It is interesting to see that 'My Heart is Pure' have the same value of 1068 both in Hebrew Gematria and English Gematria. Hebrew and Greek are the two languages with which gematria has been traditionally associated and until now the gematria of other languages has not been on such a secure footing. Among the many interesting properties of this number is the fact that it comprises the sum of 26 squared (676) and 45 squared (2025) - hence the combination of God and Adam. Naturally enough the first Temple cult and (later on) the Sages, and then Early Christians, and then Kabbalists and initiates of the Western Mystery traditions, felt that because these letters were Holy - they should be guarded to prevent misuse from the non-initiated and the profane. He is the author of all the teachings here, and all materials are available free of charge!. The reason for the geometric connection is because the rules of sacred geometry play an important part in the secondary encoding of literary cabala. According to Jewish mysticism, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are vehicles of God’s essence and creative power. The shin is 3 (not 300) and the tav is 4 (not 400). Biblical gematria is slightly different from Standard Gematria. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Use + or - between words to add or subtract. The Creator Just simple addition. Can you correctly arrange the hebrew letters on the Seven Palaces of the Merkabah? Biblical gematria starts at the very beginning of the bible. The pictograph for Tet looks like a snake coiled inside a basket, whereas the classical Hebrew script is constructed of two preceding letters, Vav and Zayin, also joined and somewhat resembling a snake:. cerere de angajare web gratuită pentru a combina rapid și ușor mai multe fișiere într-un singur PDF online. Using Roman Numerals, 188 is The Latin Qabalah Simplex is simple: The 7 is a sacred number and 7x7=49 means completeness and completion. How does it work? We can learn this only through gematria (it was ‘light’) and with that key piece of knowledge we come to understand why it was that Adam and Eve had to come to earth once they had taken the light into themselves (because God made the purpose of all light to illuminate the earth). Take this test to find out... Test your memory on the hebrew letter correspondences of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. No base 9 rotation like AIK BEKAR. The other words in Genesis 1:1 (ברא, את, ואת) are verbs and prepositions that tell you to use addition.This may sound complicated but a lot of gematria is simple addition that anyone can find by adding up the nouns. This is very different to numerology where guesswork is everything. The letter shin falls into the same third place position as the gimel in this ordering of the alephbet, and the letter tav falls into the same fourth place position as the daleth. The Oxford English Dictionary defines gematria as, "A cabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging words whose letters have the same numerical value when added." Learn the Hebrew Alephbet and its occult correspondences with online flashcards. If you enter numbers it will check a database for other examples of words and calculations that match that number. Here the usual position of aleph and beth are switched, and the letters shin and tav are brought from the end of the alephbet and positioned behind the gimel and the daleth. Note, however, that the gematria for the parts of the letter Aleph add up to 26 (Yod+Yod+Vav). My strongest source on the matter was "In The Continuum", Vol V, No. Gematria (/ ɡ ə ˈ m eɪ t r i ə /; Hebrew: גמטריא ‎ or Gimatria גימטריה ‎, plural גמטראות ‎ or גמטריאות ‎, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. The hebrew code is embedded in the Tanakh (the Old Testament), and … These include the Book of Genesis and various A∴A∴ texts written by Aleister Crowley. ... Word Count In The Tanakh: Thanks to the wonders of the electronic age, accurate data is now accessible which was formerly the domain of myth and speculation. Gematria is said to derive from the Greek word Γεωμετρια - meaning Geometry. I often tell people that “there is no guesswork involved in Gematria”. INTERIORES ADVERTE Secondly, there is a way of counting the letters that is based on the values assigned in reverse; from the last letter of the alephbet to the first letter. The Shematria Gematria Calculator was created by Bethsheba Ashe and is brought to you by the Sanctum Regnum. The theory being that יהוה is a notariqon of the Name that. ... (Tanakh) in existence is the one preserved at the National Library of Russia in Saint Petersburg, and thus called the Leningrad Codex. At the same time, the area of the rectangle is equal to that of a circle with a radius of 19 - ChVH - Eve. It follows from this, by means of numerical equivalence, that God is identifiable with AHBH and AChD - Love and Unity - because the letter values of these two words sum as 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 and 1 + 8 + 4 = 26. How well do you know the Hebrew Alephbet & its occult correspondences? Furthermore, the difference between 2025 and 676, gives the value of GN ALHIM when the final letters N and M are counted high - 1349. For example, in the garden of Eden story of Genesis 3 we are never told the identity of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge that was consumed by Adam and Eve. Everyone researching whether the bible had code were testing it with the Standard cipher but this is a cover-cipher that was used by the Rabbis in the Talmud to talk about the gematria of the Bible. Shematria Gematria Calculator © Copyright 2021 The Sanctum Regnum - All Rights ReservedTerms, Conditions & our Privacy Policy. • Vav for the pink section (480). The Old Hebrew and Old Greek languages had no special numbers. Hence, 'INTERIORES ADVERTE' is abbreviated 'I.A. It may also be compounded with the word Γραμμα - meaning Writing. Although gematria starts with the book of Genesis, was ubiquitous in the culture of the ancient Greeks and forms a blueprint for the foundation of Christianity, the main focus of this website concerns more recent history and the culture of the English speaking world. The esoteric material presented on these pages involves the revelation of information which has been hidden. English Gematria Calculator, Gematria - Cryptic Numerology of the Cabala It will also read the verse aloud in its original language. Gematria provides convincing evidence of the Bible's divine authorship - just the first seven words of the Hebrew Bible are all it takes to affirm that God is the Creator. This priestly ordering of the alephbet produces a twenty count. The English transliteration of the code was made by Aleister Crowley and can be found in many of the class A documents of the Order of the  A∴A∴. This gematria calculator uses three ancient hebrew gematria codes (biblical gematria, the reversal cipher and the genesis order) and each code has been transliterated to Greek, Arabic & English. What is Gematria? 31 was the total of the word, It is not known why the ancients of the first Temple cult ordered and numbered their alephbet this way, but the leading theory for it suggests that it was with the intention to prevent non-initiates from saying the Holy Name. One other feature that is part and parcel of biblical gematria is the use of mnemonics. The gematria sheds new light. Together the sum total of the seven letters on the Palaces is 217  ;  ב + א + א + ר + ד + ד + ה   It will not count any numbers that you enter if they accompany letters. Thirdly, some texts are keyed verse by verse according to alphabetic order. The values of these four letters are 10 - 5 - 6 - 5, thus the 'number of His name' is 26. all the letters of the alephbet when they are divided on the Palaces into 4 distinct sections (color coded here): The Shematria Gematria Calculator was created by Bethsheba Ashe and is brought to you by the Sanctum Regnum. The Old Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters and the ancient Greek alphabet 27 letters. However, there was also a, It represents the potent force of the divine directed to seven essential domains of creation. However, there was also a priestly order for the alephbet that runs from beth to resh, and this arrangement forms the backbone of the Genesis creation story ;  ב א ג ש ד ת ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר  They are the foundations of Jewish mystical writings and their interpretation. Tet Advanced Information. The whole Bible (OT and NT) was written on 22+27=49 (7x7) scrolls (see Structure of the Bible). The purpose of this embedding was twofold; to conceal key pieces of information from the mysteries so that they could only be understood by initiates, and to pay reverence to God by its composition. It will not count any numbers that you enter if they accompany letters. A well known example is that of God, whose name spelt in Hebrew, is IHVH (). He hinted to them that they would be exiled from it at the end of 852 years, the gematria, numerical value, of the word וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם, but He exiled them earlier, at the end of 850 years. We can consider, for example, a Vesica Piscis - one of the most important figures in sacred geometry. ., read The Discovery of English Qaballa, by Carol Smith. These are words that have been set aside to represent a value other than the word sums to. Firstly, there is a reduced form of gematria which assigns value to letters based on their position. This is the value of the woman