Restrictions As this work is continually updated, any unauthorized uses may become obsolete. [20] Emile Leon Gautier, La Chevalerie (1883), translated in: Henry Frith, Chivalry, George Routledge & Sons, London (1891), Chapter IV, “Commandment X”. During the Late Middle Ages, the Order continued to thrive, despite being forced to adopt an even more secretive and isolated existence. [22] William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, 4th Edition, St. George Press, Los Angeles (1962), p.193, footnote on unnumbered p.198, archived in Prince George B.C. It was then… that the weak entertained the very natural idea of seeking the protection of the strong. Ten best medieval TV series! These references also describe the Enemies of Christ as Secret Societies involved with doing evil works of Satan, confirming the Templar definition. Maybe Assassins? The Templars had absolute control over the world's economic instititutions and global markets giving them all the money in the world and contineud to gain it even after the global economy had been collapsing by t… ” Thus, it is not sufficient to merely imitate what the Knights Templar appeared to do. The Mongol threat continued advancing west however, and Altaïr decided for the Assassins to abandon their fortresses and to go underground, continuing their activities in secret. Also still standing, the chapel of Knights Templar in Tortosa features 50 feet high ceilings, and a great room 80 feet long and 30 feet wide. The Apple led him to the Memory Seals, and taught him how to make several advanced gadgets. The Real Enemies of the Templar Order: Deeper Forces as the Real Enemies Opposed by Templars History Reveals Deeper Forces Persecuting Christians H istory proves the timeless reality that different religions unavoidably have a shared fate, whenever any religion is faced with persecution. or what are they really called. Did Britney Spears cheat on Justin Timberlake? The essence of Templar Skills Training is perhaps best expressed by the Zen proverb of the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho (1644-1694 AD): “ Seek not to follow in the footsteps of the wise masters of old; Seek what they sought. All unauthorized republication including online is illegal (Art. The next year, the Assassins began to hunt for the Chalice, an object rumored to be so powerful that it could end the Crusades. On his return to Masyaf, Altaïr found that his rival Abbas Sofian had taken over the Order, imprisoning Malik, and killing Altaïr's younger son, Sef. Al Mualim and the Assassins in the fortress of Masyaf. 2.5) and prohibits unauthorized derivative works (Art. The Temple Rule of 1129 AD provides a revealing insight into the authentic Templar understanding of the identity of their real enemies: The Temple Rule defines the purpose of Templar warfare as being to “remove from the land the enemies of Jesus Christ” (Rule 14), and to “defend the land from [the] enemies of the Son of the Virgin Mary” (Rule 56) [11]. Templar secret initiation rites - the truth; Evidence the Knights Templar got to America! Learn about the Defenders of the Church role of the modern Order. The historical record conclusively proves that the Templars are Defenders of the Church primarily by fighting for good against evil, regardless of which other religions may or may not be involved. Globalism is the political ideology of imperialist global domination and control over sovereign nation states, dating back to the ancient Greek and Roman Empires [38], which re-entered modern geopolitics in 1944 [39]. .goog-te-menu-value:hover {text-decoration:none !important;} The Temple and Service thereof “Remember, brothers, that we are the descendants of the ‘Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ’ who first held their meetings in the precincts of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Not all Knights Templar were warriors. Continuing in their true heritage and living by their authentic principles, the restored Templar Order also will not be fooled by this same historical evil agenda in the modern era. [13] Henri de Curzon, La Règle du Temple, La Société de L’Histoire de France, Paris (1886), in Librairie Renouard, Rules 37, 46, 48. attacks… with Evil desires and vain thoughts and mean words [defamation], further defines “Enemies” more generally, warning Templars to be diligent so that “, the shadowy Enemies would not lead them astray unto wickedness. Feudalism, so disastrous to the Church and to the Good, perform thy Feudal duties, [only] if they be not contrary to the laws of God, The Code of Chivalry tempered this rudeness, Satanic Foundations of Globalist Evil Agenda, Make your sons doctors… that they may take away [people’s] lives… Arrange that your sons… always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting [the people] under your yoke [control] you may dominate the world… [and] reach the actuality of power, stolen from… a secret meeting of the initiated in France, despotism [tyranny]… unseen and secretly hidden… [through] some secret organization or other… behind a screen… [as] the secret force, We always give support in accordance with an, to cry among the masses of the people the words ‘. Serfdom… forcibly brought about by centuries of agitation. [21] Victor E. Marsden, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The Britons Publishing Society, London (1922), “Introduction: A Fifteenth Century ‘Protocol’”, reprinted in Victor E. Marsden, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, West Virginia (ca. traditional nations… [which] possess in their traditions the best elements of their unity, serve in chivalry with the sovereign King, sent through diverse parts of the world must strive… to live without reproach, take your rights [only] as specifically established, Hosted by the Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS). .goog-text-highlight {background-color:transparent !important;box-shadow:none !important;} ), Protocol 1.26 – Confirms imposing Globalist rule using Socialist propaganda of “the words ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’… [for] putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the People’s States.”