I had already built a tripod for my 35mm camera, then a half dozen or so telescope piers, then there was the bino mount. I decided to make my own telescope control system from the. Such a large telescope would require a much larger mounting base to distribute the weight, and the thickness of the wood used would have to be increased as well for the same reason. Page 2 of 4 - CLASSIC HOMEMADE TELESCOPE MOUNT RESTORATION PICTORIAL DEBUT - posted in Classic Telescopes: To think , I almost sold this unrestored GEM at the Stellafane swap tables two years ago ...Glad It did not sell now WoW, beautifully done! The last step is to build the mount. A book on homemade telescopes is highly recommended, but here are some suggestions on building a very basic plumbing pipe equatorial mounting. The mount works via friction, just little enough to easily move the telescope, but yet enough that the telescope remains pointed. Plumbing pipes have traditionally been a material used by amateur telescope makers to build the very simplest mountings. A nice feeling! Not only does a GoTo telescope mount make locating objects in the night sky easier, but it also allows you to take long-exposure images (without star trailing). Some of you may remember me installing the homemade telescope mount in my observatory last summer. It is held together by gravity alone. Homemade GEM german equatorial telescope mount - how I made my own DIY mount for astrophotography. Saved by Christopher Fandrich. For example, on this homemade adaptor an aluminum plate holds mounting rings on one side and a short section of dovetail stock on the other, allowing a Stellarvue refractor to be mounted on a Celestron CG-5 dovetail mount. As if I didn't have enough projects going on all at once I have started yet another, an equatorial mount for my telescope. Step #9: Build the mount. Here you can see all three of the Dobsonian telescopes I’ve constructed, with the most recent on the left. The designs are all freely available and a community of helpful makers has sprung up around it. A Dobsonian Telescope is a optically a Newtonian Reflector mounted on a Alt-Az mount with a low and stable center of gravity and Teflon-Laminate bearings. Frustrated with the high cost of a proprietary Go To, the author developed a free, open source, DIY option, rDUINOScope Boiana.. rDUINScope Boiana is an open source Go To unit. In essence, it's a telescope built onto a gun mount, which balances through friction as it swivels on an LP record. A homemade telescope is also a must-have for an up-and-coming spy, and they’re cheap to create. Google "telescope pipe mount" for good advice and experience. How it works: By "mount," I am only referring to the mechanical head that provides smooth motions for aiming your telescope. The mirror mount was made of oak with 9 floatation points to support the mirror. Homemade 12.5 Inch Dobsonian Telescope: How to build a 12.5 inch closed tube Dobsonian telescope. Building a reflector telescope can be decomposed in 2 steps: make the mirror and build the tube/mount. It was first referred to as the "sidewalk telescope". Like lots of owners of a reflector mounted on an EQ style mounting I found … When assembling even a basic setup consisting of a telescope, camera, guiding equipment and mount, … I decided to hold off building the telescope mount and do the star test with just the telescope tube. I'll have to think about it more over the winter! However, I purchased an Orion ED80 80mm (f/7.5) refractor telescope to use with the GoTo mount for astrophotography. After picking up a copy of The Dobsonian Telescope by David Kriege, I built my first telescope with a 12½â€-diameter mirror, then later tackled a 12″ lightweight scope. A fork mount would allow you to locate the center of gravity of the OTA over the vertical axis of the telescope, making it much safer to handle. it is also much easier to use. The new homemade telescope mount is obvisouly designed to be a step forwards, and this summer is going to see the new mount in the observatory. I am pleased to say it survived the imaging season! This stems from trying to set up my 10" Meade LX200 for astrophotography. Simple Equatorial Telescope Mount, Ascension Setting Circle, Sketch #5 This is the full size ascension setting circle that mounts on the base. If your OTA and mount are mismatched, you can almost always buy or build some kind of adapter. It was popularized by John Dobson of the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers, who is also an honorary member of the Springfield Telescope Makers. This telescope, with an equatorial mount, is as easy to build as a Dobsonian. I decided to purchase and not build the diagonal holder (including a 1.83 inch diagonal) and focuser. After completing my homemade telescope mount it was powered by a Meade DS motor kit. Equatorial Mount Tutorial Home Page The idea that I could make my own eyepieces never occurred to me until I read the Telescope Techniques column in the February 2000 issue of Sky & Telescope … Drill a hole in that spot and mount the spider in place. Astrophotography is an expensive hobby. Looking for ideas on building a less expensive "Goto" telescope mount ? It was also impossible for me to change the programming or maintain the system. With a computerized mount that is able to track the motion of the stars, the telescope