Monster Prom XXL is ostensibly a party game; one that’s framed around a high school dating sim. Your idea is simple, yet effective: First line: You notice Damien and Liam arguing as intensely as they are stupidly. And we’re here to assist you score most of the times by sharing a guide that is complete most of the Monster Prom endings. Everyone knows the dopest time in monster history was 1925... specifically July 26th, 2am to 5am. Q: You build a 100ft statue commemorating an event so that in 1000 years archaeologists can learn something about the people of our time. A serf to experience your hangovers for you! About Monster Prom: XXL Free PC Download Monster Prom: XXL Free PC Download is a 2D account dating sim that highlights both a singleplayer mode just as a multiplayer serious method of up to four players. You stare across the gym at it, terrified, as are most of your classmates. [Player], what do you think? You know now what each possible answer to the Monster Prom quiz does in the game and you’ll have a much easier time when it comes to boosting your stats and getting a head start with one of the characters in the game. Last line: But why not start with the easily manipulated in the first place? Other Monster Prom Guides: How to Get a Secret Polaroid Ending Picture. Q: You get the chance to produce a movie. Required fields are marked * Name. That always solves your problems, doesn't it? Just hide in the Ghost Zone! Kings have harems, and I'd definitely join yours. This guide provides the minimum stats needed for characters to say yes to going to prom with you. But even yet in solitary player, it really is a great game. If you fold the napkin like so, it creates a self-aware napkin whose sole purpose is to fold more napkins! (BOLDNESS): A venomous snake and fire. It's not actually a serf -- it's just, like, fifty cute dogs! NO ONE! Greeting cards. Last line: They don't seem to have any immediate ideas. ORGY is a secret ending for all six main love interests in Monster Prom The scenario sees the player organizing some class bonding time. Indisputably basically, free download Monster Prom PC game is a great computer game that permits you to test your social abilities. Learn how your comment data is processed. (SCOTT): …His friendship! (LIAM): Coolness itself. Monster Prom – Stat Requirements . The ultimate secret to ambush finance is that there is no secret and you're all suckers for buying this book. This page will cover Calculester Hewlett-Packard. Last line: Yes, we have indeed encountered a culinary block. Eat everybody else's food, like a good boy. First line: After a fearsome battle, you find that you, Vera, and Scott are the sole survivors of a bloody and terrible dodgeball match. He also kinda felt bad, because, in a way, he also used Polly to sneak into class after being late. Immobilize Damien with the Lord's Prayer while Liam escapes. Divert their attention by making money rain. You can choose either of the two options: First line: You're just about to take a bite of your sandwich when some douchebag rips a hole in the fabric of reality. Pay a million homeless people to follow Liam on Instagram. Let me ask you this: would an uncool person be giving Vera 50 Monster Dollars right now? The electric slide... but with actual electricity. Damien, predictably, is examining her biggest knife. Last line: You've got this, no problem. (DAMIEN): A big… horn. Last line: Oh, you've got some ideas, and they're the spiciest: First line: On your way out, you spot Polly still wearing the lab coat she stole from that human party the other night. Q: You find a genie in a bottle. You can't save Liam and Damien. For example, if the player character has 13 points in FUN, and 9 in SMARTS, choosing the dialogue option associated with FUN will result in a successful outcome, and an increase in stats (ex. Monster Prom free download PC game is tied in with alluring and get to know new young ladies in the secondary school. (SCOTT): A necklace with your own name. It's so simple: First line: But Liam isn't paying attention to any of that. How to Get Polly’s Secret Ending (Reverse Romanian Wilkinson) in Monster Prom. Why take a normal, cliched food pic, when you could take a food pic of Scott capturing a Pokeman off your food pic? First line: Partway through class you break up into groups. Q: What would be the most appealing in a love partner? Miranda looks confused, and Liam looks frustrated. First line: You see Scott and Polly huddled around a computer, wearing their custom PRANK MASTERZ shirts. Last line: Now it all comes down to making the right choice: which absurd character will be the game changer in this match? I'll dress up as Liam and give the best campaign speech anyone has ever given. Last line: Uh-oh, tempers are running a little high. Like, they're relatively well-intentioned, but you should definitely step in and save one of them! (SMARTS): People in positions of power. Nothing conveys elegance and taste like a