Also Know, what was the government like in Athens? best. in Athens, a form of government called democracy was established. The only truly democratic mode of selection, Aristotle assumed, was the lot.3 This essay explores another difference between ancient and modern democracy, arguably the most important. Since Greeks invented democracy, they also invented the name for it. 1) From Document _____: 2) From Document _____: 3) From Document _____: 4) From Document _____: Coming to Consensus STARTING NOW, YOU MAY ABANDON YOUR ASSIGNED POSITION AND ARGUE FOR EITHER SIDE. Ancient Athens was NOT truly democratic: List the 4 main points/evidence that support this side. Read More. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Find four pieces of evidence that support your side 10 minutes Team A … That freedom was challenged by … The democratic views of the Athenians were open … Learn. merit. Athens itself was not a democracy, but it did set the foundations for the still-evolving democracy that is being carried on today. Ancient Greece, in its early period, was a loose collection of independent city states called poleis. Lemesis Reyes Sec: 27 Although, Ancient Athens is known to be the birthplace of democracy. Other Greek cities set up democracies, most but not all … Democracy is a system of government in which there is free and equal participation by the people in the political decision-making process. The main criticism of ancient Athenian democracy is the limitations Athenian law placed upon who could be considered a citizen. democracy. magistrates. In ancient Athens, the Athenian government was not truly … Ancient Athens was truly democratic: List the 4 main points/evidence that support this side. a member of a democracy who has certain rights. In ancient Athens, the Athenian government was not truly Democratic because only a little population of citizens could vote, the city can decide whether. Source(s): US News and World Report. Unlike modern day democracies, in which citizens elect lawmakers who represent their interests, the Athenian government was run and influenced by the votes of each and every citizen. Write. Your … obscurity. Day 1 (Thursday): Structured Academic Controversy Day 2 (Friday): Outline and write 1 argumentative paragraph Homework: You have both mandatory and optional homework between day 1 and day 2. position in society. In Ancient Athens, there were many rules you had to follow, and if you didn’t follow them, well then you would be punished. STUDY. Ancient Greece we must remember was two thirds slaves. Match. Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? Many opposition politicians was forced to leave Athens or killed based on very doubtful evidences prepared in politicaly-dependent … save hide report. lhamilton8. Japan's debt is very large. Although Athens is the most famous ancient Greek democratic city-state, it was not the only one, nor was it the first; multiple other city-states adopted similar democratic constitutions before Athens. It is an academic question, but here a list of few (most important) reasons: Government of Athens was very often changed, by coup d`etat. Its history, which recedes back into mythological pre-history, follows closely the political history of Athens, and shows the ongoing tension between democratic and anti-democratic forces (see, for example, Isoc. Many of these poleis were oligarchies. that democracy truly … “Social class is not allowed to interfere with someone’s merit, and poverty does not block the way. Terms in this set (13) Social class. Athens itself was not a democracy, but it did set the foundations for the still-evolving democracy that is being carried on today. Athens experiment with democracy came an end after Athens lost a war with Sparta. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62377e379e0739ea The word democracy (dēmokratia) derives from dēmos, which refers to the entire citizen body, and kratos, meaning rule. Athens had a direct democracy. Write. Sometimes voting was … 1. government officials. a type of government where ruling power is shared by all citizens. There are many factors of the Athenian government and its political system which raise questions about the legitimacy of the “world’s first democracy.” Athenian … That is another reason why Athens is truly not democratic. Source: However, only twelve percent of Athens's populace was allowed to vote, and civic involvement was much more participatory. PROCEDURE 30 minutes With your teammate, read the documents in the Athenian Democracy document set.
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