cloak for a wayfarer, a garland of bright berries for one who has worn chains, crumbs for the birds and sweetmeats for children, will be blessed for their generosity with gifts beyond measure. In charge of: Fertility Area of expertise: Fertility. She was also known to feed her people in times of famine. . Please do not copy without permission. The Gods have provided us with a robust privacy and cookie policy which all mortals are advised to read. “Lux in tenebris is one of the strongest notes of Christmas: in the bleak midwinter a light shines through the darkness; when all is cold and gloom, the sky bursts into splendor, and in the dark cave is born the Light of the World.”. May Day itself is associated with Frey – the great Maypole his phallus – and Freya as Goddess of Love. Our popular, semi-monthly newsletter shows you how to bring the beauty of the current season into your life, with ideas for simple actions, seasonal recipes and easy projects, plus recommendations for books and other resources. December 31 – Candomble Day of Yemonja (Orisha Yemaya) in Brazil. This custom echoes other similar customs, like setting a table for the Fates (see December 1) or hay and carrots for St. Nicholas. May 31 – Feast of the Triple Goddess – Maiden becomes Mother However the story arrived in the northlands, it seems clear that the name “Lucia,” from lux (light), captured Nordic hearts as she merged with their ancestral traditions of Freya and Frigga. At the age of seven, she entered a Cistercian convent named Camera Sanctae Mariae, and she remained there for the rest of her life. - Feast of Aphrodite (Greek) 19th. Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present, In charge of: Fertility The emphasis on eyes may have come from the identification of the Sicilian woman Lucia with the Italic goddess of light, Lucina or Lucetia. May 28, 2018 – Memorial Day (USA) May 29, 2018 – FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS at 10:19am. just in time for breakfast.”. Yule was a pagan festival that followed the midwinter solstice (usually around 21st December) and celebrated the return of the sun as the days slowly started to get longer again. Name: Freya Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Freyja. Various explanations are given of how the Italian Catholic saint traveled to Lutheran Scandinavia and became firmly entrenched in Nordic culture. 5th - End of Yule celebrations honoring Freyr, Freya, and Baldor (Teutonic festival) Feast of Goddess Bafana (Roman) Kore's day (Greek) ... Feast of the Charities, festival to honor the Greek Goddesses of Beneficence ... Sacred day of Felicitas (Roman) 17th. In Italy, the eve of her feast day is celebrated with torchlight processions and bonfires, clear indications of her role as light bringer, according to Carol Field in her marvelous book, Celebrating Italy, on Italian holiday food customs. This caused much weeping of golden tears, but as usual Freya made the best of a bad job and really went off the rails. Very popular and very handsome. One 19th-century Lutheran pastor suggested that Saint Lucia was really Freya, the Norse goddess “dressed up” as a Christian saint. In many parts of Germany, the tree is not decorated until Christmas Eve. JAN. 2-3: Feast of Old to Greek Goddess Hekate – who guides all through transitions and crisis. St. Lucy was actually, he said, the goddess Freya. (This is why you need Godchecker.) While the Christians were trying to convert all the Pagans, they realised Freya was … Another legend says that she plucked out her own eyes and sent them to a suitor, so that she would not have to marry him. Her feast day is December 13th, which was the day of the solstice before the change to the Gregorian calendar in the 1300’s. A celebration of the war-dead and of Ragnarok, it is dedicated to Odin and Freya. Pronunciation: Coming soon In Christian times, the ban on spinning was extended to include St. Lucia’s feast day. She wears a white dress and red sash (symbolic of light and fire) and a wreath of greenery (lingonberry or whortleberry twigs) on her head. References You are like a Wise Grandmother reminding me of the ever present NOW!" Name: Freya Copyright © 1999-2020 Godchecker, Inc. All rights reserved. (Orion’s belt was sometimes called “Freya’s Distaff.”) Many centuries ago, this constellation processed across the sky during the winter nights, setting in the west at dawn about the time the daughter dresses herself as Lucy. Sources record her age as being from 11 to 20 years old. She sets out while it is still dark “to carry food and drink to every house in the parish, and also to visit stables and cow-byres, so that