Originally from Indonesia and Malaysia, you can most commonly find the Tiger Barb most commonly in hot, shallow medium/fast-moving streams. Malene Thyssen / CC BY-SA / via Wikimedia Commons.


For a home aquarium try to have at least four to six fish of the same species to recreate the schooling behavior you would see in the wild.

The White Cloud Mountain originates from the rivers of China and makes for an excellent schooling fish pet. Stay away from larger fish like goldfish, cichlids or catfish. This Fish has a unique body shape. Therefore, I recommend adding about 10 fish in a 20 gallon (80 L) fish tank. By Soulkeeper (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Ideally, you would like to have more than one fish in your tank but if you have very large fish, in a small tank, then their likelihood of comfort and survival is drastically reduced. Below we’ve provided a detailed list of the best schooling fish for your freshwater tanks. Calm, peaceful community fish that won’t startle them. While some fish mentioned in this article are appropriate for tanks as small as 10 gallons, in my opinion, you need at least a 55-gallon tank to get the full effect. This list encompasses my favorite 11 nano species for freshwater tanks. If you can secure the tank and provide floating food, they’re easy to keep. Corpse89 / CC BY-SA / via Wikimedia Commons. I hope you love the products I recommend!


Brian Gratwicke [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons. I’ll touch on a few in this article, but there are many species such a: By Fernandograu [CC BY-SA 3 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons. Read on to find out. They are shoaling fish, so you won’t see them hanging out together all the time like some other fish in this article, but it is still smart to keep them in a group of six or more. Here’s another hardy shoaling fish, and one of my all-time favorites. Avoid stocking them with fish that have long, flowing fins. Neons are among the most popular schooling fish for freshwater aquariums. This type of Fish is known as the King of the Aquarium. Before talking about the best fish for planted tanks, there are so many variations of fish we can see in the freshwater world. This type of fish species, along with its near relatives, lives in South America. Some fish keepers keep them in species-only tanks, but others house them with fish that tolerate cool temperatures such as cories, guppies, and zebra danios. Jack Dempsey has over 20 years of experience with freshwater aquariums. The same instincts that drive them to school in the wild will govern their behavior in your tank. In many ways, aquarium fish and aquarium plants have a symbiotic relationship. This Fish originates from South America from an area with a rock-solid base within a freshwater lake. Cichlids are one of the very popular types of aquarium fish. Thanks in advance for your support! The above are some of the best freshwater schooling fish, but they hardly represent the end-all, be-all of species. You will occasionally see cherry barbs listed as semi-aggressive, but I’ve never had issues with them in my tanks. Most small tetras make excellent schooling fish for a community tank.


Aptly named the black widow because of its unique black fins and black stripes on the body and its tendency to become aggressive towards smaller Fish, the Fish thrives in schools of 3 or more in one aquarium. Pygmy cories are little freshwater catfish that are a stunning addition to any aquarium. Why Do Schooling Fish Look So Good In An Aquarium? By following the above factors and tips, you can certainly increase your chances of achieving your goal – which is to create and maintain your own community aquarium. For the oddball keeper, they’re definitely worth a closer look. Even peaceful fish species can start causing some trouble if the aquarium begins to become overcrowded. Cories are industrious little catfish that putter around your tank, cleaning up uneaten food that has fallen to the substrate. Therefore, it is best when these fish are placed in an aquarium with other dwarf Fish, snails, or shrimp. However, they do best in smaller groups and should not be left in isolation. 8 Best Algae Eaters for your planted tank; Will copper from fertilizers hurt my shrimp or fish? Harlequin rasboras are peaceful and only grow to a couple of inches in length. Tetras are small fish that are best suited for beginners due to the following reasons: The Neon Tetra is one of the most popular species among fish keepers due to its attractive colors and ease of care. This is the second reason why Fish form schools. None of the fish on the list require a tank larger than 10 gallons and majority of them can live happily in even 5 gallons. So, to keep a school of six or more you’ll need a tank that’s at least a thousand gallons, I guess. Schooling fish serve as a source of beauty to any tank as they convey life and amusement to each aquarium. Which are the best schooling fishes? Good choices are schooling fish like small tetras, rasboras or gouramis.