. [18] Emile Leon Gautier, La Chevalerie (1883), translated in: Henry Frith, Chivalry, George Routledge & Sons, London (1891), Chapter IV: “Commandment VII”. 6-6th, Art. All International Rights Reserved. We must contemplate the word and meaning of the Temple. [32] Victor E. Marsden, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, West Virginia (ca.1930), inside cover text. 7, Robert Appleton Company, New York (1910), Hermann Gruber, “Illuminati: History”. 2.1) including selection and arrangement of research (Art. Around 1247, Altaïr returned to Masyaf and found it in disrepair. All International Rights Reserved. In 1176, Saladin led a siege on the Assassins' fortress of Masyaf. “Fair Use” does NOT permit infringement for unfair competition by another non-profit (17 USC 107), which is a criminal offense (17 USC 106, 501(a)) punishable by 10 years imprisonment (18 USC 241; UK Copyright Act §107). Repeating mainstream narratives, many “history” books, and numerous articles and websites presenting the Persecution of the Templar Order, generally follow a standard approach. The Knights Templar were crushed by the papacy and the king of France in 1307. 1 Appearances 2 Strategy 3 Notes 4 Trivia Knights are enemies encountered in the DLC Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. The Code of Chivalry of 1066 AD also commands Knights to oppose “Enemies of the Cross”, defining this as “defense… of the Holy Church and God” (Commandment II), confirming that Templars are authentically the Defenders of All Faith against all enemies of God [17]. How many inches tall is a sixteen Oz monster energy can? It is precisely this Satanic inversion tactic that the Bible warns us about: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). "In this modern age, we are not as literal as our ancestors; but our seal is no less permanent...". As the “Enemies of Christ” who do the evil works of Satan are most directly opposed to human rights (as the greatest threat to their elitist control), modern Templars also call them the “Enemies of Humanity”. [4] Hakan Ozoglu, From Caliphate to Secular State: Power Struggle in the Early Turkish Republic, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara (24 June 2011), p.8. [48] Henri de Curzon, La Règle du Temple, La Société de L’Histoire de France, Paris (1886), in Librairie Renouard, Rules 1, 9, 37, 57. Only small parts can be quoted, only with Attribution Credit and a Link to this official website, which should use this source reference: “Board of Trustees, Powers and Authorities of Inter-Governmental Organizations (2016), 5th Edition, Ignita Veritas United (IVU), Geneva (2020)”. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? What is in the third layer of soil structure? Organization formed to defend the weak and help the needy, as well as protect against terrorism and enemies foreign and domestic. Therefore, the Templar definition of the “Enemies of Christ” is actually evil-doers in general, and Secret Societies of Satanists specifically, including even those who may pretend to be Christians. 1136 AD), confirmed that the real enemy of the Templar Order none other than the forces of Evil: “It ceaselessly wages a twofold war both against flesh and blood, and against a spiritual army of Evil in the heavens. [26] Herausgegeben von Jan Rachold, Die Illuminaten Quellen und Text zur Aufklarungsideologie des Illuminatenordens (1776-1785), Akademie-Verlag, Berlin (1984), p.363, quoting Frankfurt & Leipzig, Kurze Rechtfertigung Meiner Absichten (1787). The second season of Knightfall comes to a dramatic end with the enemies of the Knights Templar tearing down this once-mighty order. waves of Saracen [Muslim] invasion alarmed the people… and barbarism threatened to descend… upon the astonished world. [7] Staff, ‘ISIS is Enemy No. [9] Coker & Hassan, Iraq Prime Minister Declares Victory Over ISIS, The New York Times (09 December 2017). Zealots, Angels, Terrorists, blah.. [19] Emile Leon Gautier, La Chevalerie (1883), translated in Henry Frith, Chivalry, George Routledge & Sons, London (1891), Chapter IV, “Commandment VII”, Chapter II, “Commandment III”. The worst persecutions against Christians were actually by the French Socialists (1789-1799), Soviet Socialists (1922-1991), Nazi Socialists (1933-1945), and Chinese Socialists (since 1949), who all imposed official Atheism and tried to abolish all religions, exiling and executing Clergy and destroying Churches. 