It also resulted in the largest and most vibrant economy of any Greek polis - nobody else could even come close to fielding and equal army and navy … That Pericles was known to kiss her on leaving for and returning from work gave rise to speculation about her influence on him and, thus, on Athenian politics. The outbreak of war among the Greek states in 459 put a premium on military talent, and Pericles' only recorded campaign in the next few years was a naval expedition in the Corinthian Gulf in 454, in which Athens defeated Achaea but failed to win more important objectives. In 447 work started on the temple later known as the Parthenon and on the gold and ivory statue of Athena (by Phidias), which it was to house; the Acropolis project was to include, among other things, a temple to Victory and the Propylaea (started 437), the entrance gateway, far grander and more expensive than any previous Greek secular building. Pericles was an interesting leader that had a place of significant leadership in democratic Athens at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War with the Spartan Alliance. 2. Pericles was born into the first generation able to use the new weapon of the popular vote against the old power of family politics. Weaknesses and Strengths of The Athens and Spartans Weaknesses of The Athenian Government Weaknesses of the Treatment of Woman and Slaves in the Athens Weaknesses of Athenian Education Strengths of the Treatment of Woman and Slaves in the Athens Strength's … The arrival of the Sophist philosophers in Athens occurred during his middle life, and he seems to have taken full advantage of the society of Zeno and particularly Anaxagoras, from whom he is said to have learned impassivity in the face of trouble and insult and skepticism about alleged divine phenomena. Only rumour associates him directly with the political convulsion of the next two years, which drove Cimon into exile, swung Athens away from its alignment with Sparta, and decisively strengthened the democratic elements in the Athenian constitution; but he probably did support the democratic leader Ephialtes in this period, and his introduction of pay for juries, unfortunately undatable, is a logical consequence of Ephialtes' reforms. Archidamus and Pericles during the Greek Wars essays Pericles of Athens and Archidamus of Sparta devised net assessments that both believed would provide strategies that would bring victory and peace for their respective states. Close to 50, he took Aspasia of Miletus into his house. Ancient Greece is known for its two rival city-states, Athens and Sparta. He gave this speech for the fallen soldiers in the first year of the Peloponnesian War. Pericles weakness was his relationship with his family especially his sons, as they sued him in court once. The middle-class army suffered in morale, and the living conditions of the lower classes, though they were allowed activity in the fleet, deteriorated in the overcrowded city. This picture is softened somewhat by what is known of his personal life. One hundred years later, an orator argued for firm distinctions of status on the ground that the law provided even the poorest Athenian girl with a dowry in the form of her citizenship. The campaign to recover Samos, although long and costly, was ultimately successful, and it became a model against which later Athenian generals measured their achievements. Was he trying to divert attention from personal attacks on himself and friends by making war? He was there so we know it's right because he was around at this time also the weakness is that it is one person's view. Tribute was to continue, and Athens would draw heavily on the reserves of the alliance for a magnificent building program centred on the Acropolis. check out the. Pericles was an Athenian General and soldier. condition favors many instead of few people, social class is not allowed with talent, if a man is able to serve in the military, he is not stopped by the important … One of its weaknesses … Well, here's your answer: a ready-made list of 50 strengths and weaknesses (with concrete, practical examples). Whether to regain this tribute, or simply to assert Athenian leadership, Pericles summoned a conference of all Greek states to consider the questions of rebuilding the Greek temples destroyed by the Persians, the payment of sacrifices due to the gods for salvation, and the freedom of the seas. * An aggressive policy to fully absorb places like Euboea and Aigina and leave open the some path to citizenship for loyal metics would not have been easy necessarily , but no harder than his hard line on the empire - and the benefits would have been long term makeing Athens demographically unassailable.
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