I then saw a group of 2 people sitted in a place that looked like a Restaurant; they were sitted opposite each other, facing one another; they were Americans. Its a thought to consider. © 2016 – 2017, Z3 News. News Teachings From Ministries USA News . Dr. Brown didn’t reference just one “prophecy” on March 30—he referenced two “prophets” (Pierce and Cooke). Then I saw President Obama leaving the country under the pretense of a routine trip overseas, but in reality he was leaving permanently because he knew what was coming and because it was time for him to begin his next assignment. Bless you brother. My wife and I are both from Europe. It seems there is coming a time that Bibles will be considered contraband. She will rule as a tyrant with complete power over the people. As such, this has created a backlog in the most popular department where the capital city is located. There are many variables in what could happen. Let it be, Abba, let it be! Let’s see… today is Wednesday? If we do that does it really matter when or what will take place?. A friend shared this video just before the election, but I’ve held off sharing it because I didn’t want it to get lost in the election madness. If this truly is the case, if I’ve read Revelation correctly, the 7th trumpet is blown very shortly after the two witnesses are called back up to heaven and I believe Jesus comes very soon after that. I have family in Holland and Germany but am not leaving as of yet. This is a great sign of Heaven that you do NOT need to fear! Its remarkable how many of them fit together so nicely. Blessings to you! Perhaps the timing is related to the Presidential election in November 2020. I questioned, “5 years?” Again, impressed on my spirit, “5 years.” Again, “5 years?”. We strive for His glory only…and what ever happens with our lives…we serve just to expand his kingdom. Keep our eyes on the Lord and be ready… Read more ». And Jeanne too. Don’t try and figure out when the next thing will happen. Holy Spirit, prepare this man’s heart! For example. The Holy Spirit and the Lion of Judah are with you, we will PRAY for your words to be those of the GREAT I AM! It would fit with a woman taking the position, but also a “Obama” staying in. So as you can see many times we misinterpret dreams or just plan old get false messages. I would like to connect with you. May I suggest the Paul Craig Roberts site for an insightful view of the current crisis from a secular point of view. You will return brother, with great testimonies. We could run the rascals out of our land. Many Americans who read alternate news sites understand how the US has violated the Perestroika treaties made by Reagan and Gorbachev by placing our missiles in the former Soviet Union countries of Eastern Europe, right next to Russia. God bless you for caring so much about what is good and right. Additionally, we had to provide 5 years of APOSTILLED TAX DOCUMENTS to get our money moved to where we now live in South America. And I agree with your assessment. Change ). Phone number. I wish we had a few hundred million more people like you Jake. During intense intercession tonight, the Lord spoke these words to me: “For 2 judgments and for 3, this people (America) will not hear Me.”. I believe God is going to use you in a mighty way with your upcoming trip. What if Hillary was forced to step down, and a third party was suggested in her place. I don’t think so. Just like the Nazis lied to the world about what dirty & criminal people the Jews were who stole their wealth & jobs, a similar type of slander narrative will be employed. This woman will rule as an evil tyrant with “complete power over the people.” Freedoms we now take for granted, like the ability to travel and leave the country, could be taken from us. How does that happen? But the Spirit pressed this word into my thoughts, and I think the timing must be appropriate. Thanks for your thoughts. Grasshopper219 I truly believe what you’ve posted because there have been a few times when I’ve been praying in the spirit and received confirmation that the one world government will be implemented next year around Mid-March and that this will be the same time Elijah and Moses (the two witnesses) will return to Earth to prophecy for 3.5 years. I saw him depart, but never saw her depart or return. Please, can anybody give a possible price to set a BTC low order. Considering her age and her recent health problems, which have already received a lot of attention this year, it seems unlikely she has that much gas left in her tank. Welcome, Konstantin! It is close. It’s amazing he’s alive and he’s most definitely NOT saved. This dream reminds me of the eagle’s beak piercing NYC with 1 to 3 judgments, received in July, 2016. Additionally I could text internationally to a cell phone as well if I buy international credit.. Just a clarification on the above post. I feel led by the Holy Spirit to drop everything and fly there tomorrow from texas and be present at the party where three generations of Carmack’s will be represented …the vast majority of them unsaved. It seems like many of these prophecies are focused on the US…. Is there a shortage of food delivery services in your area? & the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! Totally agree with all you wrote, Saeng.Early church Christians went through persecution and didn’t claim they were not appointed to wrath. It is well with your family. Perhaps she comes in with a new administration in 2020. It was only a dream but affected me to the point I slowly backed away from my friend thinking they were going to have an affair. Joe Joe Dawson: "Get Ready! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! General Flynn and Lin Wood is right, declare the insurrection act! Have to update my contact info to a friend in the US with a cell phone, wait 2 weeks for that to update in the systems and then skype them, hope they are free at the moment, right before I hit the button to send the code so i can enter it in the web app…ugh. God bless His people and let us agree to support His agenda as He declares it! They both had a common struggle with bitterness I needed to pray for and God revealed that through this dream in that fashion. One warning I would give to many people wondering if they should leave is that CAPITAL CONTROLS continue to increase & things are becoming more difficult. $7.95 Pray for Israel and Jerusalem Time To Act. In 1933, William Branham also saw a woman rise to power in America. “Dream- Arrested for Reading the Bible in the United States” through LINDA CLAY (Z3 Author), https://believeacts2blog.wordpress.com/2015/08/28/8-28-15-dream-arrested-for-reading-the-bible-in-the-united-states/. During the reign of King Ahab and President Obama’s terms, Jezebel stayed behind the scenes, but Athaliah stepped into the limelight, ruling outright as Queen over the land of Judah for six years (2 Kings 11:3). She would then be gone for 6 or 7 days, which I think means years. I told a friend recently, we should remember He is “the Great Physician”. The enemy has been deeply rooted in their lives for generations now… But I can clearly see God is at work in them and I’m grateful to be a part of it.
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