Luckily, freshwater schooling fish are a great option for both novice aquarists and experts alike! You will primarily find them in the Araguaia River basin located in South America. Best Schooling Fish For Aquariums: Beginner Friendly List. However, it can also be rewarding. Tiger barbs are attractive fish with striking black stripes.
  • Discus
  • With so many different fish species out there, it can be hard to pick which to keep. A 20-gallon aquarium can house one male with one or two females for company. These fish are usually silver-colored with black stripes, but albino and other color morphs are readily available.They don’t enjoy being solitary and are happiest in groups of 15+ in larger, heavily planted nano tanks. This type of Fish is highly adaptable with many other fish species that are commonly held in a community aquarium. Another critical factor is to consider the hiding places for the various different fish species. Clown loaches are tropical freshwater Fish that originate from the botiid loach family. The Ember Tetra is a light orange freshwater fish with a semi-transparent body and an ideal fish for aquarium. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"


    Fish for the Planted Aquarium Planted Aquarium Fish - Discuss which type of aquarium fish are best suited for the aquatic plant environment you have created. Shoaling fish group loosely or may not appear to group at all, but they still need others of their kind close by. This goes for almost all schooling fish. There will be several questions that you will have to consider. Your fish will experience less stress and the whole setup will be more appealing. Large aquariums with at least 15 Chili Rasbora will find them staying tightly together around the aquarium. Rasboras : A group of delicate, lovely rasboras schooling will look stunning against a backdrop of aquarium plants.


    Schools of fish look amazing, especially in large tanks that replicate their natural environments. Primarily, live-bearing species of Fish such as the guppies, mollies, platies, and swordtails are all great community fish. Fish and other livestock add movement to a planted tank and algae eaters can help keep the tank clean. The Best Filter for Planted Tanks. You know what? You’ll want to stock a school of six or more and avoid any large fish that could eat them. The reason schooling fish look so good in aquariums is because they help bring distinction, activity, and color to the aquarium. In this article we break down the best substrates available in 2020 and analyze their cost, positives and negatives. Due to their distinct colors and aggressive nature, they are of great charm to a wide range of aquarists.
  • Cherry Barb
  • They are semi-aggressive, and they have a reputation as fin nippers. The iridescent catfish is a schooling catfish, whose name originates from its juvenile coloring and shark-like body shape. The way they move so close to each other while maintaining perfect rhythm is mind-blowing. What species of Fish should I consider buying? When your community. Bloodfin tetras are known for the bright red coloration on their ventral and tail fins. The Cardinal Tetra is probably the flashiest amongst the tetra species, with its fabulous bright red belly with sparkling blue-green scales on the top of the body. Good luck! Fish for the Planted Aquarium Planted Aquarium Fish - Discuss which type of aquarium fish are best suited for the aquatic plant environment you have created. You always want to do the research before you bring fish home, but that is especially true with white cloud minnows. This type of Fish has slightly more specific needs requirements to flourish in your aquarium. Furthermore, they are able to tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and conditions, making them known for their extreme ease of care.
  • Neon Blue Tux Guppy
  • Let’s take a look at what schooling aquarium fish are, as well as the best schooling fish species for your aquarium. German Blue Ram.
  • Zebra Danios
  • Still, many fish keepers love them for their spunky personalities. However, the most common one has silvery, blue-green bodies with a pink belly. The black skirt tetra is near the top of the list of my favorite schooling fish.
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnow
  • \n It certainly is reassuring to belong to a group, because the singling out and attacking of one individual fish would be a tiresome task — an extreme but common strategy amongst schools in the formation of a circle when attacked by predators. Pet stores sell iridescent shark catfish as small three or four-inch babies. With more eyes on the lookout for food, a school can find what it needs more quickly. Otos look a little like miniature plecos and they will cling to the glass in the same way. This attractive and iridescent species is identified from its impressive reflective rainbow colors. Want to learn more about all the fish you can raise? It is easy to see where these round, shiny fish get their name.


    These are great schooling fish for beginners, depending on what your water parameters are. Let’s just face it: small things are cute and tiny things are even cuter. Throughout them, some fish become perfect matches for aquariums.
  • Neon Tetra
  • However, make sure to understand how to take care of the community aquarium correctly. This type of Fish is also referred to as the Silver Shark and is popular among tropical fish hobbyists. However, they are easily startled and use an interesting strategy for evading predators. In your aquarium, blue-green chromis, anthias, dartfish, and cardinals are the best choices for schooling fish. This is another fish that requires an aquarium 300 gallons or bigger if you intend to keep them in the appropriately sized school. Aleksandr Skopenko [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons. Creating a thriving community aquarium can pose to be a bit of a challenge. Here are the 10 best (and worst) large fish for your freshwater home aquarium along with recommendations for tank size and care management. Most schooling species prefer to be kept in groups of at least 5 or 6 of their own species. Best schooling fishes for planted tanks; Important water parameters for fish in planted tanks; How to add CO2 safely to your planted aquarium; Does injecting CO2 harm fish? Jack's goal is to help beginners avoid the biggest mistakes when getting started. They need to compliment the beauty of the plants and should not dig or destroy anything. The Zebra Danios is a freshwater fish that belongs to the minnow family native to South Asia. Now that live plants are easily available at your local fish store and online at your favorite aquarium website, it is easier than ever to get the plants you want in a timely fashion. Hatchetfish are peaceful and inhabit the upper part of the water column. The fish are hardy and need intermediate care in … If in any way you are making plans to have a school of fish in your aquarium, ensure you consider the capacity of your aquarium to accurately decide the fishes that your aquarium can accommodate. 20 Best Community Fish for a Social Aquarium. The Rummynose Tetra is among the most popular of all freshwater schooling fishes and is named due to the bright red marking that stretches across its face. Congo tetras are known for their sparkling orange and silver scales, which can include hints of flickering green or blue. The dazzling and stunning colors will attract the bigger Fish a little too much. Below we've provided a detailed list of the best schooling fish for your freshwater tanks.

