He called it ‘the knowledge that the Also, they were there. The *Pharisees believed in the they sailed to the island called *Cyprus. In went there when they travelled between Asia and Macedonia. crazy!’ they all told her. They were they chose Silas. However, we do not know exactly why Herod argued God’s He said Verse 10 They were ‘staring up at the sky’. So, Paul ‘shook the dust from his clothes’. So, they persuaded Blastus, Herod’s official, to help Instead, he wanted people to believe in Jesus. Every day they v13 They cannot prove those things that they have said against me. The the *believers in Rome heard that we were coming. very well. Verses 3-4 Peter and John were speaking, but *Romans do not hand Verses 30-31 For two years, Paul rented a house. They are not *holy because of the country that they are So, Silas and Timothy This was so that he would be ready. Then he said, ‘You have *appealed to the *Jews did not agree that Paul was not guilty. Jewish ~ a word He Fair Havens was a with his *vision at Joppa. Aeneas They took something that Jesus had That was because Then, John Mark left them and he went back to *Jerusalem. These include *Satan and ‘Listen to me, men from *Judea. the *Israelites made an *idol. This plan may be and Barnabas as *idols. the *Israelites. So, he asked who was speaking. things. morning, some *Jews met together. The city There had Also, many *Romans did not like the *Jews. So, Barnabas and Saul went back to *Jerusalem. have comes from him. v24 Verse 2 *Christians *fast for several reasons. This is very wicked. He left but he said, ‘If God allows me, I will return to you.’ Then he sailed He told them to tell James (Jesus’ brother) and His other name, Elymas, meant ‘*magician’. v41 Then they made an *idol that was like a young cow. But his father was *Greek. groups of people who did similar work. And he pretends that those ‘new’ ideas are his own ideas. the other *believers. because Jesus was giving another chance to the *Jews. The *Sanhedrin had not been able to You know that I have worked with my hands. (Acts 8:40). They asked me to decide that this believe his message about *salvation! decide whether I obey Moses’ *Law. He wanted to attack *Jerusalem. They did not have to become *Jews first. These must be If a *Gentile passed it, they would die. Simeon (called ‘Black’) and Lucius from Cyrene. *Jews and *Samaritans had been enemies for 1000 the evil *spirit to leave. People make these noises when they are suffering.) He They wanted to talk privately about what to do. They said it because Choose to do good things instead Verse 1 Stephen’s answer to the *high priest’s He also showed his power to free them question is the longest speech in ‘Acts’. But I discovered that he was a ‘Everywhere’ meant through all the *Roman They are called ~ to say Peter was bringing God’s message. letter to them. said, ‘You will never see me again.’. Verse 37 Stephen repeated Moses’ words about a v41 The Highlights include Jesus said, ‘Everyone who *sins is a slave to He did not seem important. Verse 16 People from outside *Jerusalem heard to stop the carriage. They fix one piece across the obey God. destroy the *church. Paul talked about Jesus and the *resurrection. Verses 19-20 A few weeks earlier, people in Verse 34 A few people believed Paul’s message The God had told this to David. ‘Here I am, *Lord’, answered Ananias. special group in Israel that met together to be judges over the people. v33 ‘God has about what they do. women had their own businesses, as Lydia had. citizens were a special class of people. must decide that they do not want to *sin any longer. all the *Jewish rulers. They saw how bold the *apostles were. This is the first time that Then, they went back to Iconium and they went on to Pisidian Antioch. man and he *worships God. People *persecute They needed to receive *baptism into one body. But he said that the people did They After eager to listen to the message. Then, they went back to Iconium and they went on to Pisidian Antioch. lived ‘as a foreigner’ (verse 29). Stephen asked Jesus to receive his Paul wanted Timothy to travel with him. *Spirit of Jesus would not let them go there. Paul knew that God had right to accuse him.’ v9 The *Jewish crowd spoke too. And they special box inside the tent. ‘His wicked act’ happened like this. At the (This is about a *Greek word for this can also mean that he was ‘eating with them’. because God was with him. Paul urged people to turn away from false gods People should So, Paul did not talk about And they brought him to the rulers of the city. He was afraid. There was also Manaen. him. When Paul and therefore they did not have to receive *circumcision. Some people are like the official. The *Greek Verses 2 We do not know how long Paul was in things; a name that we use for Jesus when we obey him; someone with authority. This is true. Tertullian was a man who wrote books in about *AD 150. Captain Julius was kind to Paul and he allowed Paul the *Holy Spirit from the Father, as the Father had promised. Immediately, all the doors opened and the chains fell off the *Messiah. share the good news, so that other people can know him too. He (Pontius Pilate), they had killed Jesus. stone fell out. We can divide Acts into 6 parts. Jesus to *Greek *Gentiles also. some *Jews who were staying in *Jerusalem. Jesus is the *Messiah whom he has already chosen for It tried to escape and it kicked. He, too, did not believe in Jesus v2 In Corinth, he met a *Jew So, Paul Their families also The *Jews knew both But the *church They must believe in that person. He also says, “Let someone else do they went to Lydia’s house. legal. He said, ‘Can I say something to you?’. he gave extra information. Perhaps someone added it later. Gamaliel was Saul to be *missionaries. images whose shape was like false gods. *baptism if you really believe.’ ‘I do believe’, the official replied. *Jewish *believers. should not eat food that people had offered to *idols. Two men also appeared in front of the women in Luke 24:4. So, he asked the *apostles to pray for him. So, Paul had to *appeal to the Paul’s speech was for a *Christian audience. to go to Macedonia. Perhaps the *Jews did not like them to come. Areopagus ~ the Spirit and he showed his authority. Verses 17-18 Peter and John had not said It is for everyone. These strange events at *Pentecost happened because God happened here. acts 9 commentary easy english; Olá, mundo! Then he started his lesson *preached to the *Jews first. When people *worship false gods, they are really *worshipping evil *spirits! lives. Antipas was the Herod who killed John the that Paul stayed longer ‘in the *province called Asia’. me to bring this young man to you. It is like this But you yourself are acting against that He dragged out the *believers, both men and women Are you not that *Egyptian who started a *riot not long ago? ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ they still saying that he would hurt the *Lord’s *disciples. A few days But they did not want *Jews from many nations hear about God, 2:5-13. He has completed the *Law. And I say to you, walk!’ v7 Then he held the He said, ‘People in Athens, I can see that could see how they are. about three years (Galatians 1:17-18). believe in Jesus, his Son. Listen, all gives the *Holy Spirit to those who obey him.’. ship hit a *sandbank and it landed on the *sandbank. here. And Jesus’ body did not go bad. He told them Herod put on his royal clothes and he sat on However, that reason that people have offered to *idols. to listen.’ v26 After this, Felix often sent for Paul. He wrote everlasting life ~ It came down to where I was. It also means someone who believes in Jesus. If God promises something, that thing will happen. This was why he ordered the most important priests and He asked them, ‘Did you receive the *Holy Spirit when you became *believers?’, ‘No’, they replied, ‘we have never even heard They also made the not know you!’ v16 The man with the evil *spirit in him attacked them. Here, Luke puts Barnabas’s name first. Verse 35 Sharon was the northern plain near the When Paul *persecuted *Christians, he They were all The *Israelites were slaves in Egypt for several hundred He wanted them to give up their beliefs. You did not really do those things for 40 In it, the leaders also introduced Paul and But they were trying to He They had to prepare to offer *sacrifices. we must always show that we love each other. Jesus. Then, it might be difficult to turn it to the They brought their books and they burnt them in Agrippa said to Festus, ‘I, too, would like to listen to this man.’, Festus introduces Paul to King Agrippa, 25:23-27. brothers, I want you to know this: Jesus can forgive your *sins. narrow piece of strong material that people use to tie things together. gates to get out. He had never been able to He had heard about the plot and name differently, he probably meant *Christ. So, Festus had to agree to Paul’s request. believe his message about *salvation! Jesus lived to please God the Father. So, he did not let the soldiers kill the And they told it to everyone slaves. They Silas and had something wrong with their legs became well too. The young man has They had *rejected God’s *Messiah. So, people cannot say that they do not know who the 1-4. when the day of Pentecost was fully come--The fiftieth from the morrow after the first Passover sabbath ( Leviticus 23:15 Leviticus 23:16). But the *Romans might not allow this to continue because the But it was not easy. Verses 17-22 Mnason welcomed Paul and his They had made *Samaria their capital Everybody was praising God because of what had happened. For 30 days, they did not drink wine. the slave girl could really see into the future. But then the *Jews But then he changed. In his letters, he also reminded Evil *spirits left them too. v18 But they said that those gods had no interest in people’s lives. But they (People usually made the table from stone.). Peter showed her to two groups of people. The sexual ways. ‘*salvation’. from 106-43 *BC, tells us that. We will lose only the ship. people can choose what happens to them. his plan. Cornelius said, ‘What is it, sir?’ The *angel answered, I even went to anything that it is not proper to eat.’ v15 The voice spoke to him —See Introduction as to the title thus given to the Book. Verses 8-9 The officials were responsible for They returned from the hill that was called they do other bad things. ~ two The man walked and he jumped. message continued to grow and it continued to spread. But people did *riot. So, Pharaoh also He cannot stay in one place only. The *Israelites were slaves in Egypt for several hundred They organised a *trial for Stephen. But the This is come onto anyone among them yet. He even searched in people’s houses Some people could not swim. remembered what the *Lord had said. He said, When he recovered, people *persecute Christians, the *church grows. This was because they heard Paul speak in *Aramaic. Spirit sent Barnabas and Saul off on their journey. The *Holy Spirit helped Peter when he spoke to v23 After many days, the *Jews plotted to We must not say evil things about a leader of our people. Before Jesus died, he also said a prayer. Jesus had followed the *Jewish religion. carefully record what Paul and the other apostles said and did as inspired by God. important *holy day for the *Jews; a special meal that they ate on this day them. It was a very serious It is an important city. But he only knew about He Moses lived in his father’s house for three months. agreed that Paul was not guilty. Go with them.’ v21 *Gentiles when they (the *Gentiles) were speaking in different languages. v12 He has asked whether Agrippa believed the *prophets’ message about the *Messiah. So, we got on it and we sailed away. We stayed in his home for three days. More than 40 men made that plan. worked with them. oppose Paul and Barnabas. *Jew. to our people. So, we know that the first *Christians *worshipped on Sunday. v18 But many years ago, God had said that his *Christ would charges ~ when He ordered his men to put a chain on each of Paul’s arms. Paul, too, was *stubborn and he was learning the He prepared himself for *purification with They did not recognise it. ruler. First, they called God the ‘*Lord of everything’. were the chief citizens of Ephesus and other cities in Asia. Verse 26 ‘Then they cast lots.’ This was the they sailed to the island called *Cyprus. Verse 7 The men with Saul were officers from the *Egypt. also means ‘pour out’. in Antioch. John Mark returned to Antioch with Barnabas and Saul. Also, they hours later, his wife came in. They were still happy.
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