He burned Christians alive at his parties. Reyna watched as Jason was lifted on his shield and declared praetor. Either he or Piper would die. When they stopped Lavinia revealed that the centurion let her sneak away due to "turning a blind eye." Reyna and Hylla would sometimes be able to escape from their father. However, Reyna doesn't capture Annabeth and allows her to escape back to the ship, with Annabeth asking her to at least slow down Octavian to give them time. Reyna was very scared, because her biggest fear was ending up back in San Juan. Despite Octavian's attempt to start a conflict, Reyna hears Grover and Rachel out for what they have to say. Reyna even tells Percy that she thinks Hazel would not be a good leader, due to her being a daughter of Pluto, and the rumors of where she came from. Before Reyna leaves, she tells Annabeth the next time they meet on the battlefield, they would be enemies. Reyna is also very strict with her, being sarcastic with her when she is late. After learning of Jason‘s sacrifice, she and Frank announce a state funeral and to complete Jason’s plans for Temple Hill by the weekend. Jason was amazed that Reyna would journey across the Atlantic Ocean alone, and didn't know if it was terrifying or awe-inspiring, and knew if anyone could make it across the Ocean, she could. When she talked to Annabeth, Reyna confided to her that Jason seemed distant and not quite Roman anymore, and has changed, with her voice sounding like broken glass. Later, when he comes to Camp Jupiter, Apollo recognizes her and is instantly attracted to her. Reyna was concerned for Nico and asked how she could help him, surprising Nico. But he had him keep his past a secret between them, or he'll be treated badly. Reyna ordered Tyson and Ella to take Coach Hedge to Camp to see Mellie give birth, told Nico to sabotage the onagers, and Dakota and Leila to delay the attack on Camp Half-Blood. Reyna grabbed Pirate Cofresí's saber and used it to vaporize her father. Apollo tells her and Meg to destroy the fasces, ceremonial axes used to represent status, of Commodus and Caligula to both free the silence god and weaken the emperors. Reyna and Hylla were kidnapped by Blackbeard and his comrades and were captives for months. He wakes up in the stables to find Meg along with Buster, a unicorn, and Pranjal, a son of Asclepius and the camp’s head healer. Reyna tells Apollo that she has no regrets at all about joining the Hunters and Thalia Grace states that Reyna makes a great Hunter just as Thalia knew she would. One day, after they snuck out, when Reyna was ten, Julian was so angry he was glowing. Reyna and Hylla eventually ended up on Circe's island in the Sea of Monsters. Reyna confided in Percy about how Polybotes was marching towards camp and asked him to find Hylla to ask her to help them, which Percy agreed to. A month before Percy arrived at Camp, Frank Zhang arrived at Camp and apologized about the actions of his ancestor, Shen Lun. Reyna has a laughing fit and rejects the idea. Biographical information San Juan, Puerto Rico (birthplace) C.C. Meg creates a beanstalk and they slide down. Reyna helps Apollo with his quest to become a god again and tells him that he needs to sacrifice a god to summon one. When Annabeth scowled, Reyna laughed, and said she is definitely a warrior and has fire in her eyes. When Hylla woke up, Reyna and Hylla finally escaped. Reyna and Apollo carry her to the truck, then speed off only to get stuck in traffic. She then congratulated Percy for becoming a praetor of the Twelfth Legion and gives him a purple toga and medal before removing his probatio neck plate and motions for Octavian to give Percy his SPQR tattoo. Reyna eventually promoted Hazel to legionnaire after she saved Dakota from a stampede. But I don't want these series to keep going past this, because sometimes ending a series is better than keeping them going because nothing is left to the imagination. Bryce threatened Reyna with what Octavian will have planned for her, how her execution will happen, and how he can’t wait for her secret to come out, as he cut her cheek with his pilule. He even became convinced that Reyna and Hylla were the enemies, spying and trying to undermine him. Hazel wrote C-C-L-I-V, the date in Roman numerals, on the tile and it opens. The Tyrant’s Tomb: The Trials of Apollo Book Four Page 19Read online books from your Mobile or PC. The girls look at him in shock after hearing this. She uses her empowerment ability to allow Apollo to rip through the chains, and it succeeds. When they do Harpocrates tries to vaporize Apollo but they saved him by showing memories of how much he changed. They plan to reach Camp Jupiter by the blood moon and have a "Plan B" if the assault