The government does not want battle hardened American troops loyal to the Constitution returning to this country healthy and strong for fear they might realize that the same forces are at work that brought down Mother Russia and led to the formation of the USSR. There is no problem with the health department. In the fourth month, I had been taken off all the debilitating drugs, like Haldol, Halcyon and morphine. This ban came at a time when they were advertising with other magazines but not Thunder Riders even though I had given some of them free ads when they were going through hard times. I never saw her coming and could take no evasive action. but I had published nothing of a political or sensitive nature in Thunder Riders, ever. We are only allowed to think of the six million Jews supposedly killed by Hitler. The Universe has as many different centers as there are living beings in it. My mailing address will be Box 2943 on US Hwy 380 in Bingham NM 87832, Subscriptions will be $50.00 per year since you got this one for free. She returned with four young, strapping men in security uniforms. With his card, he eats at P.F. His tone and attitude told me the matter was not open to negotiation. A week later there was another attempt on my life. Another article on South County Motorcycles and a phone call to the bankruptcy attorney suggesting they allow Rey Sotello to produce the Indians Baughman had taken a deposit on, resulted in the production of Indians once more…for a time. Elles sont auto-durcissantes et deviennent ainsi idéales pour recouvrir des objets ou figures mais également pour modeler les objets les plus divers. Casey Nethercott had been on my show several times. He had just bought a ranch on the border and had backed an operation called Ranch Rescue. I counter-sued and won. The drivers told the Doctors at the emergency room that I had fought them all the way. Oh., but I repeat myself. I have rode and partied with bikers since I got out of the Army. That charge was dropped after a hung jury in Jim Hogg County. They use Bandit as their excuse. Change ). I chose very carefully the "clips" that I wish to share with my audience, my people, my friends, my family and my countrymen. I just don’t believe we are being told the truth about who are are supposed to be a war with. Then other problems surfaced. My sons kept Thunder Riders running with the support of the motorcycle community here but they had neither. “A little,” I answered. The government, with no evidence, no trace of radioactive material, insisted that he planned to blow up a “dirty bomb” here. We were just a bunch guys spending a few hour on an NRA range with a certified instructor. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Not pulling my boots off for a bunch of overzealous foreigners. You, I will break your arms, You, I’ll break your legs, and you, I will smash your kneecaps. These organizations with their loyalty to a foreign government tried to use the charge of Racism against me. I talk to everyone.”. There have been new attacks. wrote a story on it for Riders Xchange. We have been happily borne — or perhaps have unhappily dragged our weary way — down the long and crooked streets of our lives, past all kinds of walls and fences made of rotting wood, rammed earth, brick, concrete, iron railings. Wood, who has held the post for 10 years, withdrawing his name from contention. Every person of major significance in the major media is controlled by the CIA. This expands the definition of “Terrorism”, and authorizes the introduction of UN troops into the internal affairs of all   countries. The one, the ONLY free American.” The crowd roars. The man that was supposed to be in charge of the Just In Time manufacturing process Wayne was going to use in the production, the engineer working at Sandia doing the animated commercials and others that had been terminated also. One told me they could only loan money on residential property. Thoughts and articles by Clayton R. Douglas, publisher and Radio Talk Show Host for over 30 Years. Facebook. Click Above, Thank you. And who are you?”. Avec Deezer, musique en streaming, découvrez plus de 56 millions de titres, créez vos propres playlists, téléchargez … These Jewish owned and operated organizations send their reports to the FBI and Homeland Security. I would chronicle the formation of IMMI through them. My readers were continually complaining to the managers that the magazine was being hid. But here, without the support of my Free American listeners and readers and without my family, the people that I hired turned out to be either incompetent or cons. My website is blocked in most libraries and major companies around the country. ADL Segment on Clay Douglas. He stresses, The need for such a magazine and radio show such as the Free American has never been greater. Thunder Riders