These 7 basic feminine archetypes are the foundation for my unique seduction theory. The Orphan or the “regular girl,” is often the working class, desire to belong and feel seen and loved. Freud calls this “repetitive compulsion”. As Zeus’ favorite daughter, she is sometimes referred to as “father’s daughter”. To better understand  the 13 seductive archetypes, I implore you to read about the 7 feminine archetypes on which my system is based. The Innocent Archetype is often the naive, wide-eyed traditionalist. Ayesha is a graduate of Yale University, and a former television journalist. There are archetypal stories playing out in your own life right now— and the sooner you understand them, the sooner you take charge of your destiny. Famous Caregiver figures: Mary Poppins, June Clever, Maria from The Sound of Music. The archetypes within us can work together to achieve a common goal, for example, the wise-woman can help the lover complete her creative projects, and the lover can help the queen land the husband he desires, but they can also clash. It is described as a kind of innate unspecific knowledge, derived from the sum total of human history, which prefigures and directs conscious behavior. The definition of these female archetypes can help in determining and understanding the behaviors and patterns of people in your life. In Myth: Artemis, Diana, Banka-Mundi, Medeina, Ishtar, Nujalik, Pinga, Oya. They use their power of charm and desirability to attain and satiate all of their needs. Greatest Strengths: confidence, inner-peace, seductive soulful quality, Challenges: deep introversion, emotional frigidity. In four months, your life can radically transform… emotionally, financially, socially, and  spiritually. Strengths: Naturally seductive, incites arousal and passion in others, creative, Challenges: vanity, lack of focus, fragile self-esteem. He believed they are the Another one of their traits is their curiosity when it comes Their intellect and knowledge are their reason for living, their essence. To learn why every seductress must activate her “lover “archetype, read here. The huntress is our path to independence and our warrior spirit. It is important to understand that an archetype, as in the case of the Anima/Animus, transcends the personal psyche. The “huntress” lines  up her bow and takes aim. The root words are archein, which means “original or old”; and typos, which means “pattern, model or type”. A woman who embodies this archetype is capable of becoming a brilliant strategists; seeing situations from an objective distance is her gift. Jung identified twelve types that reveal human motives, values, meanings and personality This is likely the most common female archetype in current pop culture, tv/film. Often has a self-deprecating sense of humor, cheerful, loyal and likable. […] Oshun represents the “siren” archetype, unbridled sensual energy. Regal, stately, and naturally confident, the “queen” woman is motivated by a goddess-given instinct to marry. This could also be called, “The Manic Pixie Dream Girl,” which has been referred to lately with indie films and popular Zooey Deschanel character types. The rescuer, the dragon slayer and the crusader. You’ll expand your knowledge of each archetype along with their modern day and ancient, mythological incarnations. The negative, this archetype predisposes a woman to be both compliant and passive. The lover is our gateway to sacred sensuality, creativity, passion,  and our innate ability to captivate. See more ideas about carl jung archetypes, archetypes, carl jung. Their life’s strategy is to find playfulness in all things. The word is derived from two Greek words, “arche” which means the first principle and “tupos” that translates as impression. Archetypes are also a portal into the how the world sees you. Analysis of Carl Jung’s philosophy goes on to define his belief on the archetypes: “The term “archetype” has its origins in ancient Greek. As the “runaway”,  the archetype presents as a creative, irresponsible, rebellious woman (think pop star Rhianna) who finds herself drawn to risky situations, and even dark, abusive men. She ultimately becomes Queen of the underworld, dividing her time above and below ground. Consider Mother Teresa the selfless, archetypal mother and Martin Luther King; the archetypal male Messiah. They’re fiercely independent, ambitious and constantly seeking. All violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Many female attorneys, academics and politicians are motivated by the sage archetype which encourages discipline, knowledge and goal-orientation. By understanding someone’s motivating factors you can better gain personal insight into who they are. Imagine a meeting where your ego is the moderator, and the various archetypes that motivate  you all have a seat at the table. Jung identified four major archetypes but also believed that there was no limit to the number that may exist. On a superficial level, the Anima and the Animus represent the feminine and masculine archetypes respectively. And the mystic is our pathway to freedom, inner peace, and the seductive  allure of mystery. In other words, they are a kind of They are characterized by presenting a slope inherited from generation to generation, so an archetype is a piece that gives shape to a part of the collective unconscious, which is partially inherited. Under-represented in the female population, the mystic represents the importance of going inward to find meaning, a quality that is often down-played and dishonored in Western Society. His Carl Jung put on the list of female archetypesFirst. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, used the concept of archetype in his theory of the human psyche. Famous Rebel figures; Molly Brown, Pocahontas, Rosa Parks, Madonna. The Jungian mathematician Robin Robertson refers to this as a cognitive invariant, meaning it has universalit… Depends on the opinions of others, tend to idealize the world around, often shows an interest in art. Sage women are often the product of strong paternal influence, or the maternal influence of a woman who also embodies the archetype. As an extension to our articles on character archetypes, we’re focusing on the four main female character archetypes: Wise Woman / Crone Archetype Feminine Power, Seduction & Self-Mastery by Ayesha K. Faines. If you’re a lover of literature, theater and greek mythology you may be more aware of female archetypes and their meaning. Jung has written at great length. Her energy field is charged, and she becomes a magnet to those around her. Now it’s time to put truth to power…. During the Feminine Odyssey you will learn how to activate each archetype  with in-depth, documentary style presentations, daily practices, affirmations and prompts. Every time we fall in love or feel passionate or feel passionate about a creative project, we activate the “lover” archetype. Marketing execs and Hollywood studios have long capitalized on this psychology, using it to create inspiring stories and profitable brands. Watercolor Painting Techniques Every Artist Should Know, 40+ Project Manager Interview Questions: Getting Prepared and Getting the Job. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) is a Swiss psychologist. Power is the goal with the Ruler archetype. Following is outline of the twelve common female archetypes and characters that match their description. Jung defined twelve primary types that represent the range of basic human motivations. Persephone , the innocent maiden, was abducted by Hades, God of the underworld, and separated from her protective mother Demeter. Challenges: Emotional Co-Dependency, diffidence, may be drawn to dangerous relationships, In Myth: Demeter, Ceres, Yemanja, Anahita, Nut, Cybele, Gaia, Tara, Tlazolteotz, Akua’ Ba, Gwandusu, Isis, Kali Ma. She doesn’t enjoy her single days nearly as much as her female counterparts. They always have a fact, a quote, or a logical argument on the tip of their tongue. Like Hera of myth, who was repeatedly humiliated by Zeus’ many extramarital affairs, Hera women  are predisposed to feel jealousy and rage towards other women, particularly those who threaten their position socially or romantically. In Greco-Roman myth,  Athena is viewed as a protector of patriarchal values. The feminine archetypes are a guide to your inner truth. Jung's theory states that the anima and animus are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, as opposed to the theriomorphic and inferior function of the shadow archetypes. The sage is a free thinker. Click to learn about the 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes: Siren | Sophisticate | Boss | Bohemian | Coquette | Goddess | Enigma | Diva | Empress | Sensualist | Lady | Ingenue | Gamine. They are the psychic equivalent of instinct. The Hero is a common archetype in action tv/film, the lady rising from the ashes. Creative Screenwriting Magazine previously explored the four key male archetypes in storytelling – the warrior, the king, the magician, and the lover. What do you … This is the common “mother-figure” archetype. Famous figures; Amelia Earhart, Dora the Explorer, Valentina Tereshkova. The magician believes in the fanciful, in making things happen, frivolity and impulsiveness. They are down to earth with solid morals, empathy and non-judgement. Famous figures; most celebrities, Georgia O’Keefe, Frida Kahlo, Isadora Duncan. While the “huntress” and “wise woman” use their direct energy to focus on external goals, the mystic focuses her energy on inner fulfillment. To prove strength through courage and courageous acts. Jung divided these types into three sets of four umbrella’s determining their intent and purpose; ego, soul, and self. A Lover puts relationships and physical/emotional intimacy first above all things. mandala by an area containing the paired opposites that make up personality; the totality of the mandala contains consciousness, a personal unconscious, and an indefinitely large area of collective unconscious whose archetypes are common to all mankind. As an archetype, the “queen” represents loyalty, female sovereignty, and matrimonial devotion. 9, Part 1. While there are also variations around each specific type that are commonly used, the root of Jung’s research and philosophy gives an accurate understanding of categories that the majority of people fall in. The archetype endows women with the innate ability to focus on goals, undistracted by competition or the needs of others. Four Archetypes: Mother, Rebirth, Spirit, Trickster – by Carl Jung The Female Trickster: The Mask That Reveals, Post-Jungian and Postmodern Psychological Perspectives on Women in Contemporary Culture – by Ricki Stefanie Step up your inner and outer game with exclusive insight into power, seduction, and sensuality. Women's archetypes by Jung Type One: Princess. In the majority if stories we read, or watch, there are female archetypes that line up with the twelve main archetypes that Carl Jung defined. As a psychological archetype: The  sage archetype represents a woman’s pursuit of worldly knowledge, strategy, and objectivity. Eternally optimistic, faith based, saint-like and yearns to do the right thing. It exists as a Universal or an Idea which is common to all of mankind. The presence of these archetypes in our  psyches account for the major differences among women. Required fields are marked *. As maternal persistence is often an aspect of this archetype, she may be deeply stubborn. Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element O… They have no qualms when it comes to opening up to others. In the majority if stories we read, or watch, there are female archetypes that line up with the twelve main archetypes that Carl Jung defined. In fact, they're even happy to do so. The core desire of their lives is to feel their creating has meaning and purpose, make art or die. Doctor Peterson touches upon a question raised by Alex Burnstein. An archetype is to the psyche what the body is to the mind. Carl Jung defined archetypes as the first original model upon which all other similar persons, objects or concepts are derived, copied, patterned or emulated. Which of The 12 Archetypes Are You? View reclaimyourfemininepower/’s profile on Facebook, View women_love_power’s profile on Instagram, View womenlovepower’s profile on Pinterest, View UCFGCE9RlRCg3fBCKzyR2l4A’s profile on YouTube, Lessons From Oshun: How Feminine Prowess Subverts Masculine Power – The Seductive Woman, Channeling Oshun: The Truth About Seduction & The (Secret) Power of Women – The Seductive Woman. The writer, painter, dancer, sculpture are all creator archetypes. The archetypes represent images that in some way, are identifiable by humanity and belong to what the psychoanalyst Jung called "the collective unconscious." That’s the therapeutic value of identifying your dominant archetypes. This is what we experience whenever we make a decision. There are certain secondary female sexual features in male. What are female archetypes? Home » Archetypes » Lover Archetype The Lover archetype revolves vastly around emotions, feelings, and sensuality. Your use of our website and services does not constitute any right or license for you to use our service marks or trademarks, without the prior written permission of Ayesha Faines. According to most Jungian psychologists, there are seven feminine archetypes that prevail in contemporary society—the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the wise woman, the mystic and  the lover. You’ll get access to practical advice about how to use the various archetypes to reach your love, money, and life goals. The sage is  a gateway to accomplishment, wisdom, and the ability to compartmentalize our emotions. Famous figures; Queens, Katherine in Taming of the Shrew, Anna Wintour. The psyche, the conscious, and the unconscious appeal to the human mind. When you tap into your defining archetypes, you connects with the essential truth of who you are. The depth with these common female archetypes can go on and on. Power. As a psychological archetype: In  myth, the Greek Goddess Hestia, is protector of the hearth. These   powerful universal symbols exist in what pioneering psychologist Carl Jung referred to as the  “collective unconscious”. They are the psychic counterpart of instinct. an accurate understanding of categories that the majority of people fall in. How understanding the Jungian archetypes can help us fulfill our potential Jung believed these archetypes contain elements of our personality that we need to address in order to develop a healthy rounded personality. Carl Jung > Archetypes Anima Anima is, in short, the woman in men. Greatest Strengths: Emotional objectivity, worldliness, intelligence, Challenges: Frigidity, emotional unavailability, aloofness, In Myth: Hestia, Vesta, Ainu Kamuy, Berahynia, Chantico, Gabija. The idea of a transpersonal psychic structure which transcends the personal.An archetype is like a Platonic Ideal. The existence of these archetypes can not be observed directly but can be inferred by looking at religion, dreams, art, and The hero believes in mastery and competence. Copyright 2020. The four female archetypes are: Maiden / Virgin Archetype The Maiden / Virgin archetype is the female energy type that we embody during the pre-ovulation , or follicular phase of our own, personal moon cycles (when our bleeding has just finished). The “queen” archetype can make a woman feel incomplete without a partner. Perhaps, as your dominant archetype, the voice of the nurturing “mother” exerts the most influence at the meeting, followed by relationship-seeking “queen”, and perhaps every once in a while the passion-seeking “lover” interjects. In reality, a “maiden” woman may resemble Persephone the sheltered daughter, the runaway, or the queen. When the archetype is dominant, a woman’s primary  concern is her independence and fulfilling personal goals. I get lost on the fairy and I miss the most powerful female Archetype – The Mother – of which C.G. Once you’ve defined certain archetypes, whether you’re trying to understand them in your own life or creating characters based on these specific archetypes, you can start to build out an understanding. Famous figures; Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City, Emma from Jane Austen’s book Emma, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Diane Keaton in Annie Hall. Each of us tends to have one dominant archetype that dominates our personality. “Mothers” run the risk of putting others before herself, and neglecting her own needs. The archetypes posited by Carl Jung are patterns of images and recurring symbols that appear in different forms in all cultures. They believe in shock value, rule breaking, shaking up the system, and absolute freedom. Jung labeled these archetypes the Self, the Persona, the Shadow and the Anima/Animus. This will determine your strengths and shadows , and provide you with a Goddess portal , affirmations , and ways to work with the correlated chakra energy . He identified 12 universal, mythic characters archetypes reside within our collective unconscious. The combined meaning is an “original pattern” of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated. They are drawn to powerful men, and are perhaps best suited for corporate life. The mystic is at peace meditating, volunteering, or following a spiritual path. As a leader, “queen” women are capable of taking charge in an office environment and at home. Public figures who seem larger than life than life often trigger deep archetypal responses  within us. Women dominated by this archetype are often practical, competent, and competitive. Jung identified twelve types that reveal human motives, values, meanings and personality traits. Much like a horoscope, they provide a sense of identity and a set of thoughts and behaviors that help you better understand your inner mind. Power is the goal with the Ruler archetype. Greatest Strengths: Nurturing, persistent, compassionate, Challenges: self-neglect, stubbornness, difficulty letting go of children, In Myth: Hera, Juno, Frigg, Isis, Parvati, Asherah. As an archetype, the mystic is a deeply introverted woman, focused on her inner-spirtual world, and most concerned with  maintaining zen-like inner peace. Famous figures; Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Channing, Dori in Finding Nemo, Jean Stapleton on All in the Family. They often find it difficult to establish boundaries. The lover archetype inspires deep communication, intimacy, sensuality, and creativity. The Jester is the one cracking the jokes, finding levity and laughter in heavy situations. The Sage is the one who seeks truth, knowledge, and self-reflection above all things. Like Artemis, “huntress” women are often natural protectors of other women, particularly those who’ve been victimized. They seek to understand the world and their being by using their intelligence and analytical skills. “Maidens” become queens only after enduring significant emotional and/or physical loss. When we feel pulled in different directions its typically because different archetypes existing in our psyche want different things; the angst one might feel when choosing between law school (wise-woman) and creative entrepreneurship (lover),  between becoming a stay at home mother (mother), or continuing the corporate climb (wise-woman), or even between remaining in an unfaithful marriage (queen) or starting anew (huntress). Sometimes these women struggle to form meaningful relationships with other women, and in extreme situations they may display the “Medusa effect”—using their intimidating presence to reduce the vitality of the women around her. This could also be the girl-next-door archetype, the ingenue. Art history is the study of aesthetic objects and visual expression in historical and stylistic context. Having a position of authority and leadership is ideal for this archetype. People are commonly a combination of these types and rarely fit on specific mold. Believers in daydreaming and following their inner voice. If there’s someone in your life who has a tendency to save, feed, or put everyone else’s needs before their own that is the nurturer archetype. As a psychological archetype: When the “mother” archetype is dominant in a woman’s psyche, she is a natural caretaker. The queen is the key to confidence, leadership, alliances, and the ability to attract the finer things in life. Mature “maidens”  are creative, compassionate, spiritual, and capable of displaying profound inner strength.
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