fails. Reyna then prepares to depart for Greece to find Jason and the Argo II in a place where she knows Jason will stop, to Octavian's anger and shock. The four carried Jason's coffin to a secret and closer entrance near Lake Temescal. But she slightly warmed up to Percy when she said that children of Neptune have a powerful smell, and Percy said that he had been told he smells, making Reyna crack a smile. Once they reach the broadcast station, Reyna and her dogs go to check it out. One faun named Don tried to leave like the other nature spirits but Lavinia prevented him. Due to the fact that there's no augur or Pontifex Maximus being present, Apollo performed the funeral rites himself. However, it states that Hades gives him old dead, his master, who's not Caligula, gives him fresh dead. Reyna talks fondly of Thalia, to the point where Apollo asks her if they are dating, which Reyna refuses saying that they are friends and she is an eternal maiden. Calypso was suspicious and asked if she was his girlfriend, and Leo said that she wasn't and he needed to see more, proving even though he didn't know her well, he was very worried about her. However, Reyna would occasionally ask Nico questions, like when Gwendolyn came back to life, she asked Nico if it was a power of Pluto. After Percy and Terminus defeated Polybotes, she chanted "Praetor! Hylla eventually saved Reyna's life by making the pirates respect her to the point said pirates get scared when Hylla gives them a certain smile. Suddenly, Reyna was shot by an arrow and put unconscious, and couldn’t stop that from happening to Nico and Hedge. They both agree that they should catapult Octavian into the ocean once they returned to command after Frank suggested it. When they realize what Tarquin’s target is, they rush to find Hazel. Later through the night, she officially makes Percy a probatio. Reyna later ate dinner with Nico and Hedge at a cafe, and learned about Nico’s dreams. As for Hazel, she was also suspicious of her and heard rumors about where she came from. The two then think of ways to get back to the east coast. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano When everyone left, Reyna broke down in tears in Blackjack's mane, and prayed to her mother, Bellona. Because of her past, she does her best to be stoic, doesn't show any signs of weakness around others and keeps up her mature public image to keep up the moral of the camp. As for Hazel, she respects Reyna but is uneasy around her due to being her boss, and is afraid of being punished by her. Reyna suggests they hold a senate meeting but Frank feels it is part of the Tarquin quest and uses emergency powers to send her, Apollo and Meg on the quest. When he was thirty he became a god-emperor. After Piper asked her how she gets her strength back, Reyna joked that when she does, she will let her know, but Piper could sense sadness behind the words. A mass funeral was held for those who died. Rick Riordan Lupa taught her how to sleep lightly, wake up alert, and be ready for an attack. Reyna was excited to have a proper reunion with Jason and Annabeth noticed that there was a hungry gleam in her eyes, and sat with him and his friends. The tunnel explodes as Apollo escapes. After hearing that they can call the gods for help if they find Tarquin's tomb, she and Frank approve a quest. She asks him about a pair of her mother’s shoes he saw on the Julia Drusilla Yachts. Annabeth apologized and Reyna said to not be sorry, and that she was a daughter of Bellona. He asked Ella if she knew anything about an attack in the next four days to which she mentioned a tomb and death. Piper told Reyna that she did so much for both camps and wished she got more credit, and that without her, nothing they did would have been possible. Though Reyna and Leo didn't have a one on one conversation, Leo ate lunch with Reyna and the others in the forum. He witnesses Frank turn into a small agile bird and take out one of Caligula's eyes. They are greeted by Frank Zhang and Reyna Ramírez-Arellano. She then proceeds to interrogate him, noting that his arrival isn't exactly a good omen due to the fact that the Feast of Fortuna is coming up and that it is a bad omen of the arrival of children of Neptune at Camp Jupiter. . Reyna lends Nico strength to Shadow Travel, and, as a result, she learns quite a bit about his past and the tremendous internal pain that he's been harboring. Before Reyna left, Annabeth gave her the Mark of Athena coin for good luck. A bloody battle against Caligula resulting in lots of deaths? Percy said he didn't remember and Reyna decided that he was sincere. As a result, Reyna finally opens up to Nico and she tearfully describes how she killed her father in Puerto Rico, something she'd