gloating spoon. You know how this part goes: First line: You've spent the last half hour arguing with Liam about which celebrities are into paleo diets and he's about to put an end to it. PALOMINO GOLD 25 HORSE SUPPLEMENT, for a shiny coat and luxurious mane. Right now, I need ideas! Anything will taste good as long as I eat it with you. - Polly's introductionPolina "Polly" Geist is one of six main love interests in Monster Prom. The test is almost upon us! Monster Prom XXL is ostensibly a party game; one that’s framed around a high school dating sim. Snakes get feisty when they don't have jobs. Zoe, formerly known as Z'Gord, Ruler of the Dark Realms, is an eldritch deity who appears in a few secret endings of Monster Prom. Liam? You found 3642 words by unscrambling the scrambled letters of the anagram, OASMOLPERLNAOPTY. Beautiful art, bold, unapologetic dialogue and hard choices make up this Multiplayer (1-4 players) Dating Sim. The ultimate secret to ambush finance was inside of you all along: organs. Needing a date for prom, he decides to do more digging into Oz and the group as a whole which winds up leaving him with more questions with answers. Fishsticks make you worse at sports! We finally learn the real backstory of our fan favorite ghost. So, the way to play this game- and win at it- is to gain stats and keep them different from one another. I hear there's an opening on America's Next Top Monster. This guide provides the minimum stats needed for characters to say yes to going to prom with you. Easy, we'll just dress her up in some stuff from the theater and set her up in the quad like she's a new art piece! Tell her she doesn't need to poison herself for the sake of a man. Last line: Oh, you're something much better. You're with Miranda, Liam, [Player], and [Player] in Liam's apartment. Last line: You! Do you have any tips for how to do yoga the best? (DAMIEN): Spicy chocolate. ?™re here to assist you score most of the times by sharing an entire guide to all of the Monster Prom … First line: You're daydreaming about how Damien would look walking down the aisle towards you... Last line: Quick! Nah, you want to go for something a bit... different. Now try the Jurassic diet! (MIRANDA): Lyrics to all Disney songs. The best club is clearly the club club because... (And then just throw some confetti.). You're a... First line: You're about to dig into a delicious bowl of beef jerky when you see the wolfpack across the table, panting at you. Put them to work building your evil empire! First Line: You find Damien and Vera hunched over a scale model of Spooky National Bank made of milk cartons, lunch trays, and ketchup packets. Choosing the other player with the most of a certain stat will provide a bonus to both players, which choosing the one with the least amount of the required stat will result in a demerit. You have entered an incorrect email address! (SCOTT): The person hates the outdoors. Last line: Okay, now he's just naming things he can see. Right? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. First line: But none of that matters. Monster Prom’s stupidest Pop Quiz Ever (™) will throw a bunch of absurd questions at you and turn your answers into your character’s stats. Haven't you heard, Scott? But even yet in solitary player, it is a great game. It has the style and narrative drive of a visual novel and the structure of a board game. What the fuck! Just spin a bottle, and whoever it points at, kill them. Last line: But I feel that I'm not yet meeting my full potential. You shouldn't be cheering for Vera to eat the food, you should be cheering for the food to get eaten by Vera! 3.85 billion BC, so you can be into existing before it was cool. First line: You're hoping to enjoy your meal in peace, but Coach seems to have a different idea. How am I ever going to get rid of him? (MONEY): Superheroes. Look over there! If you and your friend both like Polly, be ready for someone to get their heart broken. Trends. Help us prank the internet! Have you ever been stressed out over making the right choices in a pointless dating sim with no real life consequences? Damien! This is nothing compared to... earthworm eating contests! It seems the Prince has bewitched Liam with his idiotic proposal! [Player] is the best at games. The above results will help you solve your any word game that uses scrambled letters. #Monster Prom #monster prom vera #monster prom miranda #monster prom scott #monster prom roleplay #monster prom oc #monster prom rp #damien lavey #scott howl #miranda vanderbilt #polly geist #oz yellow #vera oberlin #monster prom 2 #monster camp #monster prom vicky #monster prom liam #liam de lioncourt #brian yu #brian green #monster prom video Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Monster Prom Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Last line: Maybe you can give her a brilliant hair care tip, or at least make her feel better about having snakes for hair. What’s the first law