Dogs just shed. At first sight they’re ready to be your new best friend, or anyone else they meet for that matter. Their big, round eyes are always full of expression and their short legs combined with a long torso make them look comical when they run. They are born hairless, and usually, have pink or black skin with some freckles at birth. They are at the top of their class and, in a calm environment, can learn very quickly. They have a very distinct-looking coat, which is grey with just a slight tint of blue, along with a magnificent beard and mustache. They’re just happy to be with you and your family. Chinese Crested dogs are picky, and prefer the company of their owner over strangers or children. First time dog owners should do extensive research before welcoming any breed into their home. Training and patience is an absolute must, or else they may decide who makes the rules around the house. He requires a lot of attention and love and is one of those dogs that hate being left alone. While sometimes affectionate with their family, it’s not on their list of priorities. But with all that attachment, these dogs can have separation anxiety and can be noisy when left alone for too long. We have yet another hunter on this list: the Sealyham Terrier. They make excellent companions and are very easy to live with. However, his ancestry comes from Great Britain. Well, schnauze means muzzle in German. Unlimited energy and the world’s biggest heart, that’s what you get with a Schnauzer. Energetic and elegant, the perfect way to describe the Maltese. They love playing with toys, so you might see them carrying around a couple of their favorite toys in seek of playing time with their owners. However, the Barbet is a rare breed, and you may be hard pressed to find one in your area. The exotic looking coat develops into ‘cords’ as they mature and needs a lot of work to maintain. But their owner is the only love in their life, and sometimes no one else is welcome into that relationship. Coton de Tulear is a smart dog that will always enjoy making you laugh. So let’s get started and take a look at some of the cute terrier breeds that shed the least. The Chinese Crested might be the answer. Brushing is usually enough every few weeks, with a slicker brush and comb. Too smart for their own good, and they come with a little extra sass. Besides the love and attention, this is an easy dog to maintain. Poodles are at the top of their class, being ranked as one of the most intelligent breeds. ​When we think of allergies with ​pets, we naturally assume it’s the hair causing it. They can do just fine without a yard and will enjoy being active inside their home. Their owners should give them enough attention and affection in order to train them well and control their barking habits. Its wiry coat sheds next to nothing and on top of that has no odor. Labradoodles are amazing dogs! With all that love they have to share, and because they want to please their owners, they are especially sensitive to scolding. That makes the Wheaten a great companion no matter where you live. This small and cuddly dog breed is known for having a fun and active personality. As the name and the photo say this is almost a hairless breed and as expected the shedding is virtually non-existing. So, a daily routine of exercise and mental stimulation is what will keep your Poodle out of trouble. Yorkies live for companionship, and show endless love and trust for their owner. If you want a hypoallergenic Labradoodle with minimal shedding, then you’ll need one from a 3rd generation litter. Labradoodles are good family dogs but can be boisterous so an adult must supervise when they’re around kids. Although they are a steady dog, they are easily trained. The Westie is very playful, feisty and strong-willed. So be sure to check if you have an allergic reaction before adopting. With their speed and intelligence, they thrive as hunting or agility dogs. Little Griffs love playing with their dog owners and are very energetic. Despite their bad habits, they are very bright and quick learners. The Peruvian Inca Orchid is a dog breed that in a lot of their traits resembles a whippet. These dogs are calm and gentle leaders, showing deep love for their family. They were originally bred to hunt foxes, so running and digging comes pre-wired. This makes them a wonderful companion – if you can accommodate their energetic lifestyle. These pups are among noble breeds that were popular among royals even during Roman times. Here’s another little secret: the only thing better than one Shih Tzu is TWO Shih Tzus! Not surprisingly, they don’t fair well in the cold and prefer hot climates and warm blankets. They can also be amazing lap dogs that will enjoy cuddling with their owners. Thanks to these characteristics, the Affenpinscher is often called a “Rottweiler wannabe”. With their alert attitude and fierce loyalty to their owners, the Airdale Terrier makes an excellent watch dog. Their friendliness combined with intellect means they absolutely excel in training and agility. When it comes to its coat it’s also easy to maintain – it should be clipped every couple of months. They tend to grow calmer as they mature, but still need ways to stimulate their body and mind.Poodles can be a groomers dream dog, their soft frizzy hair makes them perfect for styling and trying out the latest trends. Friendliness is in their genetics, that’s because Shih Tzu’s were bred for companionship. Important Note: Allergic reactions may be triggered by saliva or urine as well. And while training these dogs may be a slow process, it is necessary to curb excessive barking and other bad habits. Despite looking a little “dainty”, these are hearty