We're happy that you learned something new from our Wonder about monkeys and bananas-- they go together so very well! So how can a monkey eat a banana does it eat the skin or not? It is definitely not difficult to buy all new holder of Alpha force testo men modify complement. We're glad you had fun WONDERing! We are so glad that you enjoyed the Wonder Video, and learned a cool fact about bananas! We are glad you're here today, and we hope you have a banana-rama kind of day! :) If you're an active kid, a banana can give you a quick dose of natural energy to keep your body going. They're a convenient source of food that happens to taste great and provide a lot of nutrients in a small package. 1) Would banana oil be good for your skin? This is the reason why you should never eat bananas for breakfast. young antelope, rabbits, and birds like guinea fowl. Thanks for sharing your comments with us today! One program of this androgenic hormone or androgenic hormone or testosterone incorporates 60 tablets. https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-can-t-some-people-eat-peanuts/ :), We're glad you're chuckling with us today, Eli! How does a hurricane work? similar to kids craving a slice of chocolate cake, they're quite different than the grocery store-kind. I love bananas too.. they are healthy like apples!! Are you a fan? I had no idea bananas had so many vitamins! I love wonderopolis because it has a whole bunch of cool and fun stuff, also I just learned that a banana peel can polish a leather shoe also I learned that one banana is called a finger a whole bunch of bannas are called a hand. The most abundant monkey species is the mandrill, which can grow to about 3 feet tall and weigh about 35 kgs. Alexia- Why are they called tornadoes? , its possible but i wouldn't think so but thats a good quistion. https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/who-invented-basketball/ :), Thanks for sharing your WONDERful comment with us, Sawyer.DAVIDSON! Weird. We're apes. Thoughts, Connections, Questions: None of us really understood what this video had to do with the Wonder. Thanks for adding your thoughts, Bananx. Do you have a favorite banana recipe to share? 3) What else can you do with banana peels? HOORAY for new Wonder Friends! Check out some of our Wonders from the past: :), Good morning to Mrs. VanDusen's Class! I thought monkeys only liked bananas that much in cartoons! https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/what-is-a-gully-washer/ :), Good morning, Wonder Friends in Mrs. Hess' Class! monkeys "relish" eating them when they're exposed to them, This Is How You Can Avoid Cavities, According to a Dentist, A Ranking of Bottled Smoothies, Strictly By Nutritional Content. Bananas contain sugar and other nutrients, including of course vitamin c. Therefore bananas taste good to monkeys, and they get calories and nutrients from eating bananas. :), WOOHOO, you learned some awesome new facts today, Sofia! 6) Would a monkey eat banana cream pie? Do some Internet research to find out the basic nutritional facts of bananas. tsunamis Why do bananas use sunblock? I wonder how monkeys knew how to eat the banana out of every thing in their habitat. :), How cool that you learned something new with us, Mia! :), Welcome to Wonderopolis, Mrs. Dobson's Class! How did that video effect how to show why monkeys like bananas so much? These bananas are just too sweet for primates. I think they are really good for you. Isaiah Wonders, “Why do monkeys eat bananas?” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Isaiah! They sound so good for you!! where does wind come from? I think this is one of the coolest wonders I read! What does the Website box mean on the left of this comment box? It is so much fun when we can all learn something new together! My cousin said that she was allergic to bananas-- what?! So you've pinched and gotten a good hold on some part of the peel. Wonder #222-- Why Can't Some People Eat Peanuts? It's probably because bananas tend to grow in the hot, tropical areas where monkeys usually live. There are different types, but they're known as banana plants! Compare bananas to the nutrients found in other fruits. They like bananas because they are so sweet and delicious. I can go to sleep tonight thinking about this amazing WONDER. Prehensile tails come in handy for holding on while the monkey collects food: flowers, fruits, nuts, leaves, seeds, insects, … What will happen if you eat the outside of a banana? Zookeepers said the fruit grown and exported for human consumption have far higher levels of sugar than the ones monkeys would eat in the … See you soon, Wonder Friend! We Wonder what your favorite part of today's Wonder is? Watch Vitaminix to know the secret behind and also learn more about different foods. :), Hey there, Starstar2000! We hope this Wonder was helpful! It sounds like you've thought a lot about this, Kitty! Why? Bananas, of course! We've told you before that … Why Is It So Fun To Monkey Around? We hope you have a banana-riffic day! This was powerful. Stevie- Can tornadoes destroy homes? Why would anyone ever think that a fruit that is eaten by poo-flingers is tasty when not in the bread, taffy or ice cream form? Here are a few creative recipes you can try the next time you're hungry for bananas: +, Do you love bananas? We look forward to finding out what tomorrow's Wonder will be... you can check out some of our weather-related Wonders here: https://www.wonderopolis.org/category/weather/ :), Great question, Wonder Friend Allison! Bryan- Can you survive a hurricane? Feel free to use a food label you find around the house for an idea of what nutritional information to compare. 