you pass? (SCOTT): Soft fur. It's Polly, Vera, and Miranda if I remember correctly. Spike the punch with mandrake root. (DAMIEN): I drink the genie. A failed stat check does not result in favor being gained, may prematurely end an ongoing route, and at least one or two stats will be decreased. Q: School is outdated and lame. You're really making some headway, when... Last line: No! DO IT. (CHARM): Potato seduction. You don't have to. Advertisements Looking for Monster Prom: XXL Free PC Download full version! First line: You're arguing with Liam, Polly, and Miranda about use of the word "indie," what its true meaning is, and if it's worth using at all nowadays... Last line: C'mon! Looks like it's up to you to be the voice of reason! It sounds like several of your friends getting their asses kicked at a videogame. The Knight was driven evil by the death of his parents and/or spouse. Every character will reject your invitation to prom if your total stat points (sum of all stats) do not meet the following criteria: Short Multiplayer: 43+ Regular Multiplayer: 52+ Short Singleplayer: 50+ Regular Singleplayer: 72+ My good buddy Mister Hammer will make short work of the evidence. You've been waiting for this moment your whole life. And we’re here to help you score all the dates by sharing a complete guide to all the Monster Prom endings. Get close to Polly … Last line: Liam seems to be drawing a blank. Monster Prom. SNAKE! SNAKE! Show them what you got! You wouldn't miss it for the world. It's time to unleash your sick acting skills: pretend you've caught a disease to stop the match! There are various endings in Monster Prom and getting to the prom with each character seems like a huge challenge alone… but did you know that there’s at least one secret character in the game that leads to a secret ending? (BOLDNESS): Snowman. Monster Prom has come and gone, and our favorite Color Squad and their love interests decide to all hang out together at the Color Squad’s house. Who needs college? A completely black bottle emblazoned with the Chinese character for "party time. The Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever always has three questions for you. Learn how your comment data is processed. First line: You hear an almost dog-like whimpering and go to see what sort of poor animal is in pain. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask then and we’ll gladly answer them. Last line: Quick, pick something before she realizes that you've never been anywhere fancier than Wilmer's Chicken Hut! Go ahead! Maybe you can solve the dispute and score some romantic cred at the same time. Monster Prom: Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever Answers Guide, Monster Prom Secret Ending Guide / Secret Character, Is it Safe to Buy OSRS Account from Other Players, You Can Now Represent Your Favorite Soccer Club in “Fortnite”, How to Find a Great Gaming Headset Without Overspending, Xbox Live Needs A Network Level Gaming Clan System, Top 7 Family-Friendly Minecraft Servers For Your Kids. BE BETHOD. (BOLDNESS): A tiny piece of small metal. Last line: Help us! This shows endings and routes guide for Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp. * POLLY: Tequila and coke. (FUN): Stopped embarrassing drunk texts. What will it be? Last line: Then what we need is a fast way to turn this game around! ANYTHING! Q: What would be a deal-breaker for a potential lover? Build a new hospital out of popsicle sticks and hot glue. You know what always boosts an economy? Stat Requirements. +2 CHARM, +1 MONEY). The spell that lets you see the future... and also the past. (FUN): America’s Next Top President. Email. Afterward, go to prom alone and enjoy. Polly is the party-loving ghost who is always either doing something outrageously sexual, or consuming mass quantities of drugs, and sometimes both at the one time. Mummies are rare, so you get super skinny. Last line: It would be rude to turn him down, and who knows -- maybe you'll gain some benefit after all! Want to WIN the Monster Prom and it's DLC Second Term Giveaway? Whatever's going on, it's serious. Works the same way as the ghost ending from Monster Prom. (SCOTT): Something simple and friendly. Lunchtime interactions with side characters always yield +4 of a stat. FADE IN: INT. Q: You’re elected president for a day. Last line: Now, how can we secure a win for Liam, when he is opposed to running or making any effort to win? Practice the art of stealth makeover! First line: You see Polly looking unusually depressed. Last line: You tell Miranda not to worry. First line: You notice Vera standing in the corner, pissed. Witches hate roosters. Deadlifts! (POLLY): The person is boring. (VERA): The person is mediocre. (BOLDNESS): Explosions. Last line: (Keeping in mind that if you say no, I will have you skinned.). Last line: This is your time to shine! The game was released for Windows, macOS and Linux on 27 April 2018 and was distributed on Steam. They don’t help