animals that love a little rough play and long runs. A Norfolk has a hardy, wiry coat that protects him of any kind of weather. The last thing you want is a bored Terrier, or else they’ll resort to chewing, barking, and digging. So, don’t expect him to go jogging with you. Because they needed to keep up with hunters on horseback, they are very energetic. This fluffy, white dog is the perfect family dog, but also the perfect pet if you live in an apartment! Brussels Griffon is also known as Griffon Bruxellois. These are lovable little lap-dogs that love to play and explore, and are perfect for singles. While quite active and alert, they are (thankfully) not known to be excessively noisy or yappy. Easily save as a PDF or print. Whether you have a large family or not, a Norwich will fit easily into any household environment. Work hard and play hard – that’s the Border Terrier motto. Sometimes Bolognese dogs can be shy towards new people. This is definitely a dog with an interesting history. Cairns also have a double coat, a wiry, shaggy top coat, and a soft undercoat. Mistreating their companions in ancient Tibet was believed to bring bad luck to the entire village. While they have a fierce side, they can be very loyal and loving toward their family. However, they do carry some of the typical Terrier traits: digging, chasing, and barking are common when bored. They are the largest of all terrier breeds, often averaging at 45 to 65 pounds and as tall as 2 feet. A clever hunting breed originating from the Congo, this is a unique dog with a sharp wit. 1) Australian Terrier Combined with their intelligence and energy, these dogs excel at learning, and sometimes getting a little mischievous. This breed is also one of the smallest Terriers and resembles quite a lot the Norfolk Terrier. They are a proud, independent dog, now assuming the position of protecting their family. And with all that pre-wired hunting energy, they need a very active daily lifestyle. The Maltese dog is probably most known for its little shedding traits. 27 Dog Christmas Pajamas For Fido. Lagotto does indeed have the teddy bear appearance of other small breeds, but he is much stronger and can endure longer and harder exercise. Their favorite pastimes include being brushed (of course), playing, running, and being with their owner. They are very loyal to their owner and like to have moderate amounts of exercise. The Norwich Terrier was originally bred for hunting vermin and foxes, so seeing this dog hunt for insects is not something to be surprised of. He really loves people and enjoys spending time with its family. This is a very active breed that needs its walks regularly and would much rather play outside than resting inside. These unique characters are fun loving, intelligent, and gentle, but can be extremely challenging when it comes to training. But getting into a routine of exercise and other activities will help curb bad habits (by keeping them too tired or occupied to misbehave). They are very intelligent and their serious attitude will be a great source of laughter for years. Chihuahuas adore warmth, oh, yes! These are working dogs with a high amount of energy, which means they’ll need a very high amount of running and stimulation every day. Similar to its Terrier relatives, the Airdale was bred for working and hunting, but built to be more agile and better at swimming. They also have a passion for digging, so don’t get surprised if he suddenly finds it interesting to dig holes in the park or your yard. While swimming is its specialty, so is pleasing its owners – which makes them wonderful companions. Not surprisingly, they don’t fair well in the cold and prefer hot climates and warm blankets. His lively nature will make him a great company for all those lazy nights, as he will entertain you with his intelligent games. A Massive Dog Food Recall Has Been Issued. The topcoat is rather hard and wiry, while the undercoat is soft and dense. Daily exercise is absolutely necessary to keep this big guy content. There is actually a huge number of small dogs that don’t shed. It wants to be around people as much as possible, so being home alone isn’t something Bichons enjoy for longer periods of time. Coton de Tulears will be perfect companion dogs that will always stay by your side. Sealy’s coat is medium long and is usually all white. You might say she's multi-talented when it comes to pets. Terriers love every second spent with their family, showing their deeply affectionate side when at home. Border Terriers were primarily bred to assist in foxhunts, so they still have the drive to hunt. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Stubbornness is usually a trait intelligent dogs have, so this is also true for Basenjis. The Australian Silky Terrier is also known as Silky Terrier, and as you can probably guess from his name, he was bred in Australia. 