2014–2021 © National Center for Families Learning, http://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-do-monkeys-love-bananas, © National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), Do monkey think bananas are good for them, monkeys don't like bananas they eat them because they need food to survive. :), WOW that was cool I had no clue that the inside of a banana could be used as a shoe polisher?! We really enjoy making connections between our Wonders and what our Wonder Friends might enjoy, so that's why you are craving a banana! What Do Monkeys Eat? By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier. We love that you used your imaginations when you answered today's Wonder! Hmm Maybe It's Tornados Or Hurricane Sandy!!! Our days here at the Primate Rescue … Watch it here, \\r\\rWelcome to the official Baby … I love bannas, I love bananas! Wonder #779– Why Do Some People Chase Storms? My logic is flawless. Wow! :) It's fun to learn something new about cool chimps and what they eat! :), We have lots of banana lovers here at Wonderopolis, Jusin, and it sounds like you're a fan of bananas, too! We think today's Wonder video was made using stop-motion... it looks like clay, though! relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator), in diet, certain plant carbohydrates that resist digestion but speed the digestion of other foods and ease intestinal evacuation, (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance, any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism, highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire, something in food that helps people, animals, and plants live and grow, the outer layer or skin of some fruits and vegetables, a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite, have a craving, appetite, or great desire for, http://www.chiquitabananas.com/Worlds-Favorite-Fruit/bananas-power-food.aspx, http://www.easy-banana-recipes.com/banana-facts.html, https://www.pitara.com/news-for-kids/world-news/going-bananas/. Up for a challenge? HOORAY for you! That was cool. :), We are so excited to read your comment, Jozi! We know that some monkeys will eat the entire banana-- peel and all-- while others prefer to eat only the inside of the banana, like we do. Michael- How do you prepare for severe weather? We Wonder if you have done any WONDERing about the Lost City of Atlantis in class? Or is it just a fake? :), Good question, Nathalie! Help spread the wonder of families learning together. Thanks for sharing your awesome, seasonal predictions for the next Wonder of the Day®! :) We have been monkeying around here at Wonderopolis and we switched out today's video with a new one-- it will make you smile! I can’t explain it. Sophia, Mary, Valerie, and Liv for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic! Personally, I'd prefer bananas. See Ya Next Time!!! Hayden- How do they predict tornadoes? The crested black macaque does sometimes eat bananas, but not often; it supplements its fig-based diet with other fruits as well as leaves, eggs, insects, and small animals like lizards. This article from Primate Rescue Center should explain in further detail what monkeys eat! I did not know that I should do that one day. Then I discovered that there was another way, an easier way — the monkey way. How awesome! Aidan from rockin room 16. We always like to find cool videos to share with our Wonder community, and we hope this Wonder video made you smile. It's always fun to learn new things! :), Good afternoon, Mrs. Bailey's Class! Thanks a lot. Would you like to be super active and bubbled with energy like a monkey? Continue Reading Below. Mrs. Vincent - I didn't know a single banana was a called a "finger" and a bunch of bananas were called a "hand." We hope to see you soon! Wonder #566 Hi, I just read this amazing passage. (Brandon) What is a breeze? :D Was That Clay??? :), What an awesome connection, Alyssa! Thanks for your question, WONDER friend! Wild monkeys do eat bananas, but the bananas that monkeys are fed in zoos are cultivated for humans to have more sugar. Bananas are one of the few foods that contain all six of the major vitamin groups. We think that the next wonder will be about...... hurricanes, tornadoes, or a cyclone........ Wow! https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/where-is-tornado-alley/ We hope you'll take a look at the newest one! Predictions: I think bananas are tasty and easy for monkeys to reach. Put your imagination to work to answer the following question: what can you do with a banana? We bet we'd have SUPER strong muscles if that's how we got around, too! We are close to monkey because we love bananas. :), We're glad you learned something with us, ohhmyygott! I think Monkeys love bananas because of how sweet they are and I know they like the color yellow. Wonder #1299 Always keep WONDERing! I love bananas What are we talking about? Thanks for WONDERing with us! :), WONDERful, Miicah and Andrew! Did they run away or just stay there? https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-is-the-sky-blue/ :) Wild bananas contain a lot of hard seeds and little fruit one could actually eat. Where do bananas go shopping for clothes? Cassie, Aaliyah, Bryan, Hayden, Erica, and Sierra: thanks for all your thoughts and connections! :), We think it's great that you're going bananas over bananas, Wonder Friend Meg! Choose a couple of fruits and create a chart that compares bananas to several other fruits, based upon multiple nutritional categories. We are going to have to research the connection between bananas and clear skin! Aaliyah- What causes tornadoes? Hi, Meshach! Wild monkeys do eat bananas, but the bananas that monkeys are fed in zoos are cultivated for humans to have more sugar. I mean, even Ben & Jerry's came up with the name of "Chunky Monkey" for their nutty banana flavor because they assumed monkeys were fans of the fruit, right? :). Thoughts: It's really funny that one banana is called a finger and a whole bunch is called a hand! :). :), We like your banana enthusiasm, Wonder Friend Alana! Thanks for sharing your comment, Matthew! Awwww monkeys are so adorable I could just eat them up nomnomnom. :), What a great question, Wonder Friend Adrien! The monkey was upset the bear was taking his bananas and tried to stop him. Wonder #862-- What is a Gully Washer? (Randall) Yes, as a treat in zoos. Don’t miss our special deals, gifts and promotions. :), Hey Allison, great question! Hi, Joe! ARTS & CULTURE — Food. Bananas have good vitamins and they taste good to monkeys. It has been updated and corrected! We believe that bananas are good for anyone. 4) Do other animals besides monkeys like bananas? https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-do-some-people-chase-storms/ Also, monkeys are so cute! I love bananas, bananas are awesome literally. Bananas are a very tasty snack! :), It's so very cool that you learned something new with us today, Susan E! Are you ready to go bananas? how many bananas dose a monkey eat a day? Some wonder suggestions: While most of our monkeys and chimps do like bananas, their diets consist of much, much more. Here is a song my friend Charlie Little made up: We think lots of Wonder Friends thought monkeys only enjoy bananas in cartoons, too!
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