never ever told anyone up to that point, since patricide is an unforgivable crime by Roman law, because he knocked out Hylla. Reyna accepted his apology and told him she didn't judge people on their past, she judged them on their own merits. In The Mark of Athena, it is said that Jason described Reyna to his crewmates on the Argo II. Meg briefly talked to Lavinia about a dryad named Poison Oak. As he is distracted Commodus punches him in his stomach and he collapses. He also felt guilty that he would rather be at Camp Half-Blood with Piper and Leo than at Camp Jupiter with Reyna. Lavinia is angry at Reyna after that, saying that she thinks chewing gum is a crime. Despite her internal feelings, she still musters the courage to travel across the Mare Nostrum and retrieve the Athena Parthenos to save both Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, while sacrificing her pegasus Scipio and potentially sacrificing her rank as well for the good of both camps. They share a brief conversation before Don dies and is reincarnated as a laurel tree. Reyna was suspicious of Nico, because children of Pluto were bad omens, and she thought he wasn't who he said he was. Nico demanded that she let Hazel into the legion and told her that he was an ambassador of Pluto. He wakes up the next morning steeling himself for what’s to come. When he isn’t writing lame haiku or complaining bitterly to his … He tries to explain his plan to Meg, but she forbids him from saying anything. She thought she was brave and remembered her well, seeing why Percy cared for her. Her sister, Hylla, was born before he went back to Iraq for his last tour of duty. The Trials of Apollo; Tres Navarre; About. However, Reyna quickly grew jealous of Piper as she looked between Piper and Jason with her brow creased, realizing they were a couple, and her eyes became stormy. The two ended up being co-praetors for a few months, until Jason went missing. As they are able to light the pyre, Lupa arrives and asks to speak to Apollo alone. Apollo thinks that this was him until they mention a god of silence. After that incident, Piper and Reyna, along with Annabeth, became inseparable as they helped the two Camps get along, wandering around Camp to check on the repairs, and Reyna valued Piper as a go-between between conflicts. However, after Mars appeared during the war games and claimed Frank, and ordered Reyna to give Frank the mural crown, Reyna reluctantly promoted him to Centurion and accepted his choice of companions, due to her fear and respect of his father. When Reyna and Jason reunited, Jason bragged to Reyna about how great Frank Zhang was. Reyna was the last person Jason talked to before he went missing. Reyna is proud when Jason informs her that he relinquished his praetorship to Frank, and believes that Frank is exactly the type of person she needs to help command the legion with. Reyna wished him luck in the auguries and suggested that they compare notes on his past. Apollo is confused at how short it is until he realizes that it's a terza rima, a form of poetry invented by Dante. He dreams of the emperors testing out their new weapon, a cannon that fires a large amount of Greek Fire on each of the yachts. But by the time they made it to San Juan, Reyna had seen enough of Nico's pain that she tucked him in with her cloak anyway. It is unknown what cohort she was in, but she eventually became Praetor. When Nico woke, Reyna was sleeping with her dogs at her feet, and Hedge guarded her. If you can charm a … The following day, she and Frank learn that in order to have the gods help them, they need to sacrifice one and inform Meg and Apollo. After Annabeth Judo flipped Percy, Jason introduced her to Reyna, saying that Annabeth usually didn't Judo flip people. 's Spa and Resort. As Octavian yelled at Michael to arrest Reyna and Nico, Tyson and Ella saved them, and Tyson scooped Reyna in his arm. Hylla was one of the attendants that Percy and Annabeth met, who happens to have been the one carrying a clipboard. someone even worse than the emperors Apollo has already faced. So, 'Trials of Apollo' kind of sucks so far. Annabeth said she would follow the Mark of Athena to Rome and fix the grudge between the Camps, and Reyna reluctantly let her go and stalled Octavian, respecting her boldness, but she warned her that the next time they met, it would be in battle, ending the friendship for now. Piper told Reyna she did so much for both camps, and wished she got more credit, but Reyna didn’t want attention. However, Hazel is willing to help Reyna and asks Hylla Ramírez-Arellano to help her, and stands up for her when Octavian said she was stupid. Meg then passes out from exhaustion. Julian is Reyna and Hylla's father, who was reduced to a