created as a companion for Adam, ChVH - 'Eve'. Just like any mathematician today, the scribes of the Bible expected that their peers would be able to reproduce a sum they had written down and arrive at the exact gematria number the author had intended them to. Our database is always growing and you can help us do that by telling us about any interesting calculations you discover in whatever text you’re working with. Every letter of the alphabet has a number, and thus each word (in Hebrew, Greek or English) has a numerical value, but for a code to qualify as gematria it must have a few other features. On this website I demonstrate that English, with its origin in Latin script, is every bit as valid a language for gematria and that its heritage by this means is as rich as those of Hebrew and Greek. • Heh for the green section (93). English Gematria Calculator. However there is no way of showing this abstraction in a written form, or in an ordered list like Genesis 1-2, so the shin is after the gimel and the tav is after daleth. The book search function shows each verse parsed in its original language and writing script. Why the name Gematria? Now anyone can access the mysteries of the Bible and other holy writings with Shematria. Gematria / Gimatria. It represents the potent force of the divine directed to seven essential domains of creation. It is not known why the ancients of the first Temple cult ordered and numbered their alephbet this way, but the leading theory for it suggests that it was with the intention to prevent non-initiates from saying the Holy Name. In addition to this, the circle within which the rectangle may be precisely drawn has a circumference of 163, and by this means can symbolise that which was created: AaVLM HZH - 'This World'. The Seven Palaces of the World of Yetzirah• Yod for the blue section (220). The Gematria of the Parts of Aleph The basic gematria for Aleph is one, indicating the One and only God who is the Master of the universe. It must have words (usually verbs) reserved to indicate addition, subtraction, multiplication or division in the calculation. La gematria sembra essere stata introdotta nella cultura ebraica in epoca ellenistica come sviluppo dell'isopsefia, che è lo studio numerologico delle parole scritte in greco basato sul sistema di numerazione greco, che utilizzava 27 segni costituiti dalle 24 lettere dell'alfabeto greco classico e da altre 3 lettere disusate digamma qoppa e sampi. This gematria calculator uses three ancient hebrew gematria codes (, This gematria calculator allows you to subtract as well as add and do simple division and multiplication. 120+68=188 In this arrangement, the letters Shin and Tav are in the last two positions, and this is the traditional and general order that became set around the 12th or 11th century BCE. In this arrangement, the letters Shin and Tav are in the last two positions, and this is the traditional and general order that became set around the 12th or 11th century BCE. In this way the sacred vesica defines the relationship between the Creator and mankind. A D V E R T E The only difference being that the gematria coding of English has been one of the best kept secrets of the English-speaking world. In particular, the gematria of English provides the key to unlocking many of the secret doctrines of the Freemasons and the true identity of the greatest writer in the English language, William Shakespeare. Check the gematria calculator for the number 700 and you will find that all the nouns of 1:1 sum to it: God's primal act of creation is encapsulated by the first verse of Genesis. Our database is always growing and you can help us do that by. Gematria and the Tanakh iii. For example: The Book Search function will allow you to bring up interlinear verses from the Tanakh, NT and the Book of the Law. Yet every code that is made by human beings has a shelf life, whether that is 100 years or 2000 years, and is destined to be revealed by the ingenuity of human beings. Usually these words relate to the egyptian pictograms that were the origin of the letters. Our calculator uses the term 'the Genesis Order' for this. This means there’s two letters with the value of 3 and two letters with the value of 4, and because this is counter-intuitive to most people the cipher remained secret. 1., which can be ordered from the Temple of Thelema. It is also a fact that the area of the rectangle is equal to that of a square with a perimeter of 139: the value of - GN ALHIM - the Garden of Eden. This means that the 26 by 45 rectangle enclosing the vesica of creation has a diagonal of the square root of 2701. Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: גימטריה‎, gēmaṭriyā) is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to a person's age, the calendar year, or the like. If you enter numbers it will check a database for other examples of words and calculations that match that number. Both alphabets have together 22+27=49 (7x7) letters. Whereas the practise of gematria is concerned with decoding a text (like the Bible) that has been embedded with gematria. The practise of numerology allows a person to explore their own subconscious mind. The hebrew code is embedded in the Tanakh (the Old Testament), and its Greek transliteration is found in the New Testament. בראשית + אלהים + השמים + הארץ The Hebrew words here - BRAShITh BRA ALHIM ATh HShMIM VATh HARTz - have a value of 2701. There are unfathomable mysteries in the gematria of Genesis and this but a gleam from the crest of the tip of a very large iceberg. 31 was the total of the word אל EL which means ‘God’ and was the numerical foundation of an ancient map of the creation called ‘the Seven Palaces’. The sentence structure, or grammar rules, derive from number patterns which are conformed according to the properties of 'sacred' geometry. Gematria works on the premise that the letters of the alphabet can also be used as numbers, and therefore words and phrases acquire distinctive numerical values. The letter Tet is the ninth letter of the Aleph-Bet, having the numeric value of nine. (PC only), Shematria Gematria Calculator © Copyright 2021 The Sanctum Regnum - All Rights Reserved. This gematria calculator allows you to subtract as well as add and do simple division and multiplication. This way of arranging a text to the alephbet determines the overall meaning of each verse through correspondence with a cosmological map of the heavens and earth. There are three ways that the order of the alephbet concerns gematria. • Heh for the yellow section (217). In Latin gematria, the most common system of valuation seems to be the Latin Qabala Simplex, called that because it is quite simple: The letters are simply assigned values from 1 to 22 in the order in which they occur. What made this arrangement special was its total value. 188' or 'CLXXXVIII'. Gematria is so accurate that it can be used to solve textual corruptions in the bible. 9+12+18 +5+16 +9+13+16 +5+17=120 C (100) + L (50) + XXX (30) + V (5) + III (3) or CLXXXVIII Throughout history, individuals and organisations have chosen to guard their secrets by various cryptic means and gematria is not only one of these, but arguably has the most distinguished provenance of any. Biblical Gematria was a secret until 5 years ago. Provides many up-to-date Bible versions including original hebrew and greek texts. A vesica with a width of 26 - IHVH (the Creator), has a height of 45, which is the gematria value of the man he created ADM - Adam. 220 + 86 + 98 + 296 = 700 This gematria calculator uses three ancient hebrew gematria codes (biblical gematria, the reversal cipher and the genesis order) and each code has been transliterated to Greek, Arabic & English. Our calculator uses the term 'the Reversal Cipher' for this. When we add together the letters according to their order in the alephbet they total to 217, which is 31 x 7: 1+2+3+3+4+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20=217. This is actually a rather restrictive definition because gematria was every bit as important to other peoples in antiquity, and examples of its use are more common in the culture of classical Greece than in Judaism. For instance when you see the word “door” in hebrew you calculate it as 4 (for the letter daleth), or when you see the word “eyes” in hebrew you calculate it as 70 (for the letter ayin). However we do not vouch for the accuracy of the source file for the Tanakh and all serious researchers should consult a professional study bible such as The usual order of the alephbet runs from aleph to tav;  א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת  1 +4+19 +5+16+18 +5=68 Then just add 'em up. The theory being that יהוה is a notariqon of the Name that encompasses all the letters of the alephbet when they are divided on the Palaces into 4 distinct sections (color coded here): The difference between God and man is 45 - 26 = 19. Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, (Hebrew, ספר רזיאל המלאך, "the book of Raziel the angel"), is a grimoire of Practical Kabbalah from the Middle Ages written primarily in Hebrew and Aramaic.The Liber Razielis Archangeli, its 13th-century Latin translation produced under Alfonso X, survives. Isolated numbers, such as 26, have only limited utility: they are the words of the numerical language. I N T E R I O R E S This is the same number as the sacred Name YHVH, also indicating a link between the Aleph and God Himself. A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z It is like reading the tarot cards or throwing the I-Ching.
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