with 100%ing the game, however you do get moves for talking to them. Monster Prom is a beautiful dating sim game available on Steam, with lots of secrets and tons of options to unlock in the game. And don't say the fish knife. First line: You turn around to find Vera staring at you. First line: Scott and Polly pull you aside, one of them holding each of your arms. First line: After, you're walking along when suddenly a car skids to a halt just in front of you. Miranda can't. Part 2: Seduce Dmitri: Charm (reward: 3 Bold) Flashback montage: Creative. Last line: Looks like these two are at an impasse. Learn how your comment data is processed. Have a look at them. Last line: While Liam and Polly were busy bantering, you were busily arranging a dope food pic of your own. You jump in and save the day: First line: Later, you see Liam beaming to himself. (CREATIVITY): Guy with turban. Chapter Text. This expansion features all-new characters, narratives and events that will provide you with countless new experiences in your quest of finding monster love. Just brainstorming some ways to keep things entertaining beyond fuckin' ditching. Polly and the Reverse Romanian Wilkinson. Why don't I come over to your place and charm them some time? Part 3 Sob: Charm (reward: 2 Smart, 1 Bold) Use orb of healing: Smart. Give your dads a complete makeover while they sleep for them to naturally discover the advantages of your dream. I'd present you with my grandmother's wedding ring... still attached to my naked grandmother! says the audience. This page will cover Dahlia Aquino. Witness a loved one getting killed, or almost killed, and get so angry you end up unleashing a new level of stylism. (BOLDNESS): Grizzly bear. First line: Afterwards, Miranda beckons to you from a darkened corner. Summary: Oz is just your normal average bundle of literal infinite fears and phobias, who is hopelessly in love with Polly Geist. (SMARTS): Praying is for fools. It's up to you to help him rally--. But even yet in solitary player, it really is a great game. Last line: Okay, it's clear Damien is losing his shit over this. (DAMIEN): Anything on fire. She's usually on hella good drugs at this time of day. Just take the test like normal, then use this time machine to go back and change your answers. Last line: You suggest they decide the issue by... First line: You see Liam talking to Miranda. You're right Scott! If a player succeeds a stat check, they will gain favor with the love interest they intend to pursue and/or are able to continue a route if one has started (though some can continue even after a failed check), and at least one or two stats will be increased. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works But you're not! The Bear Ending. Scott, a good king is a strong ruler -- physically strong!!! Give me my beef jerky back. Have you heard of the Imhotep Cleanse? Website. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. First line: You see Damien pacing the stage, stabbing the air with his cardboard lance. Last line: Well, you're on the spot now. We need a new school subject ASAP! They contain balldropinal and nerdoflavin! Vera glares at hers, all her snakes hissing. Last line: Ugh, it's such a chore being this beautiful all the time. What if, instead of farmers, they were trains? Your email address will not be published. The Most Important Providers of High Roller Slot Games in the... Everything You Need to Know About Betting on StarCraft 2. Well, I guess I'll be going then, because there's no way anyone could ever be as cool as Liam. (SMARTS): Greek Agoras. 9CHARM): One dollar bills. (CREATIVITY): Swan. Maybe you're a little jealous, so you decide to join them. (MIRANDA): My name + “II” (the Second). (POLLY): Meh… no name? The Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever in Monster Prom is one of the first things you have to go through in the game in order to get some stat boosts and extra hearts with one of the in-game characters.. Monster Prom Endings Guide: Ways To Get All Endings & Secret Endings Monste Prom is among the many exciting dating sim games, primarily because it comes with that multiplayer option that is amazing. Maybe you should start this madness, Liam. (CHARM): Emoji combinations. (FUN): Russian novelists. Monste Prom is one of the most exciting dating sim games, mainly because it comes with that amazing multiplayer option. You need a grand romantic gesture. First line: You see Damien beating the piss out of a goblin, like he always does when he's depressed. Looks like it's up to you to settle this dispute. First line: You notice Vera showing off an elaborate new necklace to Miranda. Last line: Well, don't just stand there. Polly drug: Fun. The amount of certain stats a player starts the game with can be selected during the pre-game preparation phase. "What do you think, tie-breaker judge? Cross species, economic, and social barriers to make lifelong friends with a diverse group of students in