(C) Fishing is confined to May 1 through October 31. No recreational fishing allowed in federal waters. When fishing in the MA Regulated Mesh Area, the minimum mesh size for any trawl net vessel, or sink gillnet, not stowed and not available for immediate use as defined in § 648.2, on a vessel or used by a vessel fishing under a DAS in the Large-mesh DAS program, specified in § 648.82(b)(4), is 7.5-inch (19.0-cm) diamond mesh or 8.0-inch (20.3-cm) square mesh, throughout the entire net. “The top of the trawl net” means the 50 percent of the net that (in a hypothetical situation) would not be in contact with the ocean bottom during a tow if the net were laid flat on the ocean floor. 38 MOBILE GEAR: Trawls, Scottish/Danish Seines, and Pair Seines - with small-mesh regulated fishery endorsements. 49 COMMERCIAL SHELLFISHING . (8) SNE Mussel and Sea Urchin Dredge Exemption. A vessel is prohibited from fishing in the SNE Exemption Area, as defined in paragraph (b)(10) of this section, except if fishing with exempted gear (as defined under this part) or under the exemptions specified in paragraphs (b)(3), (b)(5) through (9), (b)(12), (c), (e), (h), and (i) of this section; or if fishing under a NE multispecies DAS; or if fishing on a sector trip; or if fishing under the Small Vessel or Handgear A permit specified in § 648.82(b)(5) and (6), respectively; or if fishing under a Handgear B permit specified in § 648.88(a); or if fishing under a scallop state waters exemption specified in § 648.54; or if fishing under a scallop DAS or General Category scallop permit in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section; or if fishing pursuant to a NE multispecies open access Charter/Party or Handgear permit specified in § 648.88; or if fishing as a charter/party or private recreational vessel in compliance with the regulations specified in § 648.89. They are also considering allowing recreational fishermen fishing for Gulf … When fishing in the GB Regulated Mesh Area, the minimum mesh size for any trawl net, or sink gillnet, and the minimum mesh size for any trawl net, or sink gillnet, when fishing in that portion of the GB Regulated Mesh Area that lies within the SNE Exemption Area, as described in paragraph (b)(10) of this section, that is not stowed and available for immediate use as defined in § 648.2, on a vessel or used by a vessel fishing under a DAS in the Large-mesh DAS program, specified in § 648.82(b)(5), is 8.5-inch (21.6-cm) diamond or square mesh throughout the entire net. (ii) Vessels subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraphs (a)(3) or (4) of this section may transit through the Scallop Dredge Fishery Exemption Areas defined in paragraphs (a)(11) and (18) of this section with nets on board with a mesh size smaller than the minimum size specified, provided that the nets are stowed and not available for immediate use as defined in § 648.2, and provided the vessel has no fish on board. Silver hake and offshore hake on board a vessel subject to this possession limit must be separated from other species of fish and stored so as to be readily available for inspection. The Nantucket Shoals Dogfish Fishery Exemption Area (copies of a map depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request) is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated: (A) A vessel fishing in the Nantucket Shoals Dogfish Fishery Exemption Area, under the exemption, must have on board a letter of authorization issued by the Regional Administrator and may not fish for, possess on board, or land any species of fish other than dogfish, except as provided under paragraph (a)(10)(i)(D) of this section. (i) Vessels using trawls. en Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America. (i) Eastern area definition. Note: Whole fish (17 inches) or tails (11 inches) may be landed. Note: Filleting at sea is allowed. Federal recreational measures for summer flounder have been waived for 2019. (C) Fishing is confined to July 1 through August 31. A day gillnet vessel fishing under a NE multispecies DAS or on a sector trip and fishing in the GOM Regulated Mesh Area may not fish with, haul, possess, or deploy more than 50 roundfish sink gillnets or 100 flatfish (tie-down) sink gillnets, each of which must be tagged pursuant to paragraph (a)(3)(iv)(C) of this section, except as provided in § 648.92(b)(8)(i). Example sentences with "Gulf of Maine Area", translation memory. 