25+ Dogs That Don't Shed All Over Your House. A little stinky? They are incredibly intelligent and independent creatures, carrying an almost mysterious personality. This short-legged terrier is a small breed that loves being outdoors. The Italian Greyhound is an elegant dog that is the smallest of the hounds. In fact, they require more brushing! Think about your own hair. Birds, squirrels, and other critters will peak their interest, which is usually followed by chasing and barking. Their coat is curly and often has a crisp texture with topknots. They are known for their charming personality. They are big and powerful, sometimes weighing up to 100 pounds, yet they can haul that weight around no problem with their fast legs. At first sight, The Norfolk Terrier might look exactly like the Norwich Terrier. The Shih Tzu is playful, lovable, and wants nothing more than to be part of the family. Click on the desired breed, or scroll to read the whole list. These small Terrier dogs were developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England. This is done through careful breeding. However, this dog does not tolerate being alone and can often suffer from separation anxiety. They have short bursts of energy and play, but still enjoy daytime naps and love being the fearless hero for your home. However, they do come with a high list of needs that must be met. This ancient dog of Malta has been around humans for three millennia and hasn’t changed much ever since. This breed was originally used as a water retrieval dog dating back over 200 years ago! They have been painted quite often by famous artists, especially in Italy. Despite how little hair they have, they can still shed and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, they aren’t recommended for novice owners. Often compared to as a smaller version of a Water Spaniel, these dogs carry very similar traits. He is definitely one of the most distinctive-looking terriers out there and they are highly spirited. However, this can also be undesirable as it will do anything it can to entertain itself if it’s alone for too long, including chewing and barking noisily. With a strong desire to work all day long, these a very high energy dogs that love having a job. They are very sensitive and do not handle well rough play. Let’s first clarify one thing. Have children or other pets? You could recognize a Dandie Dinmont Terrier easily thanks to his large head covered with afro shaped hair. Their beautiful and exotic looking features attest to their ancient history. Full of painful tangles? While it may be true in some other other categories, it doesn’t have to be the case when it comes to this! With time, their freckles will get bigger and more numerous. They were originally bred to hunt otters, foxes, and badgers, but today they are really great, funny pets that make perfect companion dogs. They definitely have an unmistakable look, but what’s also great is that Schnauzers also come in miniature size! Originally bred to hunt foxes and protect livestock, the Lakeland Terrier is there to watch and defend what’s most important. It’s all in the name – these dogs were literally born for Water. The Silky are brave characters, often displaying their boldness and never showing any fear. Chinese Crested dogs are picky, and prefer the company of their owner over strangers or children. They’d rather cuddle up on the couch with you than spend their day with excessive running. Which means this can be a challenging dog. The Bedlington Terrier has a really specific appearance which makes him one of the best fashionistas in the dog breed world. We also recommend you check out these 4 Common Myths about Non Shedding Dogs. They also burrow under blankets and tunnel under towels. This is also the ideal breed for people with allergies. The toy poodle is just like a regular poodle but only in a much smaller package. And with all that energy and playfulness, you’ve got your work cut out for you. With those short little legs, you can’t expect them to jog, but they certainly enjoy a leisurely walk. These dogs are depicted in ancient scriptures, pottery, and even Egyptian tombs. But with all that hard exterior, they have a true soft spot for their family, and love nothing more than to play and run with their family. 13 Big Dogs That Don’t Shed Much If shed dog hair frustrates you or makes you a miserable, sneezing mess, you’ll want to try to pick ‘non-shedding dogs’. Always relay any questions you have regarding your pet’s medical condition to your veterinarian, local animal hospital or other qualified veterinary provider. You might imagine a poodle as being elegant, gentle creatures (and they most certainly can be), but what you might not expect is for poodles to be incredible athletes. Elegant, athletic, hardy, and clever. Download the Free "Can Dogs Eat..." Whitepaper, 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors, Meet the Breed: Friendly Nederlandse Kooikerhondje. That’s what we have listed here. If you’re looking for a love-stricken lap dog, then look no further. Are Labradoodles Hypoallergenic – for full details. Some dogs produce minimal dander, and we call those hypoallergenic ​breeds. Komondors are fiercely loyal to their family, going as far as becoming territorial towards those they don’t trust. Because of their past watch dog traits, the Lhasa Apso can be aggressive toward strangers. Peruvian Inca Orchids, also called PIOs, have an athlete, agile body and require enough of active time. This small, independent Terrier will make a perfect pet for everyone that is willing to provide him with a fun and challenging environment. This loyalty can lead to aggression, and the Komondor is not a dog to back down from a fight.Although not dog-friendly, they are great protectors of livestock and are most often found guarding farms.Their temperament makes them difficulty for the average owner and comes with a long list of challenges and responsibilities. They are very intelligent and learn quickly, so they make great apartment pets. You heard that right: there is no such thing as a dog that does not shed. He is a great companion for little kids, the elderly an also he disabled. As a working breed, the Blue Terrier needs a lot of daily exercise, and they absolutely love having a routine or a “job”. It is a toy breed that is named after its city of origin, Brussels. They shed slightly more than other hypoallergenic dog breeds, which is why some even doubt their hypoallergenic trait. Therefore, positive patience is what you’ll need so you can learn and grow together. They prefer to be your full-time companion, so they do not like being left alone for long periods of time. They love to please their owners and are very receptive to training, which is why they are a common sight in agility and hunting. Daily exercise is crucial for the Schnauzer, or they may take their boredom out by being destructive. All rights reserved. They often need time to warm up to you. It’s their short legs to blame! Their enthusiasm and affection knows no bounds, and you can expect this guy to be bouncing off the wall with them.Schnauzers love to be the center of attention; they’ll put on a show for you and your friends and are amazing comedians. They can be completely white, white and black, or even brown or grey. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. It is a small and serene dog. There is still no hard evidence that this dog is completely hypoallergenic or shed-free, and it seems to vary between different litters. They love being challenged mentally and physically, so just provide them with enough adventure in-house and outdoors and they will be the nicest pet there is. However, they should not cause allergic reactions. They are amazing companions, and great with children. But that doesn’t mean they won’t become a wonderful companion. These dogs were originally bred to hunt rodents, and these traits are still very apparent as their prey drive is off the charts. Not all of them are hairless though. Water Spaniels are the class-clown; their boundless energy and playfulness make them absolutely hilarious dogs that love attention. These are very active dogs, and they need daily stimulation or they may become bored and destructive. Just because you have a non shedding dog doesn’t mean you can ignore their coat. Schnauzers are gentle, affectionate, and their aim is to make you smile. Often referred to as the Velcro dog, the Coton wants nothing more than to be stuck to your side. What makes Basenji different is his short coat combined with a small, muscular body and his wrinkled brow. The Chinese Crested is one of the most astonishing breeds in the dog world. Because these little guys are so full of love and energy, they need to get out everyday for some exercise. Cheerful, loving, and a little trouble maker, the Bichon Frise has plenty of personality to share with everyone around her. Not all Labradoodles are hypoallergenic, and some shed more than others. But with that tough-guy attitude comes a big heart, because all they really want to do is protect the ones they love. In fact, training dogs to hunt for sheds has become quite popular. They are known for their devotion to their owners and their great suitability to apartment living. Furthermore, Bichon Frise is common representative of small dog breeds that don’t shed. Guard duty is their top priority, so barking and chasing every little critter are common for these breeds. What does the Schnauzer actually mean? It only needs to be brushed from time to time and clipped every couple of months. They shed very little and are therefore allergy friendly dogs. They almost don’t shed at all and their fur is hypoallergenic. Hounds are bred mostly to hunt by sight and chase the prey. So if you think you might have seen an old portrait that included this dog breed, then you’re not wrong. They are a working breed, and as such, they need a job or daily activities to keep them content. Stacker compiled a list of the 26 most popular dog breeds that don’t shed based on 2020 data from the American Kennel Club (AKC). These dogs are highly intelligent, and they are fully aware of just how smart they are, so they can be a very clever and mischievous breed. Despite their “tough-guy” attitude, they are truly gentle and affectionate creatures with their loved ones and are great with children, but wary of strangers and other dogs. Dandies are intelligent and are great watchdogs. Being a dog owner is wonderful. They are truly brave dogs and are ready to defend the “pack” as necessary. Their energy and enthusiasm knows no bounds, and they’ll often want to be the center of attention. The Irish Terrier is fearless and alert, always on the lookout for intruders. Their main goal in life is to make you laugh. While they need a lot of daily activity, they’re also content for some daytime naps and cuddling. What To Do When Your Dog Has Diarrhea? Although he won’t shed much, in order to look his best, he will need regular brushing. The data was compiled from AKC's Hypoallergenic Dogs list; those that don't have a ranking are either not registered with the AKC or are newly registered this year. Read more and discover 30 small hypoallergenic breeds that don’t shed and could be the perfect companion for you. You will need to locate breeders in your area and do some research.*. Even hypoallergenic breeds can cause allergic reactions if they are not bathed and groomed regularly, due to the buildup of allergen-related proteins on the skin. Thousands of years ago, Tibetan Terriers were working dogs known as the “Holy Dogs of Tibet” and were highly valued and considered to bring good fortune. They are kind and loving, and crave all your attention. They are tiny, thin, and make an exotic fashion statement – which is being mostly naked. He loves to be in the center of attention, more precisely the center of your life. The Giant Schnauzer was bred to herd and guard, but also to be an intelligent companion. Digging and barking are other favorite hobbies, and ones that take training and patience to subdue. Your Wheaten responds best to positive and patient training, rather than scolding. The Tibetan name for this dog is the Tsang Apso, which loosely translates to “shaggy dog”, which