was, according to New Times, the premier motorcycle magazine in Arizona. If you don’t like my dog, you can kiss my ass! ADL Immobilier. John Kaminski is a regular on my shows. “You have to. Over 40 years ago, I went out to Arizona and California after they passed a helmet law in my home state of Texas. Through cooperation with other webmasters, activists, authors and the first rate guests I have had the pleasure of interviewing, I have managed to build the audience and level of support I needed to restore the Free American Magazine as an online publication that may actually be better and more effective that the hard copy, nationally distributed edition I published for ten years that ended with my accident in 2004. “Are you nuts?” I asked. I have been giving you the magazine free for three years I will not, after this issue, give this magazine away anymore in Arizona. Out of all the bars and restaurants in Phoenix, biker friendly or not, these are the only three places Bandit and I aren’t welcome. I want you to do more than just listen. On May 20th 2004, I was hit by an old black woman. Don’t be too quick to condemn the Arabs based on the lies of the Jews. As they were leaving, I couldn’t resist one last jab. The only problem was IMMI was operating out of Wayne’s Sheepskin Outlet and not a single tool or assembly line had been readied. besides they will be off in Iraq or Iran.. We need a cheap source of well armed, well trained,   organized, disciplined troops!” If all of our news sources and magazines are under the control of those globalists whose plan for one world government has been in written form as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for a hundred and fifty years, how will you get the information to make correct decisions today that will affect your children and grandchildren in fifty years. Silk Clay ® sont des pâtes à modeler lisses et douces, qui se laissent former très facilement. We have never tried to penetrate them with our vision or our understanding. You are arrested! Money is no problem. Clay Douglas on Phsyciatric Warfare - The Unscrupulous Drugging of America! These are designed to impoverish and handicap me both socially and on a business level. But, before Clay can even take his first call, a white delivery van pulls into the parking lot. I understand why our founding fathers fought so hard to form and build a homeland that crafted and assured freedom and liberty for this country’s people. The lending companies first agreed to do the deal but then started waffling. It has already begun with the imprisonment of any who dissent It really doesn’t matter if you oppose taxation, war, globalization, Depleted Uranium or the six million figure used to extort money for a foreign power, you will be dragged off to the gulags just as Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn and Ezra Pound were. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote extensively about how it began. Abraham Foxman, ADL. Edit Profile. Whether it was the trauma of seeing the heretofore indestructible Clay Douglas so near death’s door, or the negative view of the doctors and the hospitals who would have liked to keep me institutionalized forever, or some other factor. Thus far, the most visible manifestation of pro-militia sentiment in New Mexico has been found in The Free American, a monthly newspaper published privately by Clayton R. Douglas and his wife, Jan Douglas. It was not only club members that I rode with. Why wouldn’t I? That’s all there is to it! Terms of Service. As the Elitists expand their definition of “Enemies” the battle will begin to be bloody. I urge you to tune in. Clay has 1 job listed on their profile. “I am only one, but I am one. Never dreaming that I could have enough interest for  someone to tap my phone and lay in wait. Those who advocate such a global system and the dismantling of our Bill of Rights, are either misguided, uninformed or, if totally knowledgeable, traitors to this country. the money. I closed my businesses, sold my home on the canal and moved to NM. I put my picture in the publisher’s column of my magazines. Meetings were disrupted; supporters and advertisers continue to be harassed. The story does not stop here. They’ll set things right!” And everything which is by now comprised in the traditional, even literary, image of an arrest, will pile up and take shape, not in your own disordered memory, but in what your family and your neighbors in your apartment remember: The sharp nighttime ring or the rude knock at the door. “Thunder Riders is my motorcycle magazine. With what happened to Casey, I knew that my call home had been intercepted and why I am considered such a danger to the ruling class. My head was smashed against a curb. Douglas Clay's Reputation Profile. Russian communists, the Jewish Bolsheviks, who killed the Czar and his family, used Joe Stalin to starve or slaughter 50 million white Russians! Ce prêt accordé à Clay Industries permettra de financer l'établissement d'une usine moderne de fabrication de tuiles en argile céramique à Homs, [...] troisième grande ville du pays. This is the one residual effect of the accident or the drugs. Welcome to a special edition of the Free American. The signed, broken contract still sits in my briefcase. remains committed to bringing the truth to the American people. What for?” And this is a question, though repeated millions and millions of times before, has yet to receive an answer. Kind of ironic that the government is laying down tons of Depleted Uranium in Iraq, isn’t it? Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956: How do people get to this clandestine Archipelago? Like Rockefeller, Vice President Cheney, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, These tactics by the ADL were used on my advertisers and the shops. And neither for the first hour nor for the first day will you be able to grasp anything else. There were two reasons for that move. After World War II, Gen. George Patton made the casual statement, “We fought on the wrong side!” He was killed a short time later. Just like the Jewish owned media, where the Palestinians are always the terrorists, the FBI listed me and my magazine in their “Guide to Rightwing Extremists”. One other attempt to send money via Wal-Mart was put on hold when the funds were frozen. and the strain of doing all the jobs entailed in publishing a magazine caught up to me. I should be diplomatic, but when I think of how much money I spent in their bars, I can only respond in one way. The 'OK' hand gesture is now a hate symbol, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League. I look at the time behind me in terms of decades rather than years. He was a Rhodes Scholar, former banker, land owner and brilliant man. It also happened to my friend John DeCamp, attorney and former  Congressman who will be speaking with me at the Next Conspiracy Con. To make a Donation via PayPal to Clay Douglas. Arizona is rapidly becoming the motorcycle capitol of the US, it is also building a national awareness of illegal immigration and its debilitating effect, thanks to the efforts of my friend and regular guest, Chris Simcox, publisher of the Tombstone Tumbleweed. It is no. Le clan n'a actuellement pas de chef qui soit reconnu par le droit écossais et le Lord Lyon. Toss in one old biker from Texas who likes to read and write. Under certain conditions I will sell local rights to the right people to sell local advertising in Thunder Riders and/or the Free American and take care of the distribution in their area . She sent it but when I went down to get it, I was told they didn’t have it. I am Clay Douglas. Every able bodied male between 18 and 45 is a member of the Militia and can be called up by the Governor. “Oh no, it has a coke box and a sign in front of it. It didn’t have the same ring and I didn’t want to spend money on lawyers. Some of you bikers know what happened to me. ( Log Out /  It went down but my critics and enemies were not satisfied. For now I will combine the two to make the first and best biker news magazine in the country. It did not occur to me at that time there was anything wrong. I viewed it as an opportunity. A couple of years ago, I moved my headquarters to Phoenix to start another type of magazine for the hardcore Harley riders in Arizona. Douglas Clay, 38 . Each of us is a center of the Universe, and that Universe is shattered when they hiss at you: “You are under arrest.” If you are arrested, can anything else remain unsheltered by this cataclysm? He said they were a little upset but all of that information had been vetted with Noriega’s trial but the word was, “We will let you live, this time, don’t publish anything like that again.”. In April of 2004 the story broke in the New York Times that Bush had allowed the NSA to  tap our phones. Maybe she really was a nurse and maybe the doctor had told them to try to keep me calm but I had had my fill of their drugs and I refused again, pulling the best bluff of my life. “I have to give you an injection, Mr. Douglas.” she said. An old friend called me from Douglas, AZ with an offer of help. American Voice Radio stepped up to the plate and gave me a show in the mornings at 7:00 AM Pacific Time. Casey and Tiny lived. *former CIA director William Colby*, A bill is in Congress pretending to reform the UN but it is really a disguised attempt to turn the UN into global government enforcement, making it an international offense to resist tyranny. I could have kept the two separate, and concealed the fact that I published both. I’ll be there in the morning.”