animals as well as human beings may share in the promise of lengthening days and greater plenty that she brings.” She is preceded by torchbearers, and followed by a train of maidens, “star boys,” and wicked-looking trolls and demons. According to Catholic Tradition, "Saint Anne has two colors, red and green, one for love, the other for rebirth, as she bore the New Eve, Mary.No artist is bound to paint the mother of Mary wearing these two colors, and a number of holy cards do not do so, but it is more often the case that Saint Anne is seen with one or both of these colors in her robes. The celebration of St Lucy spread over all of Europe. For official Godchecker merch please visit our God Shop where a wide range of items are available to buy. Because both names are based on the same root word for light, in Old Norse as well as Latin, Lucia was sometimes linked with Lucifer. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot driven by two cats, owns the boar Hildisvíni, possesses a cloak of falcon feathers, and, by Her husband Óðr, is … If you’re having marital problems of a physical nature, a prayer to him should sort you out. The disease caused Aleydis intense suffering, and eventually she … Freyr ’s got a wonderful sword and he loves to flaunt it — he’s always present and erect. As a goddess she was associated with cats and light. We are often asked about mythology merchandise. … However, at an early age, she contracted leprosy and had to be isolated. The son of Njord, and Freya’s twin brother, he’s in charge of Sun, Rain, Harvests, Peace and Prosperity. The statue of the golden pig in Romny, Ulkraine was found at this link. Other traditional foods served in her honor include saffron buns, ginger biscuits and glogg, a hot spiced wine often enhanced with a dash of aquavit. “Freya Vanadis,” meaning “shining bride of the gods,” reminds us of Lucy’s title “Lucia Bride.” Frigga was known as “Queen of the Aesir,” and St. Lucy was also called the “Lucia Queen.” 

Both were solar goddesses, associated with sun symbols such as sunwheels, cats, spinning, amber, and gold. Most of the slain go to Valhalla, but the good-looking heroes go straight to her palace for rest and recuperation. Since Lucy’s day falls right before (or, before the calendar change, upon) the winter solstice, she can be viewed as the midwife of the miraculous sun-child who is born at Yule. We don't need a priest (Godhi) to do it for us, but they specifically ask us to remember them on the High-Feast days.We believe in living in a community governed by law, and that enforcing that law should be an effort of the entire community if necessary. Yet another tale claims that she was tortured for her faith and was blinded in that manner, though God restored her eyesight in the end. St Lucy’s Day was a traditional day for butchering the Christmas pig in Norway. people give each other books on Christmas Eve. She is called St. Lucia and is most commonly known as the Christian saint who was said to light the way to salvation. In Burgundy, this round of visits is called the cornette, after the wafer made from cornmeal which is given as a reward. One of Freya’s names was “Gefjon,” meaning “Giver” or “Allgiver,” and she was known as the dispenser of wealth and plenty. May 6 – is also Eyvind Kelve Day, a Norse / Viking saint’s day. Apparently untroubled by the gruesome imagery, Italians eat St. Lucy’s eyes: cakes or biscotti shaped like eyeballs. Two churches in Britain were dedicated to her before the 8th century, when Britain was still largely Pagan. Some families then eat breakfast in a kitchen lit with candles. . This article was first published in PanGaia magazine, Winter 2000-2001. Dorothy Gladys Spicer describes how the parents do this in secret, behind closed doors, then the other family members are invited into the room to sing Christmas carols and open packages. At the back of the table, or tacked to the wall, place a photo of Mater Dolorosa. Bright, Marilyn, The Christmas Cookbook, Appletree Press, Harper Collins 1993 Friday gets its name from Freya, the Norse goddess of love, sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, and fertility. These cats were known to control the sunshine — it was said that if it rained at an inconvenient time, it was because the neighborhood cats were peevish or hungry. Cre8tive Contentpreneur Community Money-tize your Content iDea! Type: Goddess Candles are attached (some say nine, or seven, or four — all sacred numbers) to the wreath and lit. Just copy the text in the box below. It nourishes me in a deep way, inspires me, and helps me remember to connect. Now she is the patron of eye diseases