is fitting for its distinct thick long coat. This is a very loving dog that cares for its family very much and is very protective of its family members. Despite being a terrier, a Sealy is not so active as his terrier relatives, but he will always be ready to play with his people. They are very smart, and will even try to answer you back in their own particular way when talked to. The Shih Tzu is a real family dog-loving, friendly, playful and loyal. This dog... Dog Breeds to Avoid As A First Time Dog Owner. Owners will need to demonstrate assertive leadership in order to maintain who’s really in charge. Scottish Terriers can be black, grey, brindle, or wheaten in color, and their coat is composed of two layers. Their fur is little-to-no-shedding, they are extremely intelligent and have an elegant appearance. The Australian Terrier is a small terrier with a rough coat. However, they have a really good nature and are very loyal, loving and fearless. Just like Chewbacca, this breed is loyal, intelligent, and sometimes moody. Big hearts and unlimited energy, that’s just the Schnauzer way. If you're a neatnik, you'll need to either pick a low-shedding breed or relax your standards. The Chinese Crested loves children, as long as they remember it doesn’t have hair and that they have to be gentle with it. But who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? Apart from being alert, curious and stubborn, the Affenpinscher is also known for shedding very little. However, these dogs are especially sensitive to any kind of scolding, and require very gentle and patient owners. It’s believed that the Chinese Crested descended from the “African Hairless Terrier” when Chinese explorers discovered this breed and bred it to be smaller. Like all Schnauzers, they have a big heart, and want to share that affection with their owners all day. Shih Tzu’s can be quite energetic, and they love playtime and exploring to let off some of that excess energy. Maltese are incredibly intelligent but also impatient, so children and other dogs may annoy this breed. They love to spend their time outdoors and are great companions for any sports activity you might want to have. always active and ready to save the day, and their true calling is the water. If you’re living in an apartment that you would like to keep clean and hairless, and you might even be allergic to dogs, so there’s no point in even thinking about getting a dog, right? Giving and receiving love is part of being a Shih Tzu owner. Biewer Terriers are among the most loveable of all small dog breeds. This dog is similar to its relatives, the Bichon Frise and Maltese, but is a little more down to earth. Like all terriers, they can be stubborn so early training and socialization are crucial. This interesting breed is very polite and gentle and it loves cuddling and snuggling. Just because you’re not a fan of cleaning up hair after a dog or have a dog allergy doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy being a dog owner! Their good natured attitude makes them very compatible for just about anything; kids, families, and other dogs are not a problem – the more the merrier. Have you heard about non shedding small dogs? Combined with their independent nature, they will often go running off (at very high speeds) with no hope of you catching them.Â. They are very alert dogs that can be pretty stubborn at times. If you were to ignore brushing and bathing for a few months, how would it look? You are their entire world, so its their job to keep you laughing and playing. Ten essential dog grooming tools that will help you keep your dog healthy. With all that stubbornness the Westie can be difficult to train, but they are a very sensitive soul and do not respond well to scolding. You’ll have to remove the dead hair by hand or with a stripping tool. You’ll be grooming, bathing, and brushing this coat out very often because, just like a mop, it collects dirt very quickly. So it’s not surprising that these dogs will fit perfectly into just about any home. So if you’re a busy person that would have to be away from home for more than 6 hours, better find a dog that is able to enjoy some time alone. Being part of the Terrier family also means they have a very high prey drive, and any little critter they cross paths with will cause them to bark and give chase. They do not make perfect companions for families with children. The Biewer Terrier is a longhaired and tri-colored toy breed that always manages to surprise their owners with how much love they are ready to give. It is also not very prone to shedding which is why it is suitable for apartment living. Apart from being friendly and great with children, its non-existing shedding is one of the main reasons people who like it neat and tidy choose this breed for their apartment. They also need friends, and will flourish with other dogs or a full-time playful companion. But even if that’s not your thing, Poodles need extensive grooming to keep them healthy. As you may have guessed, this is similar to a Miniature or Standard Schnauzer, but just 60 to 80 pounds heavier. They absolutely love being your companion, and flourish with love and attention. In fact, some have full coats of thin white hair. Sometimes mistaken for a Labradoodle, the Barbet certainly share some similar characteristics. Their coat is hypoallergenic, smooth and can be very long. Lakelands make great companions; they love to show off their energetic side to their families, and do whatever is necessary to make you smile. The crisp body coat comes in two spicy colors: pepper (bluish black to silvery gray) and mustard (reddish brown to pale fawn).
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