you attach to it is up to you. ... on a German Equatorial Mount with 3 photos. telescope mount diy, diy telescope phone mount, diy goto telescope mount, ... Homemade telescope mount. You can use either the 4 inch circle for the 5.5 inch circle. In this post, we’ll talk about the first one which is the most time consuming but also the most interesting. I have never understood the attraction for the Dobsonia when this type of mount works so much better, except that perhaps stained and finished wood is better looking than cast iron pipe. We also provide DIY tips on how to build your own backyard observatory, where you can … I have an Orion 203mm (8-inch) reflector telescope (f/4.9) that came as a package deal with the Sirius GoTo mount. The telescope workshop of Alvan Clarke c.1900 his website was created to demonstrate one way of designing and building astronomical telescopes and eyepieces. Astrophotography with homemade telescope mounts has 584 members. The Losmandy HGM Titan is one mount I am looking at that would serve the purpose, but at $6500 it too is quite costly. A DIY telescope is a fun thing to have around for family members of all ages to use. For this, use the measurements from the design program to determine where exactly to mount the spider and at what distance from the optical tube. Get a closer look at the stars in the nighttime sky and learn about the constellations or look for shooting stars. I have regrets about things I sold at the Stellafane swap tables; my ATM projects and project materials & parts. Here, the editors at Sky & Telescope provide guides that will you keep your telescope “well tuned,” from aligning the mirrors to cleaning the optics, and your binoculars stabilized. Do it yourself rotating rings for reflector telescopes on an EQ mount,DIY rotating rings,skywatcher telescope rotating rings,rotating ring projcet for newtonian telescope,low cost rotating ring project. My total cost was around $400. By the time I added the off axis guider, the filter wheel, focuser, and finally a camera on the scope I lost a lot of sky due to everything hanging off the back. telescope mount is as important as good optics. I also found several homemade designs that were basically attachments or customizations to a standard hand cart or hand truck, but these seemed unsuitable for a large instrument, and would require the tripod to be partially or complete closed — a serious hazard as well as an inconvenience with my weighty telescope. I began building it in the spring of 2008, but the bulk of the work was done in July of 2008 with first light occurring on July 25. The outer ring of numbers are the 24 hours of the day. by Seyed Ghasemini of Iran. This mount was invented by John Dobson, a member of the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers. These were the sources I consulted when I made my mount. This system was extremely slow, underpowered and unreliable. Here is some information on using Meade's DS (digital series) electronic motors along with the 497 Autostar controller to power homemade telescope mounts. 400. Added to Gallery 2008-Dec-09. The weather over the last 12 months hasn’t been the best, but I’ve managed to turn out a few images with the DIY mount and have a lot of fun in the process. I include links to suppliers and other sources of information useful in the building of astronomical equipment by the amateur astronomer. A summary about the DIY german equatorial telescope mount I have made and used for astrophotography in my observatory. Added to Gallery 2001-Jun-25. by Jim Daley, STM of New Hampshire. This Instructable describe the planning, design, and par… As a result, the reflector began to collect dust, so I decided to give it new life by making a Dobsonian mount for it. Stellafane Homemade Telescope Gallery. The optical tube is done. In the meantime, I basically now have a telescope of considerable capability that is ready to use with only a few minutes notice. 2-Inch Gerrish Solar Projection Telescope with 4 photos. To keep a magnified image of an extended object in place during exposures the planetary telescope must be at least ten times more stable than one used for deep sky photography and hundreds of time better than for visual observing. Video telescope mount diy - Page to share funny video clips, good comedies, movies, tv, general videos ... Come watch now to laugh stress relief. Power tools – A plunge router for cutting the circular components of the mount; hand drill with 1.5mm and 2mm bits to make pilot holes.. Watchclip. A tracking telescope mount used for astrophotography. The next project proved to need a little more accuracy, it was my black walnut tripod and its altazimuth mount which contained some close tolerances. Oh the feeling after … The camera lens must be firmly supported in a similar position to the eye when visually observing. The next step is to mount the spider to the optical tube. The inner circle show 1 to 6 hour for relative readings. The method of imaging used is called ‘eyepiece projection’ or ‘afocal projection’ because it involves taking a photograph through a telescope’s eyepiece (unlike ‘prime focus photography’ where the camera replaces the eyepiece). CONSTRUCTION. I especially like Jeff Duntemann's Junkbox Telescope Gallery for its journey though time.
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