and the blind and is often depicted carrying her eyeballs on a plate. Commonwealth Day Commonwealth Day is annually held on the second Monday of March. The winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature crowns Stockholm’s St Lucia. ... St. Patrick’s Day Saint Patrick's Day is an annual feast day which celebrates Saint Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ireland. Her name is spelled Freyja in Old Norse, Frôwâ in Old High German, Frea in the language of the Langobards and Frea, Fræa, or Freō in Old English. This is a day of merrymaking and the celebration of love, and Lofn and Sjofn, both minor love goddesses, may be honored. The stories and allegations of how she gained possession of Brisingamen, the golden amber necklace of desire, are scandalous. Lucy means “light.” Lucina is the Sabine goddess of Light, who was often pictured holding a plate of cakes (later mistaken for eyeballs) and a lamp. St. Lucia, “with a face so radiant that there was a glow of light all about her head,”2 arrived in a ship on Lake Vannern bearing provisions during a winter famine. She ran wild with Gods, mortals, giants and dwarves. The Kotylok wish for hens and geese, for many eggs and bountiful blessings. She became the patron saint of the blind and those with eye trouble. Posted: Dec 13, 2020 7:09 AM JAN. 1: Hag’s Day – honoring the goddess as She Who Transforms Day of Ishtar ( Inanna, Ashtart, Ashtaroth, Ashtoreth, Anat, Astarte, Anaitgis, Atar, Isis): Goddess of Love & Battle. She was the giver of riches. BBCODE: To link to this page in a forum post or comment box, just copy and paste the link code below: Here's the info you need to cite this page. In Norway, Lucy is considered a loose woman, even a goblin, and is said to lead the Wild Hunt. In Touraine, the treat is a guillauneu, a long cake split at both ends. Dorothy Gladys Spicer in The Book of Festivals, writes that in Czechoslovakia, the day before Christmas is spent fasting. Here’s a recipe for making Eyes of St. Lucy. The pastor was quite old and had grown a bit testy as he spoke, and he finally rumbled that the Papists would never have been able to carry it off had they not struck on the device of placing at the center of their restructuring of the symbolism of this tradition a cup of hot, rich coffee and a slice of good coffee-cake.”, Whether or not her popularity is due to coffee and rolls, St. Lucia is greatly beloved as the Lightbringer during dark northern winters. . The footnoted version is  in the appendix of Joanna’s recently published e-book, A Crown of Candles, which is filled with ideas for celebrating the winter holidays with a party honoring Santa Lucia. But this sort of thing is just titillation. The photo of the Lucy Bride with her crown of candles was taken at one of Joanna’ s legendary Lucia Parties by Paul Bingham. (Now Orion reappears in the North American sky in December.) Popularity index: 41335. It is said that food is the quickest way to someone’s heart, so plan a feast and invite the person of your fancy. Frey is associated with horses and Freya’s animal is the boar. Perhaps the story was carried by German traders, or priests and monks from the British Isles may have introduced the story. The lovely photo of the Lucy girls was taken by Claudia Grunder and I found it at Wikipedia. In Scandinavia, fish was considered an aphrodisiac, and was popularly consumed on Friday, the feast day of Freya, Goddess of Love - and in her honor Friday was a day dedicated to lovemaking. Italian-Americans enjoy the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas eve, a custom that began in southern Italy, which involves eating seven different kinds of fish. On Christmas Eve, on the small island in western Ireland where Deborah Tall lived for a year in 1977,  people spruced up their houses for Christmas, even painting the walls at the last minute so that they were wet and couldn’t be touched when people went visiting at nightfall with gifts of whiskey and cake. If the mistress of the house welcomes the singers and gives them the traditional present of dried pears, blessings will follow. JAN. 6: Triple Goddess Day—honoring the Goddess as the Three-In-One; Day of the Lord of the Dance – honoring Shiva, seeking his ai… Lucina is usually shown carrying a tray and a lamp; her title is “opener of the eyes,” referring to her role as midwife. There her customs mingle with the traditional deities of the land and ceremonies celebrating the light in the darkness. For all media enquiries please contact us here. The Cistercian community was inspired by her spirit of humility.
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