. I wasted no time grieving. Even the mainstream is repeating that observation these days but they would have you believe that people like me are the enemy. I am a little better off than Randy Weaver, Gordon Kahl, the Branch Davidians, Vince Foster and Ernst Zundel, who sitting in a German Prison for the “crime of denying the Holocaust. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Clay Douglass. With all of the pressure and all of the negatives, to try and force me out of business, I considered myself pretty lucky still to be alive. Report an Issue  |  Arrest is an instantaneous, shattering thrust, expulsion; a somersault from one state into another. But you too have been living. Their serious attacks on me continue until this day. But I was labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist” when I tried to warn you of what was to come based on suppressed history. However, some conservatives say they are offended by the ADL's deliberate efforts to equate the right wing with hate groups such as … "It was the poverty caused by the bad influence of the
 English Bankers on the Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and...the Revolutionary War." It had not been a good time to sell my house in Miami. 4,1 sur 5 étoiles 465. The oath I took when I volunteered for Vietnam was to defend the Constitution against all enemies, domestic and foreign. That makes Warren about the third Jewish lawyer to refuse to advertise with me. A man I met in Sturgis, Wayne (Wooden Indian) Baughman offered me a job as the PR director for IMMI. I featured him. I had just published what really happened at the World Trade Center, why the buildings fell and who was responsible. ASTROLOGY BIRTH CHART READING DONE BY VIJAY. Clay Douglas assists a variety of entities, including business development companies, in their capital-raising efforts, launch-to-market operations, and with other regulatory and transactional matters. The BATF was absent. If you want to help, just jump in and help. It then falls upon the people, being fully informed, to decide what actions they must take to preserve and defend their liberty. Contact details my phone number WhatsApp number +91 9611262123 can be reached 24 x 7 round the clock 365 days. Assemblies of God, elected Wednesday afternoon subsequent to George O. The Free American is the one I expose you spook types in!” They had to know that the Free American had not been out for over four months. We are CIA. I didn’t want to get on the stretcher and I didn’t want to get into the ambulance. Le clan Douglas est un clan écossais historique originaire des Lowlands écossais et tirant son nom du village de Douglas, dans le South Lanarkshire. Can you say Israel? Too many of our ancestors fought and died to protect our Constitution, the oldest in the world, to insure that we would retain those liberties spelled out in our Bill of Rights. I made arrangements to borrow money on my property in NM to finance a gas station, convenience store and KOA style park shown on the previous page, as well as providing enough money to hire professionals to help me with Thunder Riders. I am eagerly waiting for him to sue me for telling the truth. (Another Story another time). I cannot do everything, but I can do something. ( Log Out /  As far as I am concerned, you aren’t bikers, you are pretenders making money off bikers. A Jewish employee who wanted a piece of the action for his writing skills started a competing newspaper when I turned his idea of a partnership down. To modern times when we fought two world wars to give them  Palestine, all sides of those conflict financed by the bankers, including the Bushes. It was the notarized statement of Col. Edward P. Cutolo, commander of the Special Forces unit in Ayer, Massachusetts. Tuesday, June 8, 2010. Ron Brown of BAM was the first to break his one year advertising contract after he saw a copy of the Free American. Livraison à 0,01€ seulement pour votre première commande expédiée par Amazon. I am going to go get security and they will hold you down so I can give it to you!”. For us, they have the DU and now warn of the “Bird Flu”. We have never given a thought to what lies behind them. ( - The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) claims its organizational mission is to "expose and combat the purveyors of hatred in our midst." When I called Warren Levenbaum to talk with him about advertising, I asked him what had happened. 