1 of Islam’, Says Saudi Grand Mufti, Al Arabiyah News English (19 August 2014). The Knights Templar were led by the Grand Master, originally based in Jerusalem, whose deputy was the Seneschal.Next in importance was the Marshal, who was responsible for individual commanders, horses, arms and … Their assets were transferred in many cases to the Hospitallers. This same Satanic agenda appeared in a “15th century Rothschild journal”, verified by British Museum scholars, as a letter from a Bavarian Secret Society to Feudal lords in France in 1489 AD, declaring a Globalist policy of anti-humanitarian destruction by deception: “Make your sons doctors… that they may take away [people’s] lives… Arrange that your sons… always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting [the people] under your yoke [control] you may dominate the world… [and] reach the actuality of power”. He then tasked them to set up guilds around the world as they traveled. From there, Altaïr planned to run away with Adha and leave his life as an Assassin behind, though Basilisk captured her. Eventually, it was decided that the Piece of Eden was too great a threat to keep in Masyaf, and the decision was made to store it on the island of Cyprus, in the Limassol archives. the words ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’… [for] putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the People’s States. The original Knights Templar were not fooled by this evil agenda during the Middle Ages, continually discovering religious common ground and mutual friendship with their Muslim counterparts, even between battles [35] [36] [37]. Sign me up! [31] Boris Fyodorov, Pyotr Stolypin’s Attempt to Resolve the Jewish Question (Russian). 8), specifically for State and Inter-Governmental (IGO) marks (Art.6-3rd: 1(a)-(b)), and prohibits unfair competition by creating any confusion (Art.10-2nd: 3(i)), which is a criminal offense (15 USC 1053, 1125(a)) punishable by 10 years imprisonment (18 USC 241; UK Copyright Act §107). Basilisk revealed to him that the Chalice was a woman, not an object, and then left Altaïr to die. The Knights Templar Rulebook Included No Pointy Shoes and No Kissing Mom Their code of conduct was designed to keep the warrior-knights humble, chaste and—most of all—obedient. [27]. The mission of most of the members was one of support – to acquire resources which could be used to fund and equip the small percentage of member… #goog-gt-tt {display:none !important;} 945 BC, ruled the Indonesian Archipelago Islands 600-1749 AD, and cooperated with visiting Templars since 1160 AD, Recognized as a Member State of the Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS) from ca. Do they have a name? [6] Adam Withnall, Iraq Crisis: Isis Declares its Territories a New Islamic State with ‘Restoration of Caliphate’, The Independent, UK (30 June 2014). They made the Church brand the Templars heretics, turning their own weapon against them, with the intention of finishing off the Templars. [23] Adam Weishaupt, Apologie der Illuminaten, Frankfurt und Leipzig (Nuremberg) (1786), p.229. Therefore, just as Muslims gave Christians protected status as “People of the Book” (of Jesus), by definition, Muslims as a religion cannot possibly be considered the “Enemies of Christ”. Protocol 4.3 – Declares an agenda to destroy all Faith and Religion: “It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the People the very principle of God and the spirit, and to put in its place… material needs.”, Protocol 3.7 – Confirms using Socialist propaganda to justify Globalist genocide of humanity: “We always give support in accordance with an alleged Brotherly Rule [Socialism]… We are interested in just the opposite… the killing out of the People.”, Protocol 1.25 – Confirms using Socialist propaganda “to cry among the masses of the people the words ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’… [which] carried away… true freedom of the individual”. We, … Independent non-territorial Crown Principality of statehood as a sovereign subject of international law with official government authority and diplomatic status, retained from governing its former Templar Principalities from 1129-1312 AD, Restored by Anglican Franciscan Order of 1212 AD continuing Templar lines of direct Apostolic Succession carrying Templar sovereign succession, through the Old Catholic Movement of 1870, by Pontifical Reestablishment Charter in 2013, Ecclesiastical Sovereign Protection from the 12th century Ancient Apostolic Church of the 1st century denomination of Ancient Christianity, which has its own independent Pontifical authority recognized by 5+ Vatican Papal Bulls since 1129 AD, Royal Sovereign Protection from the Sultanate of Salahadin, continued through the Assaf Dynasty of Lebanon 1306-1591 AD and Mamluk Tripoli 1516-1579 AD, continuing the Peace Treaty of Ramla of 1192 AD for Muslim-Templar cooperation, Royal Sovereign Protection from the Kingdom of Nusantara from ca. Templars thus have a traditional mandate to uphold the national laws and support the patriots of their host country, wherever they may be in the world. This is precisely the same method being used again in the 21st century, by successors and adherents of exactly the same Satanist political clans, attempting to establish an Empire of Globalist governance over humanity, through Socialist propaganda to justify imposing state-mandated Atheism to abolish all religion, under a new modern form of Neo-Feudalism. The Assassin Order, also known at various times as the Assassin Brotherhood; Liberalis Circulum (Circle of Liberals), during the Roman Republic and Empire; or Hashshashin, during the High Middle Ages, was an organized order of assassins and sworn enemies of the Templars, against whom they fought a continuous, recondite war throughout the entirety of recorded human history. I mean, I know their Creed is