mania and vaporized by Reyna. Apollo questions why the silence god hasn’t escaped and sees the Fasces, ceremonial axes used to represent a person’s status, of Commodus and Caligula in the back of the storage container. Soon after he came home, Bellona visited him one last time and gave him a glimpse of the future. Reyna Ramírez-Arellano, the one prophesied to open the doorway to the soundless god. A day or two later she tails the legacy of Mercury and reveals herself to Claudia as she sneaks into the aviary. She also didn't listen to him when he told her about the Gigantes rising. She also asks what is going on between him and Reyna. As Tyson almost attacked Dakota and Leila, Reyna told him not to attack, and said they were just following bad orders. Apollo dreams of the Oracle of Cumae meeting with Tarquin in the old Roman senate-house. Yes, Jason dies in The Burning Maze, the third book in the Trials of Apollo series. He then tells Reyna that he was the first person over the wall and should be given the Mural Crown. On the way to the Mess Hall, Don and Lavinia sneak up on Apollo and drag him out of camp. [9] ReadRiordan released a video of Rick Riordan previewing the book. Residence The two attacked the giant, until Thalia helped Reyna travel away with Nico and Hedge, while Hylla fought Orion alone. He sees that work has started on Temple Hill and that Jason’s funeral is that night. She gives him her ring and says that if he sees her sister, ask her for help, and also offers Percy the position of Praetor at Camp Jupiter. Annabeth believes that the Romans' leader returning the Athena Parthenos to the Greeks might be enough to heal the rift between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, and by extension stop the Greek and Roman sides of the gods' personalities from fighting over control. Just as they give Jason his "last meal", Lupa and her wolves arrive requesting to speak with Apollo alone. At camp, Apollo acts very awkward around her and doesn’t really know what to say to her. Later, when Reyna arrived, Hazel was shocked at her state and could barely recognize her. Circe treated them well and gave Hylla pet leopards and a good health plan. The four enter the tomb and make their way to the king. Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal characters, Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Ultimate Guide, https://riordan.fandom.com/wiki/Reyna_Ramírez-Arellano?oldid=582704, In her official portrait, there is writing engraved on a wall, "Iustitia Fundamentum Regni", which translates to "Justice is the foundation of a reign. When Reyna and Jason were fifteen, they went to Charleston for a quest to salvage imperial gold torpedoes from the C.S.S Hunley. Apollo stated that not even emperors would dare refer to themselves as kings. Suddenly, as Reyna told Nico the Pegasi probably wouldn’t come, the Pegasi came to take them to Camp, with Pegasus himself. Lester Papadopoulos is the mortal teenage incarnation of the god Apollo. I noticed that Reyna stood back and let Frank officiate. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful, and Nico woke up at sunset. She says that what Venus told her upset her until Apollo's proposal for a relationship made her realize how much of a fool she has been. When they arrive and hike up to the tower, she asks Apollo why he acts strange around her. Nico di Angelo, her ally and very close friend. Reyna is angry when she first meets her, hitting her with a chair and almost cutting her throat with her knife, demanding to see Thalia. Reyna and Piper first met in The Mark of Athena at Camp Jupiter, when Piper came with Leo, Jason, and Annabeth from the Argo II. He began questioning how he felt about Piper, and wondered if he was doing something wrong. Apollo is a God and from what we can tell he's going to go to camp Jupiter in the next book. She suggests a senate meeting, but Frank uses emergency powers to send her, Meg, and Apollo to find the soundless god. Hazel arrives on Arion and explains she is helping the first through fourth cohorts while the fifth defends New Rome. In The Son of Neptune, Reyna is very strict to Frank, reminding him that he is on Probatio, not letting him tell her about what happened when Percy came and not letting him stand for Percy. Michael said he didn’t like it more than she did, but he had to. According to Lavinia, she woke up just in time to provide Lavinia's crew with the power of Bellona in order to invade Caligula's yachts. In a fit of rage after she rejects his love, he denied her eternal youth so that she can never die even if her body crumbles to dust. Reyna and Annabeth first met in The Mark of Athena, and could easily single her out as the leader. In The Son of Neptune, Hazel is Reyna's