8000 Hazelridge Ln, Cottondale, AL 35453. Âges : 72 ans et plus. that covers my history in the Patriot Movement including the suspicious accident, drugging in the hospitals and disruption of day to day business. “You are fired.” I had done nothing wrong. Profils Douglas Brut de sciage Que vous cherchiez un profil pour réaliser une charpente, une ossature, une clôture, bastaings, madriers, poteaux, chevrons, pannes, solives, lambourdes, planches, voliges, traverses paysagères, ou autres vous trouverez ici nos dimensions standards sur stock. The anger started to overcome me. The story made 60 minutes… all but the part about Casey and Tiny being shot a few hours before we got to meet. “Does the term, tough shit mean anything to you? kinds of people are in Washington, pulling the President’s strings. They are using the politically correct code, Neo-Cons. Based on the knowledge we have compiled over the last years of publication, we believe there is a verifiable, well documented plan to force Americans into a Global Government, complete with one world banking, a global ID system, an international police force, and a disarmed populous. First I lost Pappy, my oldest and closest friend and the last of the Dirty Dozen. Gee, tough luck Clay! I talked with Cyril at more length and learned that he had not been paid and there was no plan for producing more engines. The Militias were formed with the approval of Gov. I mentioned his name or firm in my magazine he would sue me. Ben Nighthorse Campbell and Senator Trent Franks of Arizona. And all of a sudden the fateful gate swings quickly open, and four white male hands, unaccustomed to physical labor but nonetheless strong and tenacious, grab us by the leg, arm, collar, cap, ear, and drag us in like a sack, and the gate behind us, the gate to our past life, is slammed shut once and for all. I have ridden with Senator. If we do not learn from the past, we are condemned to repeat it. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Clay… Join Facebook to connect with Clay Douglass and others you may know. ", © 2021   Created by Pam Vredenburg. Those bars are the Blooze, Hardtailz and Bridgits. Just a few weeks ago, the Supreme Court ordered the government to transfer Jose Padilla, an American citizen held for three years in a Military Prison, without trial, on the suspicion that he might do something. It is commercial property.”. Emblazoned in pink letters across the … We don’t like that.” They spoke matter-of-factly and without emotion. There is a way! I had national distribution for The Free American. View Clay Douglas’ profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. For a, time there, I turned my back on the Patriot Movement, quit talking about the Illuminati, the politics, world events the involvement of the Jews/Zionists from the days of Christ to the days when the Bank of England run by the Rothschilds, ruled the world. Arrest! This is the first of the changes of Thunder Riders, first by combining it with the Free American and going back to doing what I have been doing for so long and so well. My guest today:Thursday Sept. 5 Clay Douglas The New Free American & Preston James Jim McCanney on … But home wasn’t home any longer. Her father was one of the political elite administrator types. These people are the most freedom loving people I have ever met, including my years in the “Patriot Movement”. Because of the accuracy of my articles and interviews, and the fact that the Free American was on the newsstands at Borders and Barnes & Noble and was carried across our country by truckers, bikers and patriots, I knew I was making an impact when foreign spy organizations like the (ADL) Anti Defamation League and (SPLC) Southern Poverty Law Center kept naming me in their hate propaganda. Then OKC happened. D'origine jamaïquaine, le chanteur de disco Carl Douglas a connu son heure de gloire dans les années 1970 avec son tube phénoménal « Kung fu fighting ». I hope you will make a donation. And here is what we have to look forward to. The anger started to boil up in my eyes and my voice. So much for freedom of speech and even  freedom of thought! A few days later, I was up, walking, fully conversational, having to carry my coffee in my right hand because of the three broken ribs and broken collar bone injured in the “accident”. What for?” That’s what arrest is: it’s a blinding flash and a blow shifts the present instantly into the past and the impossible into omnipotent actuality. I decided I (and all of us!) Another war is planned and imminent! The other reason is I helped create that mystique. When invaded by foreign powers (England wasn’t the only country trying to lay claim to the land carved out of the wilderness by their ancestors!) . Doulas de France est une association indépendante, qui fonctionne grâce aux adhésions de ses membres et au travail des volontaires. Once more, this is not a matter of race or religion. The lawyer they gave him didn’t show up the day of the trial. As soon as this book came out, rumors about me that had no basis in reality began flying all over Tucson. We need a broad view of what is really happening because what happened in Russia that led to the deaths of fifty million people under our “ally” Uncle Joe Stalin, and what is happening in Palestine and Iraq can and will happen here in time.
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