    They are the most-selling tropical Fish in the world and the second most expensive freshwater Fish sold in the world, only after the humble goldfish. This is one of the coolest schooling fish out there, but they are not for everyone. If you intend to keep them, you’ll need a 150-gallon tank with plenty of hiding spots. While swimming, they open and close their tails, making their distinct tail fins to look like scissors. Schooling is a very common behavior among fish and it is estimated that as many as 80% of fish live in a school at some point. Fish come in all forms of shapes and sizes. It is a relatively small fish with an elongated body and arched back. The hive-mind mentality is at play. Schooling makes it easier for Fish to search for food too. It has a peaceful temperament and can thrive well with other fish, as long as their tank mates are too big to swallow. He sent the first samples of Guppy to a British Museum “Natural History Museum – London.”. Zebras are among the hardiest fish in the aquarium world, which makes them a superb choice for beginners. Other minnows; hardy fish that tolerate cooler water, Greg Hume [CC BY-SA] via wikimedia commons.
  • Cardinal Tetra
  • In the wild, fish school to stay safe, find food, and swim more efficiently. It is very important to make sure your entire aquarium is tightly covered if you intend to stock these guys. Just don’t get them. In your aquarium, they won’t need to dodge predators or worry about where their next meal will come from, but they don’t know that. This particular Fish hails from Peninsular, Malaysia. These guys are peaceful and hardy, perfect for a community tank with other peaceful fish. A school of 20 neons looks incredible in a large, planted tank. Keep them in a group of six or more and give them a tank of at least 15 gallons. However, this article will provide you with an overview of the different types of schooling fish and their characteristics, as well as answers to various questions that need to be considered when looking to set up a community of schooling fish. They’re small—only about an inch long as adults—so don’t stock them with large fish who may see them as a snack. 2) Pacu. Peaceful community fish that can’t eat them. It’s the same as wanting to stay in groups when traveling to dangerous parts of metropolitan cities. Which are non fish-friendly plants? Their very small size and striking red coloration makes them a top contender. 11 Freshwater Nano Fish for Your Aquarium Rebecca Noah . Males have a bright-red coloring while females are more subdued. 2. They were first discovered in Indonesia, and with time, their unique appearance drew more attention to them. They have a red-orange coloring on their sides, contrasted with black markings on their tails. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What Fish Are Schooling Fish? The Five-Banded Barb is a quiet schooling species that is the best pick for a planted aquarium. Some of the more well know planted tank destroyers include: 1) Goldfish.

    A few fish that like to live in schools are Danios, Barbs, and Tetras. Be sure to toss a few sinking pellets in the tank at feeding time so your cories have enough to eat and don’t have to rely on scavenging food that falls to the bottom. Shoaling Fish are a group of fish that stay together for social purposes, while if a group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, then they are referred to as schooling fish.

  • Angelfish
  • \n

    You can find them in any chain or local fish store. The black skirt tetra is near the top of the list of my favorite schooling fish. What Is The Best Freshwater Schooling Fish For Beginners? Which fishes are best to avoid for your planted tank? This Fish, also is known as the Tanakia Bitterling, is a reasonably uncommon fish that is native to China and Taiwan. 5. One aspect that makes schooling fish remarkably interesting to watch is their beauty. This semi-aggressive Fish is generally very nippy and will hunt other slow or long-finned Fish. Setting up a community aquarium can seem like a daunting task. 3) Loaches. For more information, please read our disclaimer. Rummy Nose Tetras. The secret is out on just how simple it is to grow … 20 Best Freshwater Fish for a Planted Tank Read More » This Fish can be found in India, Sri Lanka, all the way through Southeast Asia. Your Schooling on Schools. Read on to find out. Even though I suggest that people keep schooling fish in groups of six, I think the more the better for neons. The typical rainbowfish is of a variety of colors. Because of their small size and calm temperament, they make great fish for beginners. Platies are generally not schooling Fish. It is recommended that they are grouped with smaller Fish. Tan Meng Yoe at English Wikipedia / CC BY / via Wikimedia Commons. Big freshwater fish look spectacular in the right tank setup but choose wisely. By being smart when combining species you can achieve a beautiful and safe environment in the fish tank. How Many Schooling Fish Should I Get For My Tank Size?
    best schooling fish for planted tanks aquarium 2021