subordinate at Camp Jupiter. Tarquin then forces him to reveal the location of the prophecies on Tyson’s skin. However, Piper admired Reyna for keeping her emotions in control and not being too upset about Jason. Alive But being an awkward mortal teenager is the least of his worries. He explains what happened to which the nature spirits become sombre and think of running away. Demigod, Partially Immortal (Hunter of Artemis) Piper practiced lines to say to Reyna when she met her, but ended up not having to say them since Reyna welcomed her and her friends, and since Jason introduced Piper to Reyna. I'm a die-hard fan of Percy Jackson, Heros of Olympus and Trials of Apollo. Reyna acts as the referee for the game, flying around on her Pegasus, Scipio. “Reyna said, swinging her sword again. They reunited at Camp Jupiter and Reyna welcomed Jason back to Camp, and Jason introduced her to Annabeth, Leo, and Piper. Reyna felt like Venus thought she was broken and needed romantic healing, but she knew she wasn't broken. Reyna used her cloak as a rope and hung it around Orion’s neck, and drowned him to death in the water. Age-based vaccine rollout the easiest plan, epidemiologist says. Meg gets closer and Apollo and Reyna can only hear every other word. Hedge told Reyna she did good, but Reyna still felt guilty for Scipio’s death and suffering. “Apollo, sing for them!” She might as well have kicked me in the face again. They realize that they will find the second stanza at their destination, the Tower of Nero back in New York City. The senate chose to send Apollo, Meg, Hazel, and Lavinia (a fourth due to Apollo being tied to Meg), and approve of the members. Lavinia explains that she has a plan to stop Triumvirate Holdings and leaves. When Reyna asks for volunteers to find Tarquin's Tomb, Lavinia pops her gum too loud, causing Reyna to have her volunteer. The tower of Nero two alone ascend, someone even worse than the emperors Apollo has already faced. They also talk about Frank's curse. His last words to Apollo are “GO! Apollo meets Reyna and Meg at the gates of the camp as Frank and Hazel pull up in a red pickup truck. Like all the demigods in Camp Jupiter, she has SPQR branded on her forearm with four bar lines and a crossed sword and torch, the symbol of her mother Bellona. Reyna became even more jealous when Jason asked to walk around New Rome with Piper, like rubbing salt in a wound, though she let them. She is very strict with the members of the Twelfth Legion and doesn't like to be questioned. In The Burning Maze, the third book in The Trials of Apollo, Jason Grace is killed by Emperor Caligula while in battle. While this he knew that the god is of the Ptolemaic, Egypt’s last dynasty ruled by Greek pharaohs, he asks the Arrow of Dodona for help. Apollo accepts he must finally face off against Python. She is impressed at Percy and Annabeth's survival of Tartarus, although Percy is more impressed that Reyna made it all the way to Greece with only a Pegasus as her companion. She was brought back to life by Nico di Angelo. Soon they all arrived at Camp Jupiter, it didn't look as bad as what Leo Valdez had said. Everyone watched as they carried the coffin to Via Praetoria, judging from the camp's sparseness and that some were in casts, Apollo estimated that about half the legion was lost. 1. Reyna has experienced a lot of abandonment and loneliness in her life, so has Apollo. Annabeth helping Percy escape was the reason why Reyna made it to Camp Jupiter: she was kidnapped by pirates, escaped, and made it to Camp. The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the Heroes of Olympus series. In Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal, Frank and Reyna help break up a fight and clean up dead rats in the Bathhouse, and they also investigate who the culprit of the coliseum flooding is, and the missing Ambrosia and Nectar. Well it was said at the end of the book implying something for the future Cue trials of Apollo. While he is both relieved and confused, he doesn't know a silent god in either the Greek or Roman pantheons. They have even worked out a schedule where while one praetor sleeps, the other is awake. Reyna comes back from patrol and reports that it's abandoned. Reyna explained that she thought Percy was there to make up for the loss of Jason. Onboard the Argo II, Piper considered turning back and explaining things to Reyna, but Annabeth says that without any proof or knowing what had actually caused Leo Valdez to fire on the Romans, they couldn't do much. Reyna didn't hold a grudge against Annabeth and actually admired her for what she did, since she never saw anyone refuse Circe's hospitality or outwit her. Percy was scared of Reyna and was even more scared of her