to protect the chruch and priesthood, well, from who? The distinction was between peoples deemed to be on side and civilised and those seen as enemies or barbarians. This is their traditional and persistent method, to promote evil in the name of “good”, falsely claiming “good” by superficial propaganda words alone, to hide the most Evil intentions, while vilifying and persecuting those who would resist Evil. [45]. Manifesting the most ancient principle of sovereign nation states with borders, God “divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated… he set the bounds of the people” (Deuteronomy 32:8). Powered by History does repeat itself in many remarkable ways. The Knights Templars had continued to exist and remained active as the centuries went by. During the Middle Ages, the Templars had become a public knightly order under the name "Knights Templar". The Temple Rule further defines “Enemies” more generally, warning Templars to be diligent so that “the shadowy Enemies would not lead them astray unto wickedness” (Rule 37), and commands them to “Remove the wicked from among you” (Rule 46), to avoid “the ancient wickedness of the Devil” (Rule 48) [13].  These references to “shadowy Enemies”, who are characterized by the “wickedness of the Devil”, essentially describe Secret Societies involved with doing evil works of Satan. (See full report Defenders of the Church for more details). How many rows have Boeing 744 jet have economy has. What are the advantages and disadvantages of early supplier involvement? How many row does Boeing has for 744 jet? [11] Henri de Curzon, La Règle du Temple, La Société de L’Histoire de France, Paris (1886), in Librairie Renouard, Rules 14, 56. [15] Emile Leon Gautier, La Chevalerie (1883); Translated in: Henry Frith, Chivalry, George Routledge & Sons, London (1891), Chapter IV, Commandment X. For the medieval Knights Templar, see Knights Templar.See also Knights Templar and popular culture.. The Knights Templar was a military monastic group founded during the crusades. In the early 14th century, the Assassins manipulated the French king, Philip le Bel to try and destroy the Templars. The genuine Order of the Temple of Solomon was indeed a very public institution: The Order was founded on the basis of public international law, by a public written Charter, which publicly declared the principles which the Knights and Dames lived by and were sworn to be held to. (Note that those three key words were the mantra of the French Revolution. [25] Abbé Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism: The Antichristian Conspiracy, 2nd Edition, Part I, “Weishaupt’s Discourse for the Mysteries”, T. Burton, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, p.244. [46] Coudenhove-Kalergi, Praktischer Idealismus “Practical Idealism”, Paneuropa Verlag, Vienna, 1922, Entschuldigung für Technologie “Apology of Technology”, Part 4, Section 1: “The European Technical World Mission”, p.83. The Knights Templar morphed into Masons around the time of the American Revolution! The popularized story focuses only on the tragedy and martyrdom of the Knights Templar, typically blaming the fate of the Order on the Vatican. corresponds to Lucifer… who rebels… against the divine order… the leader of the people in his struggle against [God]. It was decided to liberate the treasure from them, and the mission was a success, although a costly one. [5] Richard Barrett, The Islamic State, The Soufan Group “TSG”, New York (November 2014). The Ottoman Empire from 1299 AD was the real reason for most of the medieval Crusades and later “Crusader” battles in defense of Christianity, escalating to genocide against Christians from 1843 AD.  This was stopped when the Arab Revolt (1916-1918) of moderate Muslims from Mecca condemned it for violating doctrines of spiritual Islam [3], causing the Empire to collapse in 1922, and its imperial Caliphate was abolished in 1924 [4]. After the escape, Altaïr became obsessed with the Apple, driving Darim and Sef's family away. [34] Victor E. Marsden, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, West Virginia (1930), reprinted from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The Britons Publishing Society, London (1922). Ultimately, Darim and Qulan succeeded in killing the Khan in 1227. 600 AD, cooperating with Templars since 1160 AD, and confirmed by 128 Royal Houses of Kingdoms of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East in 1750 AD, Recognized as a Member State of the Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO) Ignita Veritas United (IVU), which provides infrastructure mandated by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) alliance of 137 countries, supporting official Diplomatic relations, Join the modern restored Order of the Temple of Solomon to begin your Quest today, by knowledge and skills training, and participation in Membership activities of the Templars, allied Order of Salahadin, or affiliated Ancient Church, Login to the Templar Official Membership Platform, to interact with Officers and Members of the Order, update your profile and contact information to stay connected, and download skills training and multimedia materials for Members, Copyrights © – All contents and research Copyright © 2016, 2020 Ignita Veritas United. Abbas then attempted to take the Apple from Altaïr, causing Altaïr and Darim to leave Masyaf, while Maria was also killed at the hands of Swami, Abbas' lackey.
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