27710 Federal Register/Vol. Unless otherwise specified in this paragraph (b)(2)(v), vessels fishing with a valid NE multispecies limited access permit and fishing under a NE multispecies DAS, and vessels fishing with a valid NE multispecies limited access Small-Vessel permit, in the SNE Regulated Mesh Area, and persons on such vessels, are prohibited from fishing, setting, or hauling back, per day, or possessing on board the vessel, more than 2,000 rigged hooks. (4) GB regulated mesh area minimum mesh size and gear restrictions -. 52 … 1Northward to its intersection with the shoreline of mainland Massachusetts. [FULLSCREEN_MAP MAP=”Gulf of Maine” INI=”GOM” LVL=2] Email: Receive Updates; Northeast Ocean Data provides data and maps for the Northeast Ocean Plan. A vessel fishing for Atlantic chub mackerel within the MA Exemption Area must comply with the gear restrictions specified in § 648.23. 5. While many of these areas share conservation goals and seek to protect the same types of marine resources, there is no centralized map or database providing a comprehensive overview of these areas. A fishery can be defined, restricted, or allowed by area, gear, season, or other means determined to be appropriate to reduce bycatch of regulated species. A Diagnostic Framework for Characterizing the Status of Water and Nutrients in the Gulf of Maine Watershed Area. In 1998, the Management Council created the Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area. Unless otherwise restricted in § 648.86, owners and operators of vessels subject to the minimum mesh size restrictions specified in paragraphs (a)(4) and (b)(2) of this section may fish for, harvest, possess, or land butterfish, dogfish (caught by trawl only), herring, Atlantic chub mackerel, Atlantic mackerel, ocean pout, scup, shrimp, squid, summer flounder, silver hake and offshore hake, and weakfish with nets of a mesh size smaller than the minimum size specified in the GB and SNE Regulated Mesh Areas when fishing in the SNE Exemption Area defined in paragraph (b)(10) of this section, provided such vessels comply with requirements specified in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section and with the mesh size and possession limit restrictions specified under § 648.86(d). (10) Nantucket Shoals Dogfish Fishery Exemption Area. The aftermost edge of this outlet or hole must be at least as wide as the grate at the point of attachment. Vessels fishing with a valid NE multispecies limited access Handgear permit are prohibited from fishing, or possessing on board the vessel gears other than handgear. (ii) Bounded on the east by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated: 2 The U.S.-Canada Maritime Boundary as it intersects with the EEZ. The F/V Jessica & Lisa was boarded by agents of the National Marine Fisheries Service on July 1, 1986. long. [3] Vessels with a federal permit are subject to the more restrictive measures, either federal or state. (3) Pair trawl prohibition. Vessels fishing with a valid NE multispecies limited access Handgear A permit, and persons on such vessels, are prohibited from fishing, or possessing on board the vessel, gear other than handgear. Outside Gulf of Maine Regulated Mesh Area. Gulf of Maine 2050 – International Symposium; Climate Network; Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning; EcoSystem Indicator Partnership ; GeoTour; Gulfwatch Contaminants Monitoring Program; State of the Gulf of Maine; Habitat Restoration Program; 25th Anniversary; Meetings; Awards; News; Contact Us; GoMC Home; The Gulf of Maine; Gulf of Maine Association; Our Partners; Select Page. The following species may be possessed and landed, with the restrictions noted, as allowable incidental species in the Nantucket Shoals Dogfish Fishery Exemption Area: Longhorn sculpin; silver hake - up to 200 lb (90.7 kg); monkfish and monkfish parts - up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board or up to 50 lb (23 kg) tail-weight/146 lb (66 kg) whole-weight of monkfish per trip, as specified in § 648.94(c)(4), whichever is less; American lobster - up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board or 200 lobsters, whichever is less, unless otherwise restricted by landing limits specified in § 697.17 of this chapter; and skate or skate parts - up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board. Roundfish nets must be tagged with two tags per net, with one tag secured to each bridle of every net, within a string of nets, and flatfish nets must have one tag per net, with one tag secured to every other bridle of every net within a string of nets.
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