greyhounds, Aurum and Argentum, but she reassured him that they won't attack. To open the doors, two-fifty-four." Reyna even thanked the Athena Parthenos, saying it was an honor being with it. When they reach the base she and her dogs inspect the station and find it abandoned. Frank was very insecure of what Reyna thought of him and he thought that she regretted her decision of letting him join the legion. If you can charm a crowd, you should be able to repulse one. Reyna trusted Percy enough to believe him when he told her that he was a Greek demigod, Jason was coming back, and that the Greek gods were still around, and told the legion to trust him. Lester Papadopoulos is the mortal teenage incarnation of the god Apollo. He couldn't stop thinking about the war and he had constant chronic pain from a roadside bomb that let shrapnel in his shoulder. The former God Apollo, cast out by his father, Zeus, is having a pretty rough time of it. Frank first met Reyna when he asked to be let into the camp, and apologized for the actions of his ancestor, Shen Lun, for starting the San Francisco earthquake. Remember how in Blood of Olympus it was stated by aphrodite to reyna "that no demigod can heal your heart". Reyna's unconditional acceptance and support was what most likely gave Nico the courage to finally come out to a very surprised Percy and Annabeth shortly thereafter. There is a grammar mistake in Chapter 24. He senses that Caligula died in the blast. As Apollo, Meg, and Hazel head to the Field of Mars. Reyna ended up going on Scipio and went across the Atlantic to find Jason at Dalmatia, due to a promise they made to each other when they were young. Then, after a moment of disorientation, like I’d been flipped upside down, I … Thalia tells Reyna that the Hunters and the Amazons are working together to defeat Orion, and that Reyna is being used as bait for them. The fight starts out somewhat evenly as they head into the tunnel. Reyna then thought that Piper and her friends betrayed her for firing on Camp Jupiter, making matters worse. Commodus then prepares to stab Frank in the back but his cloak protects him. Pranjal says that he has stabilized the wound for the time being, but he cannot cure it due to Apollo being a former god. Having felt betrayed by Jason, refused by Percy, and leading the camp all by herself for so long, Reyna lost hope that anything could go right for her and felt completely alone. Thalia told her about Orion, and the whereabouts of Nico and Hedge. At the senate meeting two days later, Reyna reprimands her for talking too loud to Apollo and chewing gum. When he is healed, they exit the bookstore to find the hunters mingling with the last of the legion and citizens of New Rome. 423 When parts of Jason's memory comes back to him, he remembers Reyna as someone really close to him and a good friend and leader, which makes him question how he feels about Piper McLean, who later became his girlfriend. Artwork by Viktoria … He sits with the fifth cohort when Lavinia calls him over. She then receives word from Terminus that Tarquin’s zombies are attacking the city via the sewers. Reyna also saw all of Nico’s deepest secrets and found out about him being gay. Hazel collapses a wall behind Tarquin and the pain stops. Apollo then joins the fight and the forces of both sides fall back. Download hundreds of Oculus Rift VR experiences. 's Spa and Resort (formerly)Camp Jupiter One of Reyna's favorite drink is hot chocolate (Although not directly being mentioned in any of the books). Piper also thought she had a regal and beautiful face. She remembered that he had washed up on C.C. Reyna and Orion talked as the timer went down, with Reyna strangely calm, defending her mother, even after Orion appeared. She and Meg scold Apollo for punishing them for telling him that his pregnant girlfriend was cheating on him and having her killed. Both served as a handmaiden to a goddess. When they were about to leave, Coach Hedge got possessed by Gaea, and they fought him, with one of her dogs getting hurt. The ghoul breaks free, Apollo prepares to shoot an arrow but suddenly recognizes it. Hazel, Reyna, Frank, Tyson, Ella, and many other old friends will need Apollo's aid to survive the onslaught. Reyna initially believes that she will be stripped of her rank for breaking the laws of the legion, although Frank reassures her by saying that great leaders have to break laws and think outside the box, like Caesar when he crossed the rubicon. As they climb, Meg says that she smells roses. Upon seeing the superheated needle in the makeshift tattoo parlour, Apollo made sense of a line of the dark prophecy, "The words that memory wrought are set in fire."
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