detention and find out through silly dancing that you're not so different after all. Trends. The financial system is designed to benefit sociopaths just like you! Art isn't art unless it makes you feel bad feelings inside. Why don't you make up a phony workout craze? (MONEY): All kinds of gods. First line: Later, you see Scott all but skipping down the corridor, cheerily rattling off some sort of list. First line: You notice Damien and Miranda squatting on the grass, poking something with a stick. First line: Weekend time! First line: you hear a cry of anguish. First line: The teacher hands back your latest test. Q: What would be a killer accessory? You notice Damien by himself at a desk, thinking hard. Last line: This is ridiculous. Monster Prom is a multiplayer dating sim, so it does come with a fair bit of competition. (POLLY): A taste for party. Ask nobody to prom. So meta! Creativity v. A chilling expose of the pasta industry's griffin-trafficking. Last line: Hell no. Monster Prom is a simulation role-playing visual novel game developed by Beautiful Glitch, a studio based in Barcelona and founded by Julián Quijano, and published by Those Awesome Guys. (VERA): A fabulous purse made from the skin of your worst enemy. Welcome to our Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp set of Character Guides. (SCOTT): A sweaty and manly wrestling match. I need an even more badass training method. It's all garden snails and food grade plastic! (SCOTT): A silly toy that makes silly noises. His eyes lit up at the idea of helping Polly, meaning getting closer to Polly, meaning taking Polly to the Monster Prom!! The problem is obviously that we aren't dressed up as a giant salad. You know you kick ass... but which of your friends is also amazing at tabletop games? This shows endings and routes guide for Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp. Liam's, because I think that glass jar of fresh human blood really goes with the parsley he sprinkled on top. (FUN): A d***o, duh. This will make it so you have both Liam and Polly in your interactions, it worked for me everytime. [Player] is the natural choice. Last line: Oh boy. This page will cover Dahlia Aquino. Use a … Monster Prom: Ultimate Events Guide By princess monster A Google Sheets document I've created detailing every class event, including the characters that are … When the big day finally arrives, ask Polly to the Monster Prom. As I said, the questions you get are random, but now that you will know what effect each of the answers has, it’ll be easier for you to make your choices. First line: You notice Polly and Scott on the lawn doing... something? You, back me up on this. (LIAM): Sharp wits. Books are like weights for your brain, and heavier weights are better... so you just need to lift really heavy books! Last line: Time to grab one of your other friends to perform this bold and daring dance with you! If you can do a hundred push-ups, you can be a good king for sure. Chug! There are six stats: SMARTS, BOLDNESS, CREATIVITY, CHARM, FUN, and MONEY. Let's brainstorm! (MIRANDA): A lovely walk in the forest… The player accepts […] First line: When you arrive at their table, you find that Polly and Liam aren't eating, they're just taking pictures of their food. (MIRANDA): Kawaii eyes. If you're having trouble taming your hair, I've got a flute that might do the trick. Vera, you're right; Nancy is amazing, but she can't quite make the grade -- we need to crossbreed her with a faster car! First line: You arrive at your chosen table to find Miranda folding napkins at Vera. (MIRANDA): Rainbows and gummy bears. Everyone wants to win -- host an "unpaid labor competition" where the prize is doing more unpaid labor! You run into the radio room and yell every word that can be a mental trigger for a brainwashed serf. Monster Prom's Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever™ will throw a bunch of absurd questions at you and turn your answers into your character's stats. Uh-oh. Pay a million people to spell out "I'M SORRY" so ti's visible from space. You have 3 weeks to get a date for Monster Prom! First line: Without warning, Vera pulls you aside and hisses in your ear. Whoa! It doesn't matter what I order. Let's think of a plan! You can ask for whatever you want. Online! (CHARM): Shark. You think he's eating for you, but secretly he's eating for himself! Hold my beer! Yeah, it's called Scott's, but today is opposite day, so everything that's Scott's is actually Vera's. Chug! Whip out your rooster. (CHARM): Robert. [Player] is so incredible at the Dirty Double Dragon Dance that they won Monsters Have (Monstrous) Talent with it -- AND their partner ALSO seemingly died in a freak cougar accident, so you're perfect for each other. Be your WORST self Last line: Please, help me put my poor mind at ease: how can I possibly identify